Eng. № 07. News. E. Now, Look Here! (publicistics)

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страниц: ~42
знаков: ~65200
Жанры: Политика, Публицистика, Проза, Экономика
Рейтинг: 3.743
Голосов: 1

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Добавлена: 14.04.2018
  Here is my entire publicistics, which is pretty voluminous and because of this I divide it in several booklets, from 3 to 5 materials containing about 50 KB text. In this booklet continue the things for newspapers. Look at the excerpts about the contents, short summaries, and the years of their writing.   Keywords: Bulgaria, publicistics, politics, economy, democracy, today’s food, some things about the cocks, about global warming, popularly, unbiased, personal ideas.

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