Рабочий Верстак

          T E N   C Y N I C A L   E S S A Y S — excerpts !


          Chris MYRSKI,    Sofia, Bulgaria,   2000

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     About the Creation and the created

     About the woman and the man
     About the mankind

     About the intellect
     About the religion

     About the democracy
     About the violence

     About the justice
     About the population

     About the future
     Addendum: Constitution of Cynicland

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          PART FOUR


           I. Great And Unreasonable

      The democracy is the most significant achievement of mankind in the social area, because it contradicts to the common sense! Despite the paradoxicality of this statement it is true, because it, really, is something to what couldn′t have come one normal, i.e. average, individual in his judgements. The whole human experience during the centuries and in our days shows that the democratic choice, in fact, is not applied anywhere, where some work has to be done, say in the: army, police, education, healthcare, productive sphere, and so on. It is inconceivable to imagine army, in which the new recruits choose their commander between them; or the physicians to be appointed by the nurses and orderlies (and even the patients); or the teachers to be chosen from the students (and from their midst); or in some company to gather all common labourers, drivers, cleaners, and others, and ask them to choose director, or head of department, no matter what education he or she has. (And let us not confuse this with the democratization of management in many activities nowadays, which is only one auxiliary element, not main principle, and as such probably has existed also in the times of the pharaohs.) There are obvious reasons why this is not done, because each activity requires certain professionalism, which is proved on the basis of educational criteria and/or life experience, and this is decided by people with greater amount of knowledge in the given area, not from below, by the common people, and this the only way to make the right choice, i.e. from top to bottom, not the reverse, what will say that the democratic choice, from the point of view of the reason, is a pure perversity!
     Said more precisely, the democratic choice assumes that: people who don′t understand, choose such who they don′t know, and this not requiring whatever document for professional qualification! Let us explain this in more details. ...

     So that, if we summarize all said here, it will turn out that the democracy is a bad social organization, but because it contains the contradiction in itself and is open for various foreign elements, it turns to be dynamically the best of the known so far forms, where the bad thing in it forces it incessantly to enhance and evolve itself! The democracy is like the life — bad thing, but without it is worse —, so that there are all reasons to expect that in the future it will still remain the main form in the ruling of society. But it surely will be corrected and changed.

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           I. Necessity Of Violence

     The violence is necessary element in the "game" called life! This is trivial truth, not only because the millennial existence of mankind proves it, but also because the only way to overcome it is ... another form of violence, were it some police or army, illegal mafia, revolution, religious war, judicial investigation, et cetera. In this process, of course, it can′t be said that the character of new violence is of no importance, which can be more humane (in the usual meaning of the word), but it must be stronger, as far as it can be spoken about some objective criterion for its measurement, like human lives, or percents of one life as measure for inflicted serious physical or moral damages; or else it has to be expressed in another aspect. The reducing to the scale of human lives is especially difficult when the influence is moral, or of moral terror, in which case the usual human actions are changing for fear of further violence, in which situation the given action, although it has preventing effect, is a kind of violence against the person, and in this case the magnitude of global impact is determined by the broader layers to which it is directed, while its strength in each single case may be only about 1-2% of the accepted value of one human life. At any rate, this cyclical character of the fight against the violence via applying of another violence (more so because there is no other way), is a natural phenomenon.
     The violence can change its forms, where each new form usually differs in some parameter, or in the sphere of its action, i.e. in the scope of individuals, to which it is applied. In this process not only an exact quantitative evaluation is not possible, because of the relative character of the measuring unit, but almost always is not present the so called "control group", with which to compare the new form of violence with the old, if it has continued to exist by the control group, and the repeating of the things in the time never happens under exactly the same conditions. So, for example, it can′t be stated with certainty that the communist terror in the former Soviet Union (or in any other ex-communist country, with the conditional exclusion of Germany) has been a worse violence than the contemporary democracy, with inevitably accompanying it: national, ethnic, religious, and criminal bloodshed for the same period of time — because have not existed two equal by all parameters Unions, which were to be compared for a bigger period (say, hundred years) and evaluating the victims to make a conclusion about the more humane character of the one or the other form! All possible comparisons of different territories, with different population, and in different periods of time, are unavoidably nonobjective and can be used only by biased political powers to prove whatever they want (and based on one and the same facts).
     In any case, the violence has existed always in the history of mankind and there are no reasons to suppose that it will disappear sometime, no matter whether we like it or not — in the same way as, for example, we can′t make olives without stones (and if there exist citrus fruits without seeds, then they can not give by themselves new life). This is unavoidable as it is impossible to have life without death, if you want. But before getting the question in proper focus let us give one general and non restrictive definition of the notion "violence" as: very sharp form of compulsion, leading to serious physical and moral consequences, including lethal outcome, and having for goal to make separate individuals or groups of such to act against their wish. ...

     But it turns out that in regard of the reasonable reaction the social community stays lower than the isolated individual, meaning that one will much more easier meet a person, who acts reasonably, than a nation, that does this, and for the mankind as a whole this is practically impossible! This phenomenon of the social community is investigated in the essay "About the mankind", but it reduces chiefly to this, that the society still has very primitive nervous system (especially a free society), similar to that of the mollusks, where the human being has also nervous system and ability for reasonable judgements (though he does not much use these gifts in difficult real situations). For that reason it happens that a bigger group of people is not more intelligent that one arbitrary chosen individual with average intellect, no matter that the latter is part of the group, so that the reaction of social communities, most often, is that of the jellyfish. We may not like this situation, but must take the facts into account. It would be nice to think that after some five-ten centuries the mankind as a whole will at last jump over this debasing for the "crown of the creation" level, but this is not much probable. Nothing hinders us, though, to hope that this will happen.

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