Mammyland (Poetically-Prosaic, As Well Anti-Democratic, Amalgamation)

Информация о книге:
Сборник стихотворений

страниц: ~33
знаков: ~51600
Жанры: Юмористические Стихи, Политика, Публицистика, Сатира, Поэзия
Рейтинг: 3.806
Голосов: 1

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Добавлена: 28.01.2021
     This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way you are losing the perfect nursery rhymes, but there are about 200 poetical lines, what makes 20 % of the text, and everybody can have a good idea about the material, which is worth reading.

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