Рабочий Верстак

          C U R I O U S    M A N I F E S T O S   — excerpts!


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia,   2000

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     [ * All names of the parties /movements /etc. in Bulgarian original have abbreviations with three equal letters, which peculiarity isn't easy to maintain in the translation, so the letters are more often different. ]

     Manifesto of the DDD (Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship) Movement
     Addendum to DDD
     Manifesto of the EEE (Enigma of the Exploitative Elite)

     Manifesto of the ZSG (Zodiacal Significance Group)
     Addendum to ZSG
     Manifesto of the IIE (Initiative for Iterative Elections)
     Manifesto of the CCW (Corrupted Cadres Wing)

     Manifesto of the NNO (New Nomenclature's Offensive)
     Manifesto of the FCP (Forever Changing Party)
     Addendum to FCP

     Manifesto of the BRD (Believers in the Reasonable Difference)
     Addendum to BRD
     Manifesto of the USC (Union for Strength and Competition)

     Manifesto of the TTT (Tandem for Total Totalization)
     Manifesto of the FFF (Feminism Forcing Formation)
     Manifesto of the CCC (Civilized Centralization and Circuses)
     Addendum to CCC

     Supplement: Hurray, Is It Possible (Government of the Reasonable Alternative)?

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     The proposed book is collection of papers of a genre called, according to the author's definition, "politistics", which comprises all what can be said about the social policy — either a theoretical or scientific investigation, a documentary material, a satire, a pamphlet, some fiction etc, or any kind of mixture of the mentioned, as much as life itself is, in general, mixture off any, good and bad, things. To define is to delimit, as some people know, and that is the etymology of the word (meaning to make it finite, to set some limits) and, in this sense, some not strictly defined writing genre should not lose, but on the contrary may enhance, the reader's interest in a similar way as a good coffee blend, for example, has better taste than any one of the used sorts.
     The Manifestos presented in the book are too serious to be read in bed at night, but also too paradoxical to be seriously taken by the reader. But what are the paradoxes if not something that is placed outside of our knowledge and parallel to it, because this word comes directly from Greek παραδοξοσ, meaning something unbelievable, contradicting to well accepted notions (usually because our knowledge is not sufficient to comprise them, too), and which is build from παρα + δοξα where the first means "around" and the second is a thesis, statement. They are as if parodies of the Marxian Manifesto (judging by the beginning of each of them), but this is only small formal similarity and in their core they are rather parodies of all democratic parties, i.e. of the (multi-) party system, and therefore they criticize, respectively, the politics and politicians on the whole, the democracy, as well as the simplicity and vulgarity of the people (who in Latin are unavoidably vulgar). For one thing, they are very logical, if one reads them carefully, but for another — they are just Utopias. At the same time, however, some materials are highly ironical and instructive for those who are capable to find pleasure in things interesting from the so called speculative point of view, i.e. as knowledge in itself and not because it is useful in their everyday life.
     One may take the Manifestos for political science fiction of a kind (in which there is more science and logic and less fiction as is usually accepted), or as popular treatise about democracy (something that in no way is superfluous in countries with insufficient experience in the area), or simply as political pamphlets (because is preserved the main element of the manner of speech of a politician, namely: to speak only pro for his part and contra the opposite one). To some of them there are Addendums where is schematized the mathematical model of the proposed idea, which are very serious, but they may be skipped, if you find them difficult to read. Another ones are really comic, but this does not make them entirely inapplicable, if a reasonable approach will be applied. The common joining idea is that each one of them proposes some ideal (in a given aspect) model of democracy, which is better than each of the existing democratic forms, what, for its part, gives right to some of the readers to name the book antidemocratic (just that the "anti" is related with our naive and euphoric notions about the contemporary democratic forms, and not with the very democratic idea). Anyway, the Manifestos sound interesting, or at least they were interesting for the author while writing them, so that he hopes there will be found some readers, too, who will share his view.
     Some say there was in ancient Greece one Hesiod, who has divided people in three categories according to their capability of thinking, namely to: a) such who think alone, b) such who think as the others, and c) such who don't think at all. The last category has the major advantage that they are the most happy of us all (fact that was known from very old times, preceding the biblical ones, and that was reflected in the parable for Adam and the Apple), so let them go and see the new video action film and be even happier. The first category is very limited in number and they are so engulfed in their thoughts that they have neither time nor desire to read what other people have written, so let us leave them alone. This book is designed to help those of the middle group to convince them that there is nothing bad if they try, sometimes, to give little thought to the phenomenon of democracy.

     Hoping that the reader will, nevertheless, find something valuable and will not curse the author for the time spent but, on the contrary, will read the Manifestos with gusto and simply for the fun of it, the latter leaves the former alone with this political mixture.

     1996 - 2000, 2007,   Sofia, Bulgaria         Chris MYRSKI

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          (Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship*)

     [ * The new word here is "deliberate", which doesn't stand very well, but in Bulgarian (Slavonic) "movement" begins with "d", so I decided to translate it in this way. ]

     1. The history of all societies, for 25 centuries now, is a history of change of democracy with dictatorship, and vice versa! Even in Ancient Greece there were incessant changes of periods (of about ten years, or so) of some kind of democracy (but not for the slaves and the women, of course) with another periods of tyranny (called so because their dictators were simply named tyrants). Similar change was performed in Ancient Rome when times of democratic government were succeeded by absolute monarchy. After the ruination of Roman Empire have arisen some feudal monarchies, which for more than ten centuries have caused such stable stagnation (still and untroubled as the death itself), which, after that time has passed, have given solid ground to the entire world to call the new tendencies "Renaissance" (i.e. revival or resurrection). And, of course, the Renaissance begins with limitation of the authority of absolute dictators (no matter were they the Church or some Monarch), because "too much good isn't good". Later on, in some countries the Monarch remained as dictator, but his power was limited to a certain point, and in others he was discarded but in his place was established a President (i.e. a man who presides over all other people, man of highest authority again) because "the Nature avoids empty places", and without a kind of dictator there is no go! Anyway, this process of everlasting change of dictatorship with democracy and v.v. is entirely natural and unavoidable and here is the place to note two important points, namely:

     a) both, the democracy and the dictatorship, have their advantages and disadvantages;

     b) the perfection is in the very process of changing of one form of government with the other.

     The democracy, as it is well known, ...

     The Movement for Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship has no precedents in human history, though it does not come to an empty place but is a result of natural evolution in the domain of social government. We state something more, namely, that the Democratic Dictatorship is unavoidable and, therefore, it is much better to perform planned transition instead of chaotic one, which will have then greater social price. The future of any reasonable government, either of dictatorship, or of democracy, in all their variations, converges to one and only form — that of the Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship!

     We are not a party but a movement for better parties!

     We do not fight for partaking in the Government but for improvement of the Government itself!

     Give support to us and our Movement for Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship!

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     1. Simple random choice of Parliament

     To make simple random choice between about 6 mln. electorate in our country the problems consist mainly in building some ranging of persons, and in providing of guaranty for impossibility of faking the electoral results. Here we propose two variants, namely:

     a) Using one common electoral roll. ...

     2. Multi-parametric random choice of Parliament

     Here the situation is more complicated because ...

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          (Enigma of the Exploitative Elite)

     The history of all societies is a history of improving of the exploitation, or of changing of one form of exploitation with another one, better than the former. And "better" here means that it more exactly corresponds to the new economical, social and political conditions in the society. On the early dawn of human civilization the tribal method of exploitation in big families have been changed with the slavery, because this has been proved to be essential in the fight for survival between different states, and those of them, where there were no slaves, have fallen as easy preys in the hands of the stronger and better organized countries. Without the slavery order there would have been no Ancient Greece, i.e. it would not have been great country, having given powerful impetus in the development of all arts, sciences, and production of goods in that time, but would have been instead something like "Eskimo-land". The slaves were fed and clothed and, under a competent slave-holder, even for themselves it was preferable to be slaves in a great and prosperous country rather than free citizens in a backward tribe.
     With the evolvement of the economy, however, it became possible to change this form of exploitation with new and better one — with the feudal form, where the people did not still carry chains and could move freely between the borders of the country, but ... if they had what to eat, only the "chow" in that times have come mainly from the earth, so that they were forced to state bound to it. ...

Without organization, i.e. without organized exploitation, the society would have been like a band of wolfs and this have been known at least from the times of primitive societies. But "known" does not mean well used, because all methods for selection of exploiters till now have been only opportunistic, i.e. such which can be found on the path of least resistance, but without whatever scientific ground or decision. Nowhere on the world have been reached the right view for estimation of the enigma of exploitative mastery, because this, really, is an art, which has its secrets and mysteries! Only we, from the Enigma of the Exploitative Elite (EEE), approach this problem in a right way, trying to find a scale for measuring of this art, on the basis of which the question for choosing of rulers or exploiters, what is the main problem in the democratic elections (but is useful also for the centralized government, too), can be solved. Stating openly that exploiter, this sounds great, we ask ourselves first the question:

     1. Why our democracy does not work?


     The classical democracy sets on the possibilities for free choice, but does not make anything for forming of the algorithm of choice. In this situation the things go well where they have always gone well, and, respectively, bad — where they were bad. Put it otherwise: where has leaked, there will leak again. Only our EEE gives the possibility also in our devastated economy to begin to flow rivers with ambrosia.

     Even if EEE will not better the policy, it will better the economy, but the best policy has always been the best economy, hence, EEE will better also the policy!

     If you yearn for our country, then you yearn for the exploitation in it, therefore you long for the Enigma of the Exploitative Elite.

     Appreciate our Enigma in order to build our own exploitative elite!

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