Рабочий Верстак

          C U R I O U S    M A N I F E S T O S   — excerpts!


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia,   2000

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     [ * All names of the parties /movements /etc. in Bulgarian original have abbreviations with three equal letters, which peculiarity isn't easy to maintain in the translation, so the letters are more often different. ]

     Manifesto of the DDD (Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship) Movement
     Addendum to DDD
     Manifesto of the EEE (Enigma of the Exploitative Elite)

     Manifesto of the ZSG (Zodiacal Significance Group)
     Addendum to ZSG
     Manifesto of the IIE (Initiative for Iterative Elections)
     Manifesto of the CCW (Corrupted Cadres Wing)

     Manifesto of the NNO (New Nomenclature's Offensive)
     Manifesto of the FCP (Forever Changing Party)
     Addendum to FCP

     Manifesto of the BRD (Believers in the Reasonable Difference)
     Addendum to BRD
     Manifesto of the USC (Union for Strength and Competition)

     Manifesto of the TTT (Tandem for Total Totalization)
     Manifesto of the FFF (Feminism Forcing Formation)
     Manifesto of the CCC (Civilized Centralization and Circuses)
     Addendum to CCC

     Supplement: Hurray, Is It Possible (Government of the Reasonable Alternative)?

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           PART TWO


          (Zodiacal Significance Group)

     [ * Here, surely (as said before) in the original language were used three "z"-s, which are somewhere to the front of the Cyrillic alphabet (like Latin "c"), i.e. between 'e', then 'zh', 'z' (as in "zero"), and then 'i'. ]

     The history of all societies is a history of contradiction between the personality and the society, of incessant fights between the individual and the group, to which he belongs! From times immemorial the humans had aspired first of all to personal manifestation and prevalence over the others, and continually have tried to make career by way of, if one believes in the Latin origin of this word, just throwing down the others around them like stones in a precipice (confirmation of what may be found in similarly sounding words "career" and "quarry", which in Slavonic are exactly the same), only to climb up to the crest of power, no matter whether it goes about some real (and global peak) or about some small local height. This is a main law in our world and how the plants are heliotropic so the humans are "cratotropic" (i.e. longing for power, to put it in contemporary words), but inasmuch as the sun often does not suffice for all vegetation on a given place and most actively is used by those who have succeeded to clime on the top, so also the power can't "make warm" all equally, but only those on its higher floors.
     In relation with this, indestructible as the very life, longing for prevalence over the others from very old times people have applied the simplest and validated rule — uniting is some groups by interests, regardless whether organized on: ethnical, professional, religious, of property, or gender, or age, etc. principle, what can help them in their climbing up. On that thing is based the existence of political parties and the forming of special arena for their combats — an idea which receives significant development with the appearance of democracy in Ancient Greece, where it became popular not only between the privileged castes and strata of the population, but also between the whole nation.
     Immediately after the massification of parties, however, it turns out that this decision, generally said, is not a decision, due to the innate drawbacks of the very idea! In a sense that, as much as the parties allow the individuals to leap above the others, in the same extent they hinder him to reach this, and in this way the drawbacks of parties provoke also the drawbacks of democracy, because of what in the millennial human history incessantly have alternated periods of democracy with periods of dictatorship, or at least of some compromising form between the two poles. And because the parties does not give equal opportunities for their participants to manifest themselves and make a moderate career (non hindering the others to make the same, too), it turns out that the parties are used only and exclusively as means for making of career (in the same way as in hot weather, for example, one drinks more water, which, because of the lower concentration of salt in it than in his sweat, instead of satisfying his thirst, worsens even more his water-salt balance; this what one needs in very hot weather is not more water but more salts, but being not in position to get them he gets at least the water). And, really, the situation (whole 25 centuries) was just hopeless until our Zodiacal Significance Group (ZSG) has arisen, which at last succeeded to put each thing on its proper place with one precise intervention exactly in the weakest point. For the first time in human history we allow to various parties to become unions primarily of equally thinking individuals, and not of careerists, but not depriving the persons from the possibility (and by this equal for each member) to make career (with even greater chances than in the existing till the moment parties), and more than this — in one much more attractive way! But let us look at the things consecutively, beginning with the

     1. Shortcomings of the existing till the moment parties.


     If the future of the humanity is in the democracy, then the future of party system is in its zodiacalization, hence, the future of the democracy is in the zodiacal democracy!

     If you want to make political career, do it only in the solely appropriate for it zodiacally pure environment!

     To zodiacal turn with the help of Zodiacal Significance Group!

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     This addendum contains partial description of the mathematical model of forming of the Zodiacs proposed by the ZSG. Despite its exactness it has illustrative character and does not show principal influence over the explained in the Manifesto ideas, meaning that if the zodiacal ruling will be applied this will not be because of this analysis. Nevertheless, however, the given calculations are true, where in addition is made also probabilistical modeling with computer program, what proves that the last thing that can be said about the Utopian ideas is that they are not reasonable, while the most important thing that makes them different from the real ones is only that they are not yet realized (but it has been so with the democracy, too, before Pisistratus have enforced it in his time).


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          (Initiative for Iterative Elections)

     [ * Here are three "i"-s in the original because "election" in Bulgarian begins with this letter. ]

     The history of all societies is a history of selection of public leaders! However strong and powerful one country is, if it is not well organized and governed, the society cannot demonstrate this, to what it is capable, the country is torn by internal confrontations and becomes easy prey for others, better organized than it, countries. And much more needed is the good organization if the country is poor and weak. But in the human society the organization is performed by the humans and, therefore, it reduces mainly to finding of most capable rules and setting them at the head of the power. In conditions of dictatorship this is performed from above, where in conditions of democracy — from below, but the problem remains, because it is very difficult to be solved and, usually, some decision is taken, but with no guaranties that it is the best one. Let us have a better look at this.
     Under the dictatorship the rulers are appointed by the dictatorial body (be it one person or some counsel), what is good, if this body is competent and honest, bus as far as this rarely happens the good dictatorships are also rarity in the history, and what is worse: when there come incapable rulers they compensate in abundance for all good, which their predecessors have done. Under the dynastic and monarchical forms of governing it is accepted that the choice of the new dictator must be done from the descendants of the old, because the "seed" is the same, but this, alas, guaranties nothing. The only plus of the choice from above is that the area for searching of rulers is restricted to few and related with some aristocratic or other relations persons having received good education and who can, more or less, be made known to the dictator, i.e. some diminishing of the pool of choice is achieved.
     Under the democratic choice (the choice from below) the things go well only if the group of voters is relatively small, and they can know good the persons whom they choose, but on a state's level this choice appears to be nearly as bad as the other one, with the single plus that the bad ruler can't state for long in power and can easily be changed with another one (usually as incompetent as the previous!). However small this advantage is, it, still, is something, so that we shall try to retain it, i.e. we will observe the democratic model, but let us not be mistaken that it works now good, because the problem of choice remains! This is the problem that when one chooses somebody, who is to rule him (or her), he must choose the more competent one, but for this purpose he alone must be competent enough in order to make the choice! In other words, one can choose only such boss for himself who is as good as he is (or worse), but not better one, by the simple reason that he is not in condition to assess him right! The things worsen even more because the managerial art isn't at all an area with which everybody is familiar (as, for example, the football), so that the ordinary citizen simply has no chances to be specialist in it.
     At any rate, this has to be obvious, because in each human activity there exist commissions for making of decisions about the abilities of competitors, and these commissions are more competent than the very participants, but in the national elections it is on the contrary! The choice from below can work only in case of very small difference in the abilities of the competitor and the commission, what can make it similar to the competent choice from above. For this reason the humanity from times immemorial applies the simplest rule of iterative choice, where small groups of people choose their representatives, which form another groups, where the same rule is applied, and so on, until the top level is reached. This is the main method of work in each party or group of people, where the democratic choice is applied. The only reason why this is not done in general elections is the difficulty for performing of such estimation, but only this is the right way, if we want to make good decision! We from the Initiative for Iterative Elections (IIE) have definite proposition, which we shall explain below, but let us first clarify the obvious minuses of the existing democratic choice, which are wisely hidden by all traditional parties, or, better, by the politicians on the higher levels of power.

          1. Drawbacks of the democratic choice



     In the most of democratic countries the population looks at the politicians as at some elitarian stratum which is not approachable for the masses and is ready to bet on them as it is done in lotto on in horse racings. But this is so because of the lack of involvement with them, as also from the part of the latter to the masses which have elected them. Only IIE finds the right way for uniting of the society in one whole body, where each one carries his part of responsibility for the destinies of the others, and the more to the top we went the more heavier becomes this responsibility. The future of the elections is only in the open and iterative elections, based on direct contacts and possibility for expressing of one's own meaning about the persons for whom is voted. The choice on the top, especially of people related by tight and unifying party platforms, and not of particular personalities, erodes the foundations of democracy. The Representatives of the people must really represent the nation (or part of it) and not their parties, and such representativeness can be reached only with the help of IIE.

     Give support to our IIE, because we support the proved during the centuries iterative choice of gradually executed voting from below, solely able to overcome successfully the problem of choice.

     Show reason, show understanding, show initiative — choose our Initiative!

     IIE gives the iteration, the iteration betters the democratization!

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          (Corrupted Cadres Wing)

     [ * Here the letters in the original are three "k"-s and wing is krilo.]

     The history of all societies is a history of continuous establishing of existing tendencies while reaching the required level of ripeness! It has newer occurred that something was settled and legalized in the society before it has arisen as a germ and has acquired some procreation, which has enforced the setting on the agenda of the question of its accepting; but this only has never been enough if the thing in question has not corresponded well in its degree of development or ripeness to the needs of society and mostly of its government. The first part of the above statement defends the thesis that in the social development can't be seen unmotivated ideas, which have not initially arisen as non-justified, or non-lawful, or heretical thoughts, because there is no way to fix something about which nothing is known (and the new things in the beginning are considered heretical), what is obvious. The second part of the statement requires some time for comprehension or maturing of the idea, until it becomes "palatable", i.e. for its establishing as principle in the social government, where the different ideas need different level of ripening for to be taken out of the sphere of unofficial practice and accepted as rightful in the official; dually viewed we may assert that the society has to ripen for to accept some new proposal. This, naturally, is only a qualitative relationship, but it suffices for our aims, as we shall see later.
     What concerns the corruption, then it has existed from the beginning of the world, but till now its time has not come to be recognized in the governing, because it was still green, or the society was not ripe enough for to appreciate its taste. But the fact, that it is applied illegitimately and unofficially almost everywhere, says that there are many connoisseurs of its taste, as also that it successfully complements various lawful situations, where with the help of it often a right decision is reached. ...
So that the corruption should not shock us at all, but must make us to think when and where it is needed! We dare to announce that the corruption in the politics, obviously, is necessary and unavoidable (at least because it, anyway, exists), and the time has come to make it legal, because it is needful for the democracy, or the democracy requires it! So that let us begin.

          1. Drawbacks of the democracy


     Besides, let us not forget also the following important moment, which will be direct consequence of the activity of CCW, and this is the assertion that only proper business foundations in the politics will give good possibility for individual development of the politician and for complete manifestation of his abilities, what is namely the goal of each democratic society. The people choose the actual personality and the parties are only some linking and depersonalizing instrument and, in this sense, only via CCW could be reached real democracy, where is valued first of all the personality and singularity of the politician as representative of the public and not his devotion to some common ideas. The way to modern democracy unavoidably passes through the Corrupted Cadres Wing!

     To legalizing of political corruption in order to eliminate it from political life!

     Set the politics on business fundament for to better and elevate it!

     Ahead to real democracy with the Corrupted Cadres Wing!

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