Top 4 Trending Technologies to Master In 2020


Technology is now evolving at a rapid pace, and every day, new innovations are pouring into our lives. Considering these technological advancements, IT professionals must keep themselves up to date with the latest technological trends. To help you in this regard, below – mentioned are the top four trending technologies to master in 2020:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already gathered mass attention during recent years, but its profound effects on our lives declare it as a top 2020 trend. Furthermore, with the developments in AI subsidiary fields, its scope in employment is likely to do a 180-degree turn.

AI refers to robots or computer systems that are designed to replicate human intelligence and perform tasks such as speech, pattern, or image recognition. Nowadays, this technology is also used for streaming services, navigation, smartphone personal assistants, etc. The advancements and alterations to this technology have enabled these robots to perform jobs accurately and faster than humans. 

Now, the emphasis is to use AI technology for risk management, maintenance assessment, and schedule public transport timings. With such extensive automation of everyday processes, AI is likely to cost many people their jobs. According to market strategists, AI automation will eliminate up to 73 million jobs by 2030. Such a staggering number depicts AI`s influence on our lives and, thus, it is one of the top trends to follow in 2020.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Many office jobs demand repetitive work. To save time, maintaining such files can be assigned to a system through Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This software will allow businesses to automate processes such as the following:

  • Data entry into excel or spreadsheets.
  • Transactions from a bank account to the other.
  • Writing response emails.

Interestingly, RPA has the potential to automate manager or CEO roles, too. Although Forrester Research has concluded that RPA is eliminating the currently available jobs, it is also creating new ones for the human, so it does not threaten human survival as much as other AI applications do. Seconding this finding, McKinsey concluded that RPA could automate only 5 per cent of occupations in total.


Blockchain is normally considered as a technology that involves digital currencies, such as Bitcoin. However, blockchain is not restricted solely to cryptocurrencies but can also provide data security in numerous ways. To elaborate on this concept, blockchain can be defined as data that can only be added to the ledger. Since it does not permit any alterations in the formerly incorporated data, the data chain remains secure. Also, all these blockchains are not controlled by a singular authority so that no one can take control of the data. declares blockchain to be the second-fastest-growing job industry for developers. Considering such a great impact, blockchain is surely one of the most emerging 2020 trends.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Essentially, IoT is all about creating a virtual network by pairing different devices together with a single monitoring center. Once the shared data reaches the cloud, the processor processes information to execute an action, such as to regulate waste management.

In the upcoming years, IoT is likely to influence everything from our routine activities to our work schedule. Although much research is yet to be done on this subject, IoT`s scope still makes it a great contender for the top 2020 trends. 

These are the four technology trends to look out for in 2020. Knowing their potential, it would be interesting to witness how much these technologies transform and redefine our lives by 2020.

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