Eng. № 21.C. Scientific Feast (Propositions, Ideas, Realizations — PIR)

Информация о книге:

страниц: ~48
знаков: ~75200
Жанры: Культурология, Эротика и Секс, Сатира, Иностранные языки, Научно-популярная литература
Рейтинг: 3.916
Голосов: 3

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Добавлена: 20.11.2021
  Here is the last addition to PIR folder which on other sites goes under No 11 and this is the funny and educative paper about the sexes and genders called “Fantasy In Ety Mol”, and only this, because it is relatively long and I don’t know what else will write here in order to wait longer. If necessary something can be added later.   This is an etymological and educational paper, but written in a frivolous and funny manner, discussing the grammatical genders, some forms related with them, the sexes, the very sexual organs and other similar notions, as well also some philosophical observations about the sexes, interesting ideas which various nations keep in their heads related with the sexes. It was intended to be relatively moderate in its volume, but turned to be decently big, because of the wholeness of the nature, and uses quite indecent words, because such is the life.   Keywords: genders, sexes, etymology, sexual organs, different languages, hidden ideas, philosophy, psychology, interesting, funny.

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