Eng. № 21.B. Scientific Feast (Propositions, Ideas, Realizations — PIR)

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страниц: ~43
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Жанры: Культурология, Деловая литература, Экономика
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Добавлена: 01.11.2017
  These are serious things and they are intended chiefly for specialists, but the point is that for quite different such people. The original folder PIR on other sites begins with "An Illiterate World", which here goes under number Eng. № 20, then comes "Idea About New Calendar", which here is part (the last) of Eng. № 7. Oth.А. of my publicistics, after this follow "Reflections About The Numbers", which here is under number Eng. № 19, then follows the previous Eng. № 21.A. PIR, where, after small "Introduction", are specially programmer ideas, then is "Just Injustice", which also is in the publicistics, in Eng. № 7. Jour. D, and then follows this part of the folder, Eng. № 21.B., where are quite original ideas for the sphere of mass services, which I as if patent here in Internet, as well also a long list with a heap of various ideas in all of my works. There can be expected also a third part of this folder with some linguistic ideas. If such things are interesting for you then copy them, but it is better if you first look at the excerpts.   Keywords: ideas for the sphere of mass services, new kind of bank deposits, new advertisement for the supermarkets, list of original and scientifically sound ideas in all works of the author.

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