Sensei of Shambala. Book II

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Издатель: "Издательский дом "СЭНСЭЙ"

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

Год выхода: 2012

ISBN: 978-966-2296-11-2

Информация о книге:
страниц: ~0
знаков: ~0
Жанры: Эзотерика, Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература
Рейтинг: 0.000
Голосов: 0

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Добавлена: 30.06.2015
There is no hiding oneself from Truth, there is nothing that can be concealed from Wisdom. There is no secret on the Earth that would not be revealed some day. Human life and death is a stream of one process. To understand the past means to learn to overcome the dangers of the present. To come out of it is possible only by becoming Human! This book was written based on the personal diary of a former high school senior girl reflecting events of the years 1990-1991.

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