Eng. № 21.D. Scientific Feast (Propositions, Ideas, Realizations — PIR)

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страниц: ~37
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Жанры: Культурология, Проза, Иностранные языки, Научно-популярная литература
Рейтинг: 0
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Добавлена: 27.12.2021
     This is English adaptation of latest version of my ideas about worldwide alphabet going out from Bulgarian language as the better one from all Slavonic, but also other, languages. Here are given not only all basic vowels and consonants, but also all possible modifiers for making of new vowels, as well of possible consonants, and the writing of combined pronounced letters (diphthongs etc.). Together with this is given schematic, but quite thorough idea for new graphical image of all letters and modifiers, where are some pretty revolutionary (in the name of simplicity) ideas. This material now becomes the first for reading, because it is more schematic, yet for that matter more comprising, and it is the latter.      Keywords: Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet, world alphabet, types of phonemes, new letters, graphical image, last version, in English.

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