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Some of the latest theories explaining the nature of gravity are contrary to both 
logical and empirical principles. A recent development of the idea of existence of dark matter - 
something invisible and very heavy, which is the cause of gravity and keeps the Universe together - is 
nothing but a new scientific hypothesis that will never become reality.

Let's once and for all clarify the situation regarding dark matter. Ordinary matter has a negative or 
positive charge, which is only a difference of the same charge existing innature or the potential 
difference of terminals.

Dark matter, according to some astrophysicists, has a charge opposite to that 
existing in nature. 

Einstein proved that matter and energy are identical concepts, E=mc2; but dark 
matter needs to have formula E=-mc2. Taking into account the fact that the charge either exists or 
not exists, then dark matter, in this case, not only has no charge at all, but even the degree of its 
non-existence is less than zero, that is, less than nothing.


In accordance with the above-mentioned statement dark matter can be described as something that 
has "nothing" in sub-zero degree in its composition. Such metaphysical statements may be the 
greatest absurdity that has ever been discussed in scientific circles. 

Imagine a normal atom, which is surrounded by a cloud of electrons; now imagine the atom of dark 
matter, which has a charge opposite to the one existing in nature; this means that the atom of dark 
matter surrounded by something that's even less than nothing. We want to remind some astrophysics 
that nothing can be less than nothing.
