


          H E L L O W - M E L L O W ++ — excerpts!

          A Presentation Of Jotata

          (Why he publishes in Bulgarian, what was in that Open Letter,
          about Bulgaria, about the author, how you can use him, et cetera)

          © Ivancho Jotata, 2017


     This article is in English (with small addition in Russian) and is quite heterogeneous. It has to fulfill the following: to explain why I used this site and what was in the mysterious Open Letter in Bulgarian, to give you some non-standard information about the country and the author, then to make you acquainted with one idea for using of Latin alphabet for writing of all world languages, together with some peculiar examples, and to hint how the author can be used by you, at the end is also a bit of poetry in English.


          0. Introduction

     This article is quite heterogeneous, but I don't like to write short things, they are always related one issue with some other, and I don't intend to increase the number of my works under this new and episodically chosen pseudonym. The material has to fulfill several purposes, namely: to explain why I decided to "pollute" your site with this strange Bulgarian language, to give a possibly brief summary of what was in the mysterious Open Letter, to provide the readers on this site with some non-standard information about Bulgaria, to tell you something about the very author, then to make you acquainted with one my idea for using of Latin alphabet for sufficiently good writing of all world languages, to use it as example for to tell you something about several popular addressings of people from etymological and that of the hidden ideas behind the words point, to propose how the author can be used from the readers of this site or others, to self-advertise, too, and to publish a bit of poetry in English. There is a contents below, so that you may choose what seems interesting for you in the moment and skip the left (yet the things are related, don't forget this).

     0. Introduction.
     1. Why I use this site for publications in Bulgarian?
     2. What is in the Open Letter to Bulgarian Public?
     3. What kind of country is Bulgaria?
     4. Who is this Jotata really?
     5. What kind of propositions makes he?
     6. How to use the Latin alphabet better and universally for all languages?
     7. What mean some addressings, like: sir, lady, mister, comrade, and others?
     8. What Jotata can do for you, free or not, plus some poetry?
     8A. Что Йотата может сделать для Вас, за плату или нет, плюс немного поэзии?
     8.B. Какво Йотата може да направи за Вас, със или без заплащане, плюс малко поезия?
     9. Conclusion.

          1. Why I use this site for publications in Bulgarian?

     Well, the simplest answer is: because I can't publish it in Bulgaria! The letter was sent to more than a dozen official instances (I will give the email addresses below) like: our Parliament, the Presidency, the pension institution, the leading political parties, some leading newspapers, also a pair of TVs, and some churches, in the end of February (21 Feb 2017) but for about 5 weeks happened ... nothing! Id est I was simply silenced because raise unpleasant questions, but this, for umpteenth time proves our ... barbarity, of course, for in this fashion the questions will never be solved, and this is not the way in which people, especially official instances, in civilized countries, behave! The list follows:

     infocenter@parliament.bg , priemna@president.bg , noi@nssi.bg , socdelovodstvo@sofia.nssi.bg ;
     pr@gerb.bg , bsppress@bsp.bg , presscenter@dps.bg , @ataka.pr , dsb@dsb.bg , presscenter@sds.bg ;
     info@dnes.bg , 168pisma@168chasa.bg , igizdov@duma.bg , agency@standartnews.com , trud@trud.bg , society@segabg.com , editors@capital.bg , monitor@monitor.bg , pensioneribg@abv.bg ;
     news@bnt.bg , btvpr@btv.bg , office@tv7.bg ; newsroom@bnr.bg , hristobotev@bnr.bg ;
     synodicalchancellery@abv.bg , info@grandmufti.bg , sofia.synagogue@gmail.com .


          2. What is in the Open Letter to Bulgarian Public?

     In the mysterious Letter in unknown for the wide majority of Italian public Bulgarian language are many related problems, like: pensioner curiosities in Bulgaria, propositions for solving of them, advices to the pensioners, a meaning about our social policy and the fight with poverty and misery, again propositions for bettering of the situation, how to better our image before the world, a meaning about the end of world capitalism, and other themes. And from anonymous writer, Ivancho Jotata, who is a literary hero and whose name is proverbial for a person from the public, yet this time behind him hides an ancestral intelligent, former research assistant, with two and a half tertiary educations, and a quarter of century unemployed, now pensioner. To retell everything is too tedious and also not necessary for the reason that there are many specific moments in it, but I will cite some patches from it in order to give you general idea about it.


          3. What kind of country is Bulgaria?

     Well, I already hinted that we are small barbarian country which is also not religious (there are rarely more than a pair of people in the churches, with the exception of big holidays like Christmas or Easter). Yet we have very interesting gene, look differently (not like some nations pretending to be pure), have very melodious language (better then even the Italian, yeah), with perfect alphabet (we use all the letters in it and read them in one and only way, what is not true for the other Slavs using Cyrillic, to say nothing about the West) and easier grammar than many other languages (including Italian), have original folklore, nice climate (better than in Greece, there can become too hot), are really peaceful, and so on. But we are barbarians, this can't be denied, and have very bad image before the world. Because of this we are ashamed of ourselves and try to escape in foreign countries for centuries. For example from 1762 exist one "History Slavonic-Bulgarian" of one Paisius of Hilendar where he exclaimed "Why, oh foolish people, are ashamed to call yourself Bulgarians?", what proves that we are ashamed. Or also let us take one Leipzig law trial against one Georgi Dimitrov for supposed setting fire to the German Reichstag, because he looked a suitable contemptuous figure in the eyes of populace; or take one later case with some Antonov who has to have intended to shoot the Pope, because is from enough barbaric country; and other examples.


          4. Who is this Jotata really?

     Well, I hinted that he is ancestral intelligent with 2.5 university educations, all in the sphere of exact sciences, like electronical engineer and mathematician, who knows at the moment 3.5 foreign languages, and (because of this) is unemployed for about 1/4 of a century, now pensioner. And if you think that it is funny to be unemployed exactly because one has studied too much then I will answer that it, really, is both, funny and tragic, but such things happen in times of changes and in barbarian countries (because it has to be a function of the state to care about its intellectuals, not of the small businesses and /or private persons). So that I have worked for 14 years in several scientific institutes, have finished my second mathematical education and reached to the position of research assistant first degree and that was that, then came the democracy. For some time I succeeded to win some pocket money with private lessens in school mathematics, but little by little the students ceased to appear for the simple reason that when the education is paid, i.e. is paid for it, the students want to have not knowledge but diplomas, and unless they are complete imbeciles they receive their diplomas. Then I tried to win something as translator but this also failed as a decent income because I was already outside of the competition, nearing 50, not with special linguistic education, with academic incline of behaviour, and so on. And then after the turn of the century I gave up at all to think about being able to compete with the 20 years old applicants for whatever job, and I wanted scientific work and have lost my qualification (this process usually occurs for 2-3 years).


          5. What kind of propositions makes he?

     Ah, in one word: any! I have maybe about 100 propositions in various fields, yet chiefly in the social area. From what you must not come to the conclusion that I am some matchless genius. No, the truth is that ... the others are rather silly, ha, ha. I mean that the most difficult thing in the social area is not to propose something new, but to reject something old! Though I have heard this, it isn't my sentence. Still I give propositions because I have nothing else to do, I have, maybe not really brilliant, yet scientific mind, so that I am used to ask myself questions and to find the answers. On the other hand I propose nothing drastically new, I just propose the right things, yes. Like here, concerning our misery, and requiring that the capitalism continues to exist (until it can, of course, its demise is not much far away), I came to the conclusion that the exploitation can continue, but those who, for one on another reason — the reason is not important — have to receive some financial help up to some minimal for the moment and the country level. All such calculations I lead for maybe 20 years in MMS, what are minimal monthly salaries, what makes the numbers applicable everywhere but still different. And which is this minimal income, ah? I'll say 1/3 MMS, but even 1/4 MMS will suffice in the beginning. Only that paid to everybody, and without asking, somewhere in the beginning of the month, and later, after receiving whatever money, the before given sums will be subtracted if this can be done, and if there is not enough from what to subtract, than this person lives at the expense of the state, what means of the others. This is the idea, roughly, for building of some form of communism and in the frames of capitalism, and, mark this, without whatever revolutions; and, on the other hand, people who receive less than 1/3 MMS should not exists.


          6. How to use the Latin alphabet better and universally for all languages?

     This point I need in relation with the next points and decided that it is a good idea to make you acquainted with this my quite recent idea, no matter that will not call it by the real name. I have made before more than a decade a proposition about one world-wide alphabet, then have used my ideas about the sounds, consonants (Cs) and vowels (Vs) of all languages (langs), but recently I decided to check whether only the Lat. (for Latin) alph. (for alphabet) is not enough, and especially for such "crazy" langs like Fr. & Eng. (what are natural shortenings for French & English, and I will use similarly many other, like: Sl. for Slavonic, Ar. for Arabic, Gr. for Greek, Teu. for Teutonic, Ger. for German, Skr. for Sanskrit, Per. for Persian, Avs. for Avestian, etc., also with adding of an "s" will mean the people speaking it, like: Lats, Frs, Teus, but will avoid using of Sls or Ars). And also what is written in single quotes is how it has to be read, what I have already used several times.


          7. What mean some addressings, like: sir, lady, mister, comrade, and others?

     Here I want to give you same examples of my researches in different langs in finding of the hidden ideas of the roots, which vary pretty strongly, yet one can find them looking in some basic langs, using some etymological books, and chiefly comparing what he knows from several different langs and asking questions to himself. So let me begin with the known Sir, or sire, where is the Fr. monsieur, the surname-"sirname", the Senate, Sp. seсor or It. signore, the sergeant, then the Biblical ... Sarah, the name of country Syria (and old Assyria), then if not exactly at least pretty close are also the Lat. sanctus with all the saints, and the ... senile (as overly saint), It. sano /sana, Sl. 'osanka'-stature-or-appearance, the religious cry 'osanna'-hosanna, the Hindu sari (woman wear) and their sahib-sir (also sircar is there head of government, or sirdar is a ruler, headman), and maybe also the shrine & the name Shri, where is the country S. Lanka but this was also the name of the wife of Vishnu. The signore is a person marked with certain sign (from where we can come to the sine function where is the peculiar relation of it with It. ... seno, yet I will not jump now to there), but this Sarah - Sir is an interesting relation in sense of something highly valued and distinct, where come also Rus. 'syir' what is ... a cheese!


          8. What Jotata can do for you, free or not, plus some poetry?

     Well, if you care a bit for me and don't curse me for publishing in Bul. (what I don't intend to do more), I can answer whatever your questions about the meaning of words of almost any language and the relations with other known words. I don't know so many langs but I can understand the words, with exception of some strange langs (like Hun., or Estonian) of almost any European langs, and in some cases also of some old ones, like Per., Hindu, etc., if I can look somehow in the language and if can read their letters (what I can't, but then will look only in the contemporary Eur. langs if you tell me the meaning of the word — because there can be half a dozen or more different meanings). In this case can be two variants, either I have already done similar investigations and have a ready answer, or I will try to think in the moment. Such questions can be interesting also for me, because, for example, I have recently thought about It. caldo which is the contrary to Ger. kalt-cold and have come to the conclusion that you prefer to stick to Gr. kalo as good, nice. Anyway, to explain something existing is easier than to guess one of many variants. Or take this sex - six, I will still not explain everything in details, because there are many cumulative arguments, but can add that this is how the masculine sexual organ looks, and it hangs for a long time but than at once jumps, with some 'shh', like a snake raising its head, right, and this is also why it sounds so. But for the correct explanation are necessary some mathematical facts, from ... Euclid's "Principles" (or "Beginnings"), and I explain all digits in a booklet (but keep its name in secret, as all other of my books). So, and you have just to write your question as comment to this file and wait until I see it, but you can freely use the It. lang., I even prefer so, only that I will answer in Eng., that's it, and this is free, of course.


          8A. Что Йотата может сделать для Вас, за плату или нет, плюс немного поэзии?

     Ну, если я вас немного интересую и не ругаете меня за мою публикацию на болгарском (чего я не собираюсь больше делать), то я могу отвечать на любые ваши вопросы насчёт смысла слов из почти что любого языка и о связях с другими известными словами (потому я и представил вам мой способ записей слов из любого языка, хотя для русско говорящих я могу использовать славянские буквы, с той лишь разницей, что вы должны научиться читать болгарское "ъ", что я здесь обозначаю через латинское "y", как болгары его читают, что значить как чистое "ы", не заканчивая его произношение звуком "й"). Я не знаю так уж и много языков, но я могу понимать слова, с исключением некоторых странных языков (как венг. или эст.), из почти всех европ. языков, и в некоторых случаях даже из некоторых старых таких, как перс., инд., и т.д., если я могу как-то заглянуть в язык и если могу читать их буквы (чего я не могу, но тогда буду заглядывать только в современные европ. языки если вы мне скажете значение слова — поскольку может быть пол дюжины и больше различных значений). В этом случае могут быть два варианта, или я уже делал подобные исследования и имею готовый ответ, или я буду пытаться думать в данный момент. Такие вопросы могут быть интересны также и для меня, потому что, к примеру, я недавно думал об итал. caldo, которое как раз противоположное нем. kalt-cold, и пришёл к выводу, что ит-цы предпочитают придерживаться к греч. kalo как хорошо (или ещё русское "трахать" в болгарском не используется, однако существует другой идиом где мы используем "тракам" в схожем смысле). В любом случае объяснить что-то существующее проще чем угадывать один из многих вариантов. Или возьмите этот sex - six, я всё ещё не собираюсь объяснять всё в деталях, потому что здесь много кумулятивных аргументов, но могу добавить что это то как мужской половой орган выглядит, и он висит долгое время, да потом сразу прыгает с каким-то 'шш', как змея поднимающая свою головку, так, и это почему это слово (как и рус. "шесть") звучит таким образом. Но для корректного объяснения нужны некоторые математические факты, с ... "Начал" Евклида, и я объясняю все цифры в небольшой книжечке (но сохраняю её имя в секрете, как и всех других моих книг). Так, и вы должны только написать ваш вопрос как комментарий (или рецензию) к этому файлу и подождать пока я его увижу, и это бесплатно, разумеется.


          8.B. Какво Йотата може да направи за Вас, със или без заплащане, плюс малко поезия?

     Ами, аз пак превеждам началото на 8-ма точка, адаптирана този път за българска аудитория, ако ще да е в чужбина. Та ако аз поне малко ви интересувам и не ме проклинате за моята публикация на български (което аз повече и не възнамерявам да правя), то аз мога да отговарям на ваши въпроси за смисъла на думи от почти всички езици и за връзките им с други известни думи (поради което аз и представих тук моя начин за записване на думите от разни езици, макар че за българите, поради перфектността на азбуката ни за нас, това не е нужно, аз може да използувам и самите наши букви, плюс "ь", който ние имаме, но не ползуваме). Не че аз зная чак толкова много езици, но аз мога да разбирам думите, с изключение на някои странни езици (като унг. или ест.), от почти всички европ. езици, а в някои случаи и от някои стари такива, като перс., инд., и т.н., ако мога някак-си да погледна в езика и ако мога да чета буквите им (което аз не мога, но тогава ще поглеждам само в съвременните европ. езици ако вие ми кажете значението на думата - защото може да има половин дузина и повече различни значения). В този случай може да има два варианта: или аз вече съм правил подобни изследвания и имам готов отговор, или пък ще се опитам да мисля в дадения момент. Такива въпроси могат да бъдат интересни и за самия мен, защото, например, аз сравнително наскоро мислех за итал. caldo, което има тъкмо противоположното значение на нем. kalt-cold, и стигнах до извода, че ит-ците предпочитат да се придържат към гръц. kalo като добро, хубаво (или още че нашия израз "мамата си трака" не е ясно какво точно трябва да значи, но рус-ците използуват масово днес "трахать" като нашето жаргонно "чукам"). Във всеки случай да се обясни нещо съществуващо е по-лесно отколкото да се отгатва един от много варианти. Или вземете това sex - six, аз пак не се каня да обяснявам всичко в детайли, защото тук има много кумулативни аргументи, но мога да добавя, че това е как мъжкия полов орган изглежда, а той виси дълго време, но после изведнъж подскоча с едно 'шш', като змия която повдига главата си, така, и по тази причина таза дума (или нашето "шест") звучат по подобен начин. Но за коректното обяснение са нужни някои математически факти, от ... "Началата" на Евклид, и аз обяснявам всички цифри в неголяма брошура (но пазя името ù в секрет, както и на всички други мои книги). Така, и вие трябва само да напишете въпроса си като коментар (или рецензия) към този файл и да почакате докато аз го видя, и това, разбира се, е безплатно.

          9. Conclusion

     Well, I have finished this long explanations and presentation and self-advertising, and what only not under the invented (yet not for the first time, it turns that other people have also used these words) title. I think that so it is better, because a direct translation would have not only been boring for me (for the Letter is pretty long), but have been also not better for you. What I have left from the original are unnecessary deep details of my odyssey with the National Insurance Institute, the advices to the pensioners (which are chiefly nation specific, though not only), and the correspondence with this Institute (which is quite funny in places, because I don't want to insult their staff calling various names and have invented the illness "inability for logical reasoning" which they show). But in recompense I have provided you with surely original and frankly first-hand information about Bulgaria, I have acted as a kind of ... war correspondent for you. Then I have shown you, using myself as example, how in barbarian countries the intelligent people can suffer because the state does not care for them but they can be of use for the people (with what ruination of the intellectuals I explain chiefly our outsider place now in Europe, as well as the low moral and bad image of us). Then I have allowed you some inside in my various propositions, so that if some of you want to search for my real pseudonym in Internet I suppose that they can find me somewhere (by some keywords related with my ideas). Then I have given you one quite good, if you ask me, way for writing of the words of all languages pretty near to the pronunciation in their language and this using only the 26 Lat. chars, what I may use to explain some words to you if asked. Have succeeded even to advertise myself a little, what usually costs money (which I don't have), and have given you some poetical examples, which you may like, including a dedication to your site. You can, of course pay no attention to this file, what will not surprise me much (after all, I am not from your paese, and don't try to excite or lull you with some impossible things but on the contrary, speak chiefly the truth, which usually isn't nice), but if you decide to call me then don't rush at once because I don't need more than 100 euro monthly, 50 will be quite enough, and I have other plans for the next at least 5 years, so that I don't intend to waste my time for mere money. I live in accordance with Russian funny saying that "If the happiness is not in the money than I am very lucky", and, in a way, I am lucky. I do what I like, have no wife to torment me, exercise a bit gymnastics, cook alone and make my own wines and hard drinks, read in several languages, and can regret only that it will be difficult for me to understand now really scientific books, but what remains can surely fill more than a decade or two. And on this place parts with you the so called

          J_aded by the years am I now,
          O_nly still can come I to perfection.
          T_his is 'cause to decompose know how
          A_ll the things in easily done sections.
          T_roubºles with the sex have, though, for, wow,
          A_ny year have by ... half erection.

     Easter 2017


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