Рабочий Верстак

          NOW,   LOOK   HERE ! — excerpts


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia, Bulgaria,    2001 ...

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     [ Remark: As far as the book is enormously big it is published here, by old habit, in small booklets amounting to about 50 (to 100) KB, containing normally from three to five papers. In this booklet are again more recent things for journals. To add also that the footnotes, again by established here habit, are marked with "*" and placed immediately after the paragraph in [ ... ] brackets. ]

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           Contents Of Section "For Journals"

     Essay on the common sense
     About the turn to the left
     How much has to win a company in order to have no gain?

     Our people again hoarded goods by higher prices
     Too good is not good!
     Are we free, or on the contrary?

     Political gratitude
     Neo-Malthusianism, or rational judgment
     Myths about democracy

     About the ownership and its future
     Just injustice

     In ovo e veritas
     Oh, 'manci, 'manci -pation!
     What we want to tell the world?

     In Bulgaria everything is quiet
     Political parties in Bulgaria

     About the degradation of morality
     Is it possible moderate communism in Bulgaria?

     Essay on the common sense — II

     ... new for journals

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     This paper treats, but from general or philosophical standpoint, the quite irritating for many older people question about the degradation of morality, is it so, to what this leads, and what are we to expect in the future.

     September 2012

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     Here is given my view on the moderate communism, backed with some approximate calculations for Bulgaria. In the beginning about what this means, then what money is needed, and in the end how to realize this idea.

     October 2012

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