Рабочий Верстак

          T E N   C Y N I C A L   E S S A Y S — excerpts !


          Chris MYRSKI,    Sofia, Bulgaria,   2000

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     About the Creation and the created

     About the woman and the man
     About the mankind

     About the intellect
     About the religion

     About the democracy
     About the violence

     About the justice
     About the population

     About the future
     Addendum: Constitution of Cynicland

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           PART TWO


           I. The Woman

     The woman is the best friend of the man, better, obviously, than the pet animals! This does not mean that the reverse statement is not true, but in the beginning we will speak about the woman, so that let us be content for the moment with this partial truth, and as far as in our review we shall resort to analogies with animals we may call her also female, and let us try to find some common characteristics of the female individual by the people (i.e. of the ancient Yin or Ing etc. — it depends on the language). The typical features are collective and this does not hinder the existence of many exceptions from the rules in various concrete cases, but, how it is known, the exceptions only confirm the rules (with their exceptionality), and, if you want, we may speak about masculine features by the women and vice versa (something what is mass phenomenon), but the piquant moment here is that these exceptions manifest itself most often by the homosexuals, where they are just compelled to show (although the sexual orientation is not necessary for their manifestation). Each of the two sexes in its individual developing is built on the basis of a kind of neutral or "children" sex, and after certain age comes again to it, so that it is reasonable to retain in itself features from the other sex; in this sense is useful to think that the neutral sex is such in which features from both sexes are present but there is no clear predominance of one of them, and not that it has neither masculine, nor feminine features. We will not only list these moments but will also motivate them going from the primary goal for prolongation and development of the kind (what, in fact, are two different things, to which we shall dwell later on), trying to show their unavoidable necessity (i.e. the life could not have existed otherwise when there are two extremely different types of individuals). The features which we will formulate are valid mainly in the sphere of continuation of the gender or in the sex and family, while in other activities they may not show themselves, as also be modified to their opposites, what, however, does not mean that they are not true; these characteristics make the bottom line in the actions of the man and the woman, or motivate them, though their manifestation may be suppressed by the influence of other factors. Many of the statements may sound shocking, but then this is the main "charm" of the cynicism, that in the search of truth it reveals many widespread delusions and thus unavoidably shocks the masses.

      1. As far as the main purpose of the woman is to continue the human race then she, inevitably, is the conservative element in this process, because to "conserve" is synonymous with preserve, or prolong the existence. A short linguistic consultation with the English leads us to the spread for the woman designation "birth box", and ...

So that the role of intermediary is necessary (when we do not multiply by budding and cloning) and certain amount of specialization is also needed, because if every human individual was bisexual then the most often intercourse would have had self-reflexive character, and this would have greatly diminished the so needful in nature diversity.

           II. The Man

     In our continuation of viewing the describing of characteristics of the masculine individual (old Yang or Jang) is reduced essentially to negation of those of the feminine, but, still, these conceptions need some elaboration.

      1. In contrast to the female, the male is first of all searching personality, which, with many risky moments, aims to ensure, not the continuation, but the evolution of the kind, i.e. its modification according to the changing of outside conditions. ...

And if after all stated here turns out that for the man were said chiefly good things, while for the woman — only unpleasant things — well, and what have you expected from a cynic to tell you?

           III. The Parents

     The last section is dedicated to the union between these two diametrically opposed types of individuals by the bisexual animals, or to the pair of genitors, to their mutual relations in establishing of the dynamic equilibrium between them in the interest of continuation and evolvement of the kind. ...

The important thing is to realize that the interference in the "God′s work" of continuation of the kind may cause much greater disasters than the environmental pollution and here must be handled very carefully, and even better if noting at all is touched, limiting us only to relieving the painful moments in life and leaving Caesarian to Caesar, masculine to the man, and feminine to the woman.

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     The mankind is the amount of people living on our planet, but whether because of annoying blunder of God, or of divine wisdom, or then of random necessity, this quantity of people is extremely divided. The people are dispersed over the Earth globe nearly so as the space dust is dispersed in the interstellar space — here and there are a bit more than in other places, there are some forces of attraction and repulsion between them, similarly to the gravitational, there is some level of organization and structuring, as in every kind of matter, there is dynamics and evolvement, but all this is wide away from enough for to may speak about an organism. The ties between the indivisible units, called individuals (individuum in Latin), are in very rudimentary state, and the people are a kind of intelligent terminals — capable of independent actions, but tied in some wireless way in the society — only that they most often work in "autonomous mode", and if in the body of some animal each organ works for itself, then this organism will incessantly give defects. And exactly this is, in fact, what our society does, beginning from the moment of "descending from the tree" and up to the end of the bloody 20th century, because the humanity, alas, has still not learned to live as a whole organism.
     It is not needed special genius to spot that the universality of the human being is a double-edged sword, on which blades we constantly cut ourselves. The universal mechanism is convenient when there are to be performed different activities, bur it is maximally ineffective in relation of each one of them! This should have been obvious and we spoke about this question in the essay "About the creation" (in the part about the human), so that one slightly more intelligent God should have found some way for predisposition of the functions of different individuals from the very moment of their birth. This predisposition should have been in some limits, allowing substitution and competition between them, but not of everyone with everyone, where in the human society only in the area of reproduction exists strict division in two classes, so that two men, for example, as much as they strengthen themselves, can′t produce offspring. Without some fixing of the functions of each individual in the society can′t exist united functioning of all of them within the community, can′t exist one organism, we can not reach perfection. And this leads us to the thought that the mankind is some pretty new thing for the nature (or God, if you like it so better) and the things are yet to be developed and bettered, forcing arising and passing in heredity of some more substantial differences between individuals (exceeding the racial and proprietary ones), which are to bring also greater harmony in the future. But let us look consequently at the: society (with its drawbacks), and the civilization (which tries to overcome them).


     Therefore, the civilization supplements the human society, striving to make it more humane and happy, only that it rarely succeeds in this because meets with problems by entering of the reason in action. The human society can′t, for the present, appear as a whole organism, and even less as reasonable one. But there′s nothing to be done because such is the material with which we are forced to work — the unreliable, cruel and egoistic animal, which can behave reasonable, sometimes, but not until he has used all unreasonable ways for achieving of the goal!? After we have appeared on the world, however, we just have no other alternative, except to live our live. Let us hope that each new generation will make this a bit more civilized than the previous.

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