Рабочий Верстак

           S_C_I_E_N_T_I_F_I_C_    F_E_A_S_T_ — excerpts!

          (Propositions, Ideas, Realizations — PIR)

          Chris MYRSKI,    1992 and further

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          Remark:   The original folder PIR on other sites begins with "An Illiterate World", which here goes under number Eng. № 20, then comes "Idea About New Calendar", which here is part (the last) of Eng. № 7. Oth.А. of my publicistics, after this follow "Reflections About The Numbers", which here is under number Eng. № 19, then follows this Eng. № 21.A. PIR, where, after small "Introduction", are specially programmer ideas, then is "Just Injustice", which also is in the publicistics, in Eng. № 7. Jour. D, and then follows the second part of this folder, Eng. № 21.B., where are quite original ideas for the sphere of mass services, as well also a long list with a heap of various ideas in all of my works. There can be expected also a third part of this folder with some linguistic ideas.


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     Contents Of This Booklet

     Introduction to the whole PIR
     Computer Program For Splitting Of Words Of Different Languages
     Computer Program For Compressing Of Files Of Different Types
     Ideas About Browsers Searching In The Internet

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     I think some introductory remarks are necessary here because this is not a book but a folder with quite motley materials, and they are surely not fiction, and the name is not only "Feast" but also PIR. About the name it is easy, the initials PIR in Russian — and I usually publish in Internet everything initially in Russian, even not in my mother Bulgarian language — means "feast" but the initials are almost the same in English if are taken for "Propositions, Ideas, Realizations" (or, then, Researches).
     Then the things are quite different because having been left with the coming of our democracy without constant work, and being, after all, scientific worker, I have chosen different fields where to spent interestingly my time and to try and apply any ideas which emerged in my head. This means chiefly that the ideas are set to me by nobody, the results can be questionable, but they, surely, are non-traditional and some of them are even urgent. Initially and mostly these are linguistic themes, like about worldwide alphabet, about many ideas hidden behind the numbers, then in the recent time emerged my English (and not only) Latin transliteration (and there are a pair or other relatively related materials about Bulgarian language, which, however, for the moment are placed in another — or rather in two, in different languages and with different approaches — folder).
     But there are other ideas, there is proposed a new decimal calendar; there is quite serious idea for jurisprudence about unification of damages and guilt in lawsuits, together with personal modification of punishments. Then quite recently emerged three programmer ideas, where the two of them discuss very old programs by me, for DOS, for splitting of the words in every (in Latin and Cyrillic) possible language, as also for compressing of files of any (I just like the universality and the related with it word "any") type, which programs worked pretty good and can be transferred in another operating environment, and one new is about bettering of browsers' searching in Internet. You see, with coming to my 65th year I decided that there is no sense in keeping valuable ideas or realizations for myself, and chose, even without payment and however amateurish they may seem, to publish them. Then there are two, maybe winning (but for about an year there is no answer to them) business ideas, about bank deposits, and a kind of advertising in the supermarkets, yet not of the products, but of the very shops.
     There may be expected to emerge (if I will live long enough) a pair of other linguistic materials, about a kind of bettering or correction of the English language; maybe also something else, it depends.
     Ah, and because I am not traditional fiction writer but rather popularizer of many simple (well, relatively — I mean, without higher mathematics) ideas, I try to open the eyes of people (who, willingly or not but like not this, they like chiefly to be deluded), so because of this I have almost in every of my books or journalistic papers a PIR-idea, sometimes a heap of such ideas, and in order to provide the reader with some kind of guide through my creative works, where what can be found in them, I have included in the end the last material about other PIR ideas outside this folder.
     This is all. If you like my ideas then read them and try to implement some of them in reality, they are worth of this, at leas I think so. But if you don't like them then don't worry, such people like you are highly necessary to build the background on which such clever heads like my can stand out and be noticed, so that I am only thankful to you. Ha-ha.

     March 2016,   Sofia, Bulgaria

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     This is not just an idea, it is realized by me, I have used it for some time and was quite satisfied with it, so that here exists precedent, what is important, because is known that this is possible, not just search for something not knowing whether this can be found or not (like, for example, is the matter with the existence of God). This program has worked, but this was before about 20 years (well, at least 15), and for DOS, and with the emergence of Windows everything become more complicated, and I have ceased to waste time (and to try to find the necessary software free). And as far as in the new platform everything has, in any case, to be made anew, and also I have the right to keep the details to myself, as well as I am publishing this on a popular site, it is not a rule there to give fragments of programs in algorithmic languages, so for all these reasons I will not make efforts to search for the program and look at it precisely but will describe everything from my memory. Nevertheless I am usually verbose, so that if one shows desire, and if he (or she) is programmer, then he will be able to concoct something similar, although in Windows everything is more complicated, there must be worked on level of pixels, not words, must be taken into account all fonts and so on, so that this will be also not so easy. Anyway, I will return to this point at the end, because such possibility is simply obligatory for each browser or screen of mobile computer device (even for a phone, if it has enough memory).
     What is necessary to stress is that the program must work satisfactory good (and it was so by me) for a mixture of languages even in one and the same file, or for the pair of languages with which one usually works, it must allow easy adjusting, if in the given languages are contradictory concepts for splitting of the words, as well also to reflect the preferences of the person, must perform justification to the right border of the page, and other moments. I had a variant that worked stand alone (as a separate program), was given the name of the input file (.txt), was given the name of the output file (.prt) and the program transformed the first into the second, and then remained only to print the latter file. Ah, I have worked only with Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, if one will want to do splitting of words also, say, in Arabic, then there can be another difficulties, but particularly for Greek alphabet should not be special problems (at a first sight — I have not thought about this). So, but because in various languages people have quite different views to the splitting of words, then I must in the beginning say a pair of paragraphs about this.


     Nov 2014

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     0. Introductory remarks

     This idea was realized by me before about 20 years, when I worked still on 286 computer, in DOS, and using translator of Pascal from 1986, if I am not wrong. And the program worked, and still works by me, but when all began to use one Winzip then in the end I also moved to it. But I have written it, for one thing, in order to use better the diskettes, my files could not fit in them and was necessary to split them in parts, and, for another thing, in order to experiment my hashing, because in this translator was impossible to allocate more than 48 KB for all variables, and I needed one array of at least 64 KB, but better twice bigger, and as many for other arrays. Id est this was a challenge for me, but not only this. I decided to use one directly anti-scientific idea, to make compressing without analyzing the type of the file (they are so many, and all the time new ones emerge, I did not intend to study them all, as well not to compete with branded products), but compress the file till the size which ... the very God (or the nature of the file) allows by coding of the characters!
     I will explain this further, but at the moment want to add that, in spite of all possible difficulties with the hashing (I think that have defined this main array of the order of several KB, i.e. at least ten times less than really necessary), the program worked pretty good, for text files gave compressing of about 45% (and Winzip gave somewhere about 55%), and for some other types where are images even to 15% of the main file. What isn't good, however, is that it works terribly slow, because makes several iterations, reads everything byte after byte, compares them, forms some arrays, then processes these arrays with the information from the entire file, and if the file is of the order of 100 - 200 KB (as it was in the beginning in DOS) then everything finished for mere seconds, but it the file was, say, 2 MB, then sometimes was necessary a whole ... hour (the dependence on the length of the file is probably exponential, but in no way linear). So that I, as far as I remember, informed, either an office of IBM, or some other company, but decided that this is enough — the program is mine, it works, but I don't intend to spread it further, because nowadays the files grow very fast, and if this is video information, then who knows how long the program will work.
     All this is so, but ... Now see, by me there are often "buts", especially by nontraditional approaches. So that here the point is that if there was no hashing, if I could allocate a whole MB for variables, and even more, make virtual arrays for the files (by, say, a pair of MBs), and perform block reading in them, then this could have quietly reduced the time on a whole decimal order, if not more. But this is not all, because the output file by me looked like ... after meat mincer, I changed the very bytes, formed my own "bytes" (or words, putting it more correctly), and this could have given very good ciphering (encryption)! Because people still search for any possibilities for better ciphering, it turns out that this is so for providing of better security of bank operations, where are used over-large prime numbers (say, with several hundreds or even thousands of digits, where the finding of their prime factors is quite time-consuming operation, but the checking is nearly trivial (via multiplying, although not of the usual floating point, but integer with unlimited number of digits).
     So that, see, I think that there is still some "bread" (as the Bulgarians like to say) in my "crazy" idea, and it is better to explain it in general outline, to bring it to the knowledge of all who is interested, than to take it with me to the grave. Only that I will on the purpose not look at the exact realization but narrate from memory. This will preserve some know-hows for me, but if the program has to be transformed for new programming environment then it, anyway, must be rewritten (i.e. written anew). And also such method of presenting of dry professional matters will make them accessible to all, how it has to be on a literary site. Well, this is enough as introduction.


     Dec 2014

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     This time these are only my ideas, maybe even naked ideas (but nowadays the naked ideas are allowed, aren't they?) so that I want nothing from nobody. I just share my opinion. Because these are big and complicated programs, they are expert systems, and they are learning, and perform grammatical analysis in different languages, and all the time do searching through the web and actualize their tables for access and so on. Besides, I am not at all specialist in Internet, I was only programmer before about 25 years, but our time is dynamical so that I was left far behind. Despite of this there are obvious things that simply poke in the eyes if one is not prejudiced in something, if he does not defend somebody's private position, although there it can't be said that the people don't work properly. No, they work, but as if not in the right direction, do this what is easier and more impressive, not this, what is necessary. So that, ladies and gentlemen, browser specialists — as well also clients, because when the users decide to require something is will soon emerge —, if you want listen to me then good, but if you don't want then I have fulfilled my duty.
     So, then I will begin.

     1. General impression

     The general impression when using any browser is reduced to this, that these are private companies and they try to jump with something before the others — as, in fact, various supermarkets —, but these are usually nonessential things, this is throwing of dust in the eyes, and were by them not the concept of showing first what in a pairs (well, in a pair of hundreds, maybe) sites is said about the given request, then people would have given up to use them at all! That's how it is. I think that I don't exaggerate, they have enviable achievements, but not in the area of searching, in one old Word exist far better abilities for searching, by parts of the words, by a pattern, even for the English exist the strange search of sound-alike words.

     Dec 2014

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