Рабочий Верстак

         THE COMMUNISM AS RELIGION — excerpts!

          (popular study)

          Chris MYRSKI, 1998



     I. Similarities of the communism with other religions

     II. Differences between the communism and other religions

     III. Past and future of the communist religion

     IV. The pentaism — religion of the future

     Appendix — Etymological research (multilingua)

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     Despite the various discussions about the benefits or disadvantages of the communism, discussions which usually don't lead to undivided conclusions, because each thing depends on the time and place, each medicine — on the dose, each government — on the object of governing, each democracy — on the demos, et cetera, it seems that this consideration is necessary for Bulgarian (and not only) people, or at least for its thoughtful part. It is necessary not so much to find new culprits for the crisis or catastrophe in Bulgaria, but to throw suitable light on the question, because the crisis, as it turns out, has begun after our rejection of communism, and direct proofs for the advantages or disadvantages of it we, still, don't have, because we have not the so called "control group", as the medics say, which has always to be present in examination of some medicament, in order to make justified comparison, i.e. we haven't two Bulgarian countries: one communist and another not, to compare the results. The Germans had two Germanies and nevertheless their situation isn't unquestionable, because they have not possessed equal natural resources, nor were equally big, nor equally destroyed in the war, and in addition the eastern part supported to a certain extent the Socialist Block, by the simple reason that in a common lead of horses more than all other suffer the stronger horses (and win the weaker ones — such like Bulgaria, for example). We have not such proof and can compare ourselves, either with our brethren in destiny: from the former communist countries like Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, etc. — what parallel isn't to our advantage —, either with our territorial neighbours of non-communist type of state like Greece or Turkey — what comparison nowadays also isn't to our benefit. Of course we can compare us with the "severe" cases like Serbia, Chechnya, and other regions, where people slaughtered themselves, and we still didn't (though there are reasons for this — more or less slavish psyche of the Bulgarians inherited as a result of our five centuries Turkish yoke), but in such case why don't compare us with, say, Rwanda, for to feel more elevated?



     0. Definition of the notion "religion"

     And so let us try to give some working definition of the word "religion", as: complete social system of notions and rituals, which is based mainly on faith and is devised in order to fortify and encourage people in their everyday activity and especially in their hard moments, giving sense to otherwise meaningless from individual point of view life. This is sufficiently common and comprising definition, which does not exclude any of the existing religions and allows an easy inclusion of new ones. Anyway, more precise definition would be limiting, as the parsing of similar words tells us, say: Russian opredelyayu (to define) splits in o (around) + predel (a limit) + ending, or their ogranichivayu (the same, and granitza is a border), or your (i.e. Latin.) define = de + (make it) final, delimit = de + (set) limit(s), and others, what comes from the understanding that the life is infinitely difficult and we need to cut something away from it, in order to be in position to take and study the piece. We shall observe further more than a dozen main characteristics of the communism as religion, which taken separately are not enough for similar assumption, but their cumulative effect confirms entirely our thesis. Together with their presence in some of the religions we shell view also their appearance in the communist religion, but parallels with national socialism, as far as with other types of social structure, we leave to the imagination of the reader.

     1. Faith instead of reason

     This is the most important characteristic of each religion, but it isn't the single one, of course. Without discussing which one of both things is more important we shall remark that the only thing that the reason can do in this way is to prove in reasonable way that God must exist, where "must" is to be understood in the way that, if God does not exist, he has to be invented, because the humans just want to be some God, for to be something in what to believe and on what to rely, what, in fact, says the very word "religion" in English (to rely on, lean on something)! Similar etymological confirmation of the said is hidden in the word "pater", which comes from ancient Sanskrit where it have meant "a plank, pillar", and this is the meaning of nowadays rarely used Bulgarian word pateritza (a crutch; the words may differ, looking at their endings, but important is the picture of the situation, because in Sanskrit pater or patir is also a father, and in Latin patera is ritual cup, but they are from the same root). If one wishes there may be observed other words, like: father, which is papa in Russian (or also bashta in Bulgarian, or baba in Turkish, etc.), and this is the Latin pope, Russian priest which is called the same as father (otetz, bashtitze), Slavonic priest which is (also) svjashchennik what means svjatoy-sainted man, to whom one goes when feels a need to be condoled and to whom one may believe, the English God (respectively German Gott), which corresponds with the good and would say "The good (power)" (as much as the devil is, for the common people, variation of "The Evil"), and so on. In any event the religion for the people is what fairy tales are for the children! In it the things are accepted not because they are true, but on the contrary, or at least this is what says the well known Latin phrase that "I believe because it is unbelievable" (or credo quia absurdum in Latin), and this is ... logical, because this, what is probable, what happens and can be proved, that proves, via examples or logical conclusions, and that, about what there are no proofs, can be accepted only by faith.


     15. Religious moral

     Each religion is inevitably moral, demanding such behavior from the believers, which can be called rules for good coexistence. Usually one knows what is good for him in the given moment, but as finite being he can not comprise, neither all other human beings (or rather the whole nature and environment, too), nor all previous and future generations, so that this is the main moral obligation of the religion: to make the individual feel like a part of the whole society, or like a dust-grain of reality flowing in the river of time! Maybe on this place we must give in march one non-limiting definition of the term "moral" as: system of rules intended to unite the people in the time and in the space. If we look now more precisely at the things it will turn out that uniting of the people in the space, at any rate, may be achieved (at least using force), but before the time without the religion (or some primitive moral norms) the humanity simply feels confused! A group of people not united in the space are usually called "savages" (because they may bite through their throats like a pack of wolfs — either for a female, or for a bone, or just to show what "heroes" they are), whether a group of people not united in the time are frequently called "barbarians", i.e. infidels (because they don't know how to act in order to leave behind a good memory for themselves, nor are convinced that they must leave whatever memory at all).



     Our main goal was to show the similarities of the communism with other religions, because the differences are easy to be seen, but for completeness of the discussion let us mention also the main differences.

     1. There is no God

     Under the communism, as we said, there is no God in the conventional sense of this word, i.e. as being made by image and likeness to the humans (no matter whether with two or four hands, or to what incarnations it is capable, or by what method it reproduces itself — was it via breathing, or by making out of some of his own parts, or like the Holy Ghost, via divine "implantation" in a human body), but there still existed the idea for something existing always and everywhere, imperishable and indivisible, what rules the world, from the smallest particles to the cosmic galaxies and black holes, by way of different natural laws (for the bigger part of which we don't know neither how, nor where they are written), and what performs the relation between the past and the future. But, at the end, what is the difference whether we shell speak about the "word", or the idea, or natural laws, or bits of information, when all this is the one side of the things, and the matter or the existence is the other one? For the matter to exist there must be information about how it is to be connected, how to functions and evolve in time, and in order to maintain the information there must be natural objects where it has to be written and transferred. These are the two sides of our world, but with what symbols we shall signify them, is of no principal meaning.



     In this chapter is convenient to look at the communist religion, as it's said, in the dynamics of its evolvement. But first we must make clear that it does not arise in the time of theoretical devising of communism by Karl Marx, who makes just a prediction that, wishing this or not, but the ghost of communism travels around the world, and if we take this in consideration, then we shall spare ourselves much unneeded social conflicts! This Marxian communism has nothing in common with the religion, which we investigated, because in it the greater part of the discussed characteristics were not present, for example: it is not based on belief; he does not speak about communist future as about something wide away and unreachable, but as depending on the development of the productive forces in worldwide scale (something that right now is practically accomplished in various Western countries, just that they don't call it so there but in the best case use the world "socialism", as more tender); he has not thought at all about objects of the cult, about Party Houses and Mausoleums; neither about the fanaticism of communists; nor about the totalitarianism of this ideology and its penetration even in the sports, sciences, etc.; neither has thought about Komsomol head-wears (he has not thought about the Komsomols first of all), and has worn big beard and such hair which he liked; there was not a word about inquisitional body, because he has not tried to govern a country (but to foresee the development of the society); nor about censorship; nor about refuge for the weak; et cetera. If Marx has not told what will follow after the communism this does not mean that he has wished stagnation in the society. So that from the above enumerated characteristics of religions remains only this, that he has had nothing against the happiness of people and, naturally, wished that the most valued things from the moral of the people were preserved also in the communism!

     1. Leninism — beginning of the communist religion

     The Leninism, or "compulsory communism" (also revolutionary, dictatorial, obligatory, and other similar epithets) is what sets the initiation of the communist religion. It is naive to insist that Lenin has realized that he has started a new religion — he has, maybe, just wanted to achieve stronger influence over the masses — but, so or otherwise, one may boldly state that he was the first "communist Pope", as also the first communist saint and martyr. (Generally speaking, similar things often happen, where there are, for example, very few fathers who have made their children deliberately and consciously — they have wished, supposedly, only to make their beloved ones happier, if we put it more genteel.) With the emergence of first communist state, however, in conditions of severe reaction from the part of all other (but much better developed) capitalist countries, on a territory and with population sufficing for a world empire, with personal ambitions (the unsatisfactory results reached by his brother in his efforts for some movement on the way of progress in this, no need to be too modest in such cases, left-behind empire using only terroristic means), there was nothing else left to the "poor being" unless to apply all the best from the millennial history of world dictatorships in the governing of big human masses! But what is one to do when the people do not want to do that, what is for their own good? When a child does not behave (and the behaviour of whole populations differs only slightly from that of the children, by the way), then he (or she) must receive his (her) punishment, right? And in order to have not only punishments there must be also some fables (as nowadays we are told any democratic tales), i.e. faith or religion (and let us remind yor here that the fascist salutation "Heil", and read as 'hayl', is the root of German heilig, what means holy, sacred). That's how it is, alas, because the human may be made to do something, what he doesn't want to do (but what, nevertheless, must be done), only in two ways: either via enforcement, or via delusion (and even better in both ways simultaneously)!



     1. Subject of the pentaism

     The pentaism is religion of atheists, in which is overcome the existing in all other religions opposition between the faith and the reason in one natural way — through their inseparable unity! We invite everybody who accepts our doctrines to believe that the reason exists, and, hence, all can be proved by reasonable way, so that the solace, that our believers search, to be situated in the reason, which for its part can establish the need of the faith; or vice versa — in the faith, which can postulate the existence of the reason. According to us the faith and the reason not only don't contradict one with the other, but they complete one another, so that there, where the faith isn't much, the reason comes to help it, and where the reason lacks, there the faith helps! In this sense the pentaism is the most reasonable religion, and the most religious area of study. There are no problems for everybody wishing to join us, either by way of the reason (that our religion is the best one), or by way of the faith (that it is the most reasonable one), or by some dialectical unity of these extremities, or also by some of the other Ways of Knowledge (see further below).
     The pentaists believe in cause-effective relations of the things and know that their contemporary position is impossible without the existence of pre-existential past, in which they are one unrealized post-existential future, so as their present existence is one pre-existential past for their post-existential future. The pre-existential past, as well as the post-existential future, are non-material and indestructible!


     The main goal of our present existence is the incessant enhancement of the integral happiness of the community, if this does not hinder the happiness of personality in its post-existential future! With a look at the latter are possible periods of restricting of happiness in the current moment, what is a matter of profound estimation and discussions. Our symbols are directed exactly to the happiness, and the five-rayed star symbolizes the five Ways of the Knowledge, so as also the five fingers of the palm symbolize the human hand, which alone can turn the idea into reality. All five ways are equally suitable and it doesn't matter by which of them the happiness will be reached, so that some individuals may use the belief, others the sensitivity, third the reason, and so on. More than this, the pentaism isn't religion for the chosen by some class, racial, proprietary, sexual, intellectual, or other features, and the gates of our Pentadoms are always opened for everyone wishing to join our lines, so that the happiness by us is free and accessible for all! The existence of post-existential future moves us forward in the time, where from the happiness of the individual must be estimated, and the informational character of this future convinces us in the links with other elements of the society (as also of the nature, via the existence of god), for which this information is intended. This union of believers in the time and the space proves logically the morality of pentaism, but it can be accepted also without proofs, by the way of faith, or may be reached via the studying, too. Only by moral ways one can come near to the divine truth (without, of course, to be capable to touch it) and only the morale may justify the existence of a religion. All religions have led to the arising of pentaism, which has grown out of them so that, without denying them in the common, contains them as idea in itself, as their intersection (mathematically speaking), or as emanation of the moral incorporated in them throughout the centuries human history via the way to the knowledge!

     Open your fingers at liberty, choose the preferred for you Way of Knowledge, and join the quintessence of all religions, the most atheistic and contemporary, the freest and most tolerable, the widely spread, anti-dogmatic, reasonably secret and scientifically-utopian, easily accessible for all, and maximally moral religion, offering the best support and opium for all nations in the way to the integral happiness of the humanity!

     Become pentaists in order to get the meaning of the meaningless life!

     1995 - 1998

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            * * * [Russian original]

"Привет товарищ грузчик!"
"Кому Вы говорите?"
"Ну, как же так: 'не грузчик'?
Однако же, простите,

Товарищ в русском языке
Ведь от товар изводится?
Ну и понятно, значит, всем,
Что к грузу это сводится,

К страданьям, мукам, нищетам
И прочим унижениям;
Товарищ — грузчику чета,
И прочь все возражения!

Да вот вопросик у меня
При этом появляется:
Коль скоро это, господа,
Перверзностью является,

Неужто это Вам — как знать? —
Как музыка звучит;
И всем кулак под нос совать
Ничуть и не претит?"

            [translation without* rhyme]

"Hallo, oh comrade load-carrier!"
"To whom, you think, are speaking?"
"Buy how's it if 'not a carrier'?
Then wait a bit, I beg you.

'Tovarishch' in the Russian language
Comes from 'tovar' does not it so?
So that it's clear for the people
That this reduces to the load,

To th' sufferings, and poor life,
And misery, distresses, grieves;
Tovarishch 's from the 'flock' of load,
And there's nothing to discuss!

But then a question I just have
In th' very same relation:
So, having in mind that, of course,
This's, anyway, perversion,

Does it then — or does not at all? —
For you like music seem;
And everybody under th' nose
To push a fist you die?"

     [ * Otherwise it could not have been called "multilingua".
     Ah, you can try, for the fun of it, to use some of the computerized translators. ]


            * * * [Bulgarian original]

Таквизи мисли доста странни,
нали, понякога се пръкват.
Но тъй като са нежелани,
да ги накараме да млъкнат.
            [translation, now rhymed]

Such thoughts bizarre — for such are they —
Jump out of my head sometimes,
But inasmuch as they are gray
Let's make them shut up and sleep nice.


     Remark: As far as .doc file here does not come full (it's cut to one third), so if somebody wants, I may sent him /her such file, how it must look like, with paging, splitting of the words, good for printing, if asks me on the address chris_myrski@yahoo.com (supposing there would be not many such people to take much of my time).



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