Equity and Health

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Издатель: НОУ «МФПУ «Синергия»

Серия: Прикладная эконометрика. Научные статьи

Год выхода: 2007


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Жанры: Медицина, Математика, Экономика
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Добавлена: 30.06.2015
This article raises the problem of equity in the health system in Switzerland. Three dimensions of the concept of equity are taken into consideration: the inequality in the financing of the health system, the inequality in the distribution of the state of good health, and, finally, the iniquity in the access to health care. Some methodological developments are presented as well as the results. In conclusion we observe that the state of good health does not depend strongly on income but that it exists some iniquity in the access to health services from specialists and that the income inequality is increasing due to the financing of the health system.

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