Eng. № 04. English Poetical Notebook (early poetry)

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страниц: ~22
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Жанры: Юмористические Стихи, Стихи и поэмы, Поэзия
Рейтинг: 3.543
Голосов: 3

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Добавлена: 31.08.2012
   Here I have put my early poetry (till 2015) in English. Naturally this isn’t Russian, but, on the other hand, this is the contemporary Latin (good or bad as it is), so that I put these things here. They are very different but generally light verse, for that’s what I like to read and to write. After so many years I close the book finally.    Keywords: light verse, English, humour, parodies, sexy, limericks, critique of democracy, for children, dedicated, acrostics, sundry.

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