T E N C Y N I C A L E S S A Y S — excerpts !(POPULAR WORLDVIEW)Chris MYRSKI, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2000— — — — — CONTENTSForeword About the Creation and the created About the woman and the man About the mankind About the intellect About the religion About the democracy About the violence About the justice About the population About the future Addendum: Constitution of Cynicland — — — — — PART FIVEABOUT THE JUSTICEThat this world is cruel and unfair one perceives already in the moment when he emerges in it, going out of the warm and cozy mother womb, and because of this his first business is to let out wild roar of discontent. With his further growth the things become even worse where his single "redemption" comes only then, when he leaves the life and continues to exist just as an idea in the memories of the others. Such is the reality in our world, and as far as nobody has proved that a better one exists we are forced to put up with it and try to like it. Well, this isn′t so hard to do, people learn fast to enjoy the life, but this does not mean that in this way it becomes more just for them or that they cease to try to make it better. The wish of the mankind to make their life more just is the unchanging human ideal, which is really an ideal because it can never be realized in practice, but we can always aspire asymptotically to it. Here we will dwell on some questions connected with the justice. I. Between The Righteousness And The Justice 1. One short linguistic excursion tells us that the right is, in fact, the right of the strong, or of the right hand, because it is so not only in Russian, but also in German, English, et cetera. As if only in Bulgarian we do not make the association of the rightful with the right, i.e. with the strength, but this is intuitively understood by all nations. So that right is this, what is in the interest of the stronger, were it physically, financially, intellectually, or with some inheritance rights fixed by birth. Strictly looking at the things the strong one is not at all right — he is just strong, but when there is no other effective way for establishing who is right and who isn′t, is accepted that the stronger one is right, and this closes the question. In the world of animals, but also by the humans, this is not meaningless, because the strong, if not anything else, can at least impose his right with the use of power (and it is not excluded that he is really right). More than this, from positions of the nature, i.e. of the selection of the best exemplar and kind, this right is fully justified. Therefore, even if we are not from the strong, we are obliged to accept such conception for rightful. The justice, for its part, is complement of the right, or the right of the weak, i.e. of the left individuals after taking out the strong ones (and exactly this says the English word "left", which means both, the opposite of right, and the remainder). From the point of view of the evolution and selection of the best this may not be right thing, but the neglect of justice leads to diminishing of the diversity in nature, what says that the nature also has interest in observing of this right. This is especially actual in the human society, because ... II. In Searching Of The Escapism When everybody knows that this world is unjust, then every one tries to find some suitable for him way to escape from it in some imagined world of delusion. The human being is weak and can′t live without delusion — were it fairy tales for the children, were it expectations of the "great love" for the adults, were it hope that the truth will triumph (in which case, usually, people don′t have in mind the righteousness, neither the justice, but some purely egoistic interpretation or the reality), were it political, military, or sporting victory, were it the literature or the other arts, or tranquilizers, or the dreams, or the alcohol and the narcotics, or the sexual consolation, or the interests of the clan or mafia, or the faith in his God and in the afterlife or reincarnation, and so on. ... III. In Affirmation Of The Ego In our world one can′t avoid looking after his interests, or his ego, but inasmuch as each of us is related with the others he must also show some level of reflection taking into account the interests of the others, too, because otherwise it may turn out that he simply "cuts the branch on which he sits". The communist ideology approached this question much restricted (mainly because of the narrow-mindedness of the masses, it seems) dividing people in two categories — in egoists and collectivists — preaching that the egoists were the bad ones. Sometimes is used the term philanthropist (i.e. "loving the people", in Greek) in the sense of collectivist, but we all know to which comical results the thoughtless philanthropy can lead. ... IV. About The Happiness And the Moderation 1. The happiness is question of balance between wishes and abilities, and in our unjust world everyone has his rights to pursue it. This definition is suitable with this, that it shows us two ways for reaching of it: either increasing our abilities, or diminishing our wishes (supposing that the wishes are always larger than our abilities). The moderate way of live requires also moderate wishes, and thus easier achieving of the happiness. The more limited people, say, the children, are very often happy, because their wishes does not reach such peaks, as when they grow up and begin to wonder what new desires to imagine (especially if they have in their disposition enough time and means to satisfy them). ... V. About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Freedom The freedom is something that we love very much, what can be well seen on the West through the relation between German Liebe as love and French ... libertè as freedom, which words, surely, are from one and the same root. The advantages are clear, they are in the creation of equality between the different individuals, which goal, however, is to prove their inequality (see again "About the woman and the man", the point about the emancipation)! So that from the freedom may gain the nature (or the dear God), or else the stronger individual, because in this situation he can easily prove his superiority, where for the weaker — there is no use of it! In our world of the stronger there is only one way for the weaker to become stronger — when they unite, obviously — but this is what they most often don′t want to do. They prefer to turn a blind eye and ... — — — — — ABOUT THE POPULATIONSpeaking about the population on our globe there are three moments on which we should dwell, namely: is the population of humans on Earth optimal; what must be the approximate number of people; and how to reach this goal in the easiest way. In addition to this is the related with the thesis question about the average life expectancy. Let us look at them in this order. I. The Overpopulation The people on Earth have become too many and this must be obvious now for everybody, because we have broken the existed for millenniums equilibrium with the other animalistic and vegetative species and have begun to hinder ourselves mutually in the everyday activity. In the antiquity one was not forced to care about the environment, because he has not destroyed it, neither even polluted, and has fed himself mainly through hunting and farming, what means that he has fit well in the nature. In the old times when saying "dirty" has been understood something useful and needed, because in order to give birth to something new was necessary for something old to decay and perish as already played his role in the equilibrium of the matters. I have here in mind Bulgarian word "kal" for mud, dirtiness (or also Russian the same kal as ... feces), but it is of Latin origin and is shortened from faeces in plural (faex in singular), what is also Turkish faşkiye (also in jargon use in Bulgaria), but in old Greek from the same root we have καλο (καλον), what means good, well, so that the word faeces (fekalii in Slavonic) must come from something like: tfu /fu (what is your "fie" or "pooh") + "kalo"! (There are similar and piquant relations to be found in your fertilize, what is Latin futuo meaning your, sorry, to f#ck, what is a dirty thing, but also necessary.) Nowadays we use widely the phrase "ecologically pure" products, which, from another point of view, are downright dirty, because they turn to mud (but for the ancient Greeks this was something good), while exactly the ecologically dirty things (glass bottles, plastic cups, metal pieces, etc., which we unwisely throw around) are, in fact, sterile or clean. What has to say that we do not judge like the "dear God", or that we hinder the nature, and therefore also us! The human civilization, aiming at incessantly bettering of living conditions for the people, willy-nilly, leads us to unavoidable increasing of the number of people. ... II. The Optimal Population The optimal human population on Earth must be about 50 millions of people. The first argument is, that this indicates the human history, because according to approximate, and somewhat controversial, calculations the human population on the whole planet in the 2nd-1st millennium before Christ was 50 mln people, and to the beginning of our era it reaches 100 or so millions. These were times when the civilization was in full swing, and the people have had: healthy food, decent attire and homes, some technique, well developed arts, religion, buildings which up to this day arouse our admiration, sciences, ways for organization and managing which we apply also now, decent laws, spectacles for the masses, notions of honour and valour, cult to the sports, and so on. Many things were not accessible to all but only to some of the rulers, yet they have existed. There were also many wars and epidemics, which accompany the civilization to the present day, so that all important social problems were already set! Then this number till around 1800 still does not exceed one milliard, but in the 20th century we definitely have overdone the things jumping for the moment over the 6 milliards. If 50, 100, or even 200 millions are still comparable numbers, then with over the milliard people the "game", as they say, becomes too rough. If the people in present days lived so disunited as in the times of Roman Empire this, still, could have been tolerated, but there is not a single corner on Earth which is isolated and inaccessible for the world media and the business, where the language barriers (this "curse" which God has sent to the humans, according to the fable about the Babylonian tower), which were intended to divide the people in smaller groups, are also not very limiting, because together with the good translators now exists quite decent, but very fast, computerized translation, and the world languages, in the end, are reduced to 5-6 chief ones. The last touch to the instantaneous world communications added the computer nets, so that the earth globe more and more turns to one state, where the competitive struggle of the people for personal manifestation occurs, and such mastodon country becomes increasingly difficult to manage, and the bloodshed in it — ever greater. One averagely big country ... III. The Way To The Goal The easiest way for reaching of this goal is slight decrease in the population growth, until it becomes slightly negative. Let us accept that the population begins to decrease each year only by a single percent (something that is reality in many developed countries, only not steady for a long time), and then for each year we must multiply 0.99 by itself in order to receive the final coefficient (as compound interest) by which to multiply the initial population; or if we have scientific calculator then to calculate 0.99^n, for n years, and then to multiply by the initial number. In this case, if we start on reaching of 10 milliards inhabitants ... IV. Life Expectancy The optimal lifespan for the people must be two and a half generations, or in wider limits — from two to three generations! The proper approach requires to measure the expectancy of life exactly in generations, not in years, because the years are something floating and unstable (as Bulgarian currency in the first years of transition to democracy, for example). In ancient Rome, when the people have lived on the average by 40-45 years, the women have begun to give birth already in age of 13-14, and that is why one generation was there about 20 years, and was ensured the minimum of two generations; today one generation continues for 25 years (rather 28, as we have said it), but by an average continuation of life between 70 and 80 years in different countries it already comes very near to the figure of three generations, though in all cases does not exceed it. One generation means that one can have children, but will not live until they in turn begin to have children, for two generations he/she will see also grandchildren, and for three — grand-grandchildren. As in the antiquity, so also in current days, many people live to see their grandchildren, but there are wide away from many those, who can take pleasure with their great grandchildren. ... Well, such is the situation: the population on the globe must be so big, how big is one average state, and the lifespan must be two and a half generations. This is the reasonable decision and we have to try to reach it, because if we do not behave reasonable then the nature (or God, if that is how you like it better) will find some way for maintaining of the equilibrium on Earth, like for example: mass infertility, by which will be born very nice and intelligent children, who having grown enough will do their sex much more scientifically than their predecessors from the beginning of our era, but will have no need of contraceptives, for will be able to conceive only in one case to hundred pairs, maybe; or will be changed the ratio of newborn boys to girls from 18 to 17, how it is now, to, say, 21 to 4, what will mean that the boys will be five times more than the girls; or the birth rate will be entirely normal, only that in each next generation the children will have ... by a finger more than their parents, and when the fingers become more than a dozen this will cause serious problems with the pressing of buttons and in this way will hinder the general abundance; or the drug addicts will become about 70% of the population and will declare all the left for abnormal and subjects to compulsory narcotizing; or the percent of suiciders will soon exceed 1/3 of population, and this in the so called productive age; or the marriages between homosexuals will exceed the half of the marriages; and other similar variants. In any case, will be found some way that will bring the possibility for restricting of competitive individuals to the accessible for the human beings level of contacts of second rank, or to several hundred persons, as also the direct relatives to the level of contacts of first rank, or some tens of people. This is so, because nobody wants to have so much relatives that to be unable to recognize them when meets them, neither to live under such circumstances, where in order to express himself somehow one has to study nearly half a century, for to narrow the field for competition as much as can, and even in this case to have just one chance between tens of thousands, not to draw the top winning ticket, but to find at all some decent place under the Sun. — — — — — |
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