Erotic Photography

95 руб.
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Издатель: Confidential Concepts, Inc.

Серия: Mega Square

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ISBN: 978-1-78042-089-9

Информация о книге:
страниц: ~0
знаков: ~0
Жанры: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Рейтинг: 0.000
Голосов: 0

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Добавлена: 30.06.2015
Erotic photo art has lost much of its exquisite soul since Playboy and other girlie monthlies repackaged the human body for mass-market consumption. Like much painting, sculpture and engraving, since its beginning photography has also been at the service of eroticism. This collection presents erotic photographs from the beginning of photography until the years just before World War II. It explores the evolution of the genre and its origins in France, and its journey from public distrust to the large audience it enjoys today.

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