Рабочий Верстак

          T E N   C Y N I C A L   E S S A Y S — excerpts !


          Chris MYRSKI,    Sofia, Bulgaria,   2000

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     About the Creation and the created

     About the woman and the man
     About the mankind

     About the intellect
     About the religion

     About the democracy
     About the violence

     About the justice
     About the population

     About the future
     Addendum: Constitution of Cynicland

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          PART SIX


           I. Past And Present

     We can′t speak about the future not going out of the past and of its constant trends and unchangeable principles of functioning of the society and the nature, because we must have a good basis in order to extrapolate our judgements. Only this, of course, is not enough, and for that reason as farther we go in the future the more imprecise will become our forecasts, but inasmuch as here we don′t go out of some private and biased interests, or, to put it more precisely, the only interest that we have is to continue the life on our old planet, it is worth to make an attempt. So that, let us first take in focus

      1. The constant trends in the development of society, starting somewhere in the times of Babylon and up to current days. We will mark four things, namely:

      a) Moving above in the scale of human desires and wishes and massification of this movement for wider groups of population. We have in mind the scale of desires with five levels, where on first place stays the providing of daily food, then comes the necessity of shelter, then the continuation of gender (so how God has decreed and people, too, like it — if not the result then at least the very process), then the wish for self-expression and establishing of superiority over the others, and at the end comes the developing and improvement of the individual. This movement, naturally, is ensured firstly for the ruling and later, and partially, for the ruled, where the integral evaluation consists in summing of the levels for each individual (with some weight for every level, maybe), so that higher value can be received, either via enhancing of the levels for some single individuals, or via massification of some not very high level. This total value for a given country, or for the whole planet, incessantly increases, and there are all reasons to believe that it will continue to increase also in the future. The purpose of life for everybody is to climb higher up on this scale, and the same applies also to the society as a whole through the summary evaluation.
     The first three levels are these of vital necessity for everybody and they have been satisfied up to certain extent already when the monkey has got down from the tree, as is said, bur self-expression, or possibility for making of career, even today, is not guarantied massively around the world, to say nothing about some specific, individual, developing of the person. Here, however, we face one phenomenon, ...

      b) The gradual liberation of the exploited masses, or the distancing of their "chains", is the next constant tendency in the human society since millenniums. It can safely be stated that the emergence of society begins with the division of labour and creation of conditions for using of one group of people by other such groups, or in the mutual exploitation, taking out of the "ploit"-everything or our souls (see "About the mankind" and "About the justice"), because this is the most effective form of using of human labour. Each society can exist only on the basis of mutual exploitation and is naive to think something else, but those of you who are shocked by this word can change it to "using". ...

      c) The next tendency is the constant strengthening of human capabilities and increasing of the domination of the human over the nature. This is obvious tendency, which nobody denies, but let us stress that this domination must always be restricted in better, or more advantageous for the human, fitting in the nature, not necessarily in its changing, which in most cases, judging by the human practice, is performed not so much out of necessity, as just to show our strength (i.e. out of unreasonable human pride), but also because the change of the environment is easier than our adjusting to the environment or changing of ourselves! So to say: when we can′t do what we have to do, we at least do what we can.

      d) The socialization of society, or the movement to wider social justice, is the last tendency on which we shall dwell. Since the dawn of civilization the human being has understood that our world is unjust (at least for each individual) and because of this he has never ceased to try to make it more just (see also "About the justice"). Only in the last pair of centuries, though, we have succeeded to achieve some relatively significant success in this regard, based chiefly on the higher possibilities of the society, but this is wide away from the limit of our desires (and there isn′t, in fact, such limit), so that this tendency will continue always. ...

      2. The unchangeable principles in functioning of the society are reduced mainly to the following:

      a) Fight with the difficulties in life. This principle is put deeply in the very "biological matrix" and the human being, regardless of his permanent striving for easy life, at the same time strives for interesting, what will say difficult, life. If we want to master somehow this verbal contradiction we should have said that one strives for easy life, which will allow him alone to create difficulties, that will make it interesting for him! ...

      b) The animal nature of the human is the next unchangeable moment by each civilizations and it shouldn′t be thought that we will succeed sometime to get free of it. Twenty centuries after Christ we still find pleasure to kill our brethren (if not in reality, then virtually, looking at it on the video), or at least to do them evils, where the basic element of our happiness is in the unhappiness of the others. More than this, at least during the last two centuries, ...

      c) The next important moment this is the disunity of human society. The people as individuals are much more reliable and functional, than the society on the whole, which still can not come to agreement who by whom has to be commanded and up to what extent have to be subjected one to the other. Even if is some countries exists some primitive level of organization, on the whole planet it is absent, and a pack of wolves, for instance, are more united than all contemporary countries taken together. Our ultimate dreams till the moment are reduced not to harmony and cooperation between the individuals and countries, but to chivalrous conditions for duels, most often on life and death (and with the chivalry only in words). It seems in all probability that ...

      d) The last unchangeable thing on which we shell focus is the incessant search by the human of some delusion, the constant escaping of the reality to some imaginary situation, something what has made already the ancient Romans to pronounce the sentence: "Mundus vult decipi!" ("The world wants to be deceived!"). Each good thing has its bad sides (and vice versa), so that our ability for higher nervous activity unavoidably is accompanied by our wish to invent own world in which to live. ...

           II. Near Future

     After the said in the previous section it is relatively easy to predict (with some degree of reliability) the development of the society in the near pair of centuries, extrapolating the constant trends and retaining the unchangeable principles. It must have been obvious that the world moves to socialism (although in many countries people are afraid of this word), if not for other reasons, then at least because now we can afford it. Whether in the future socialism ...

           III. Distant Future

     The distant future is this, where we can′t extrapolate the existing tendencies, but have to see in which way they will change so that to close the cycle, and here we can mainly guess. So, for example, it is clear that eventually will come time when the power of capital has to be changed, and then the role of compulsion will play, maybe, the heredity, or the connections in the gender, but this isn′t sure, because the families and clans even today are disintegrating, and the genetic engineering also offers many possibilities for interference in this direction. It can be allowed the existence of some specialized human individuals for specific kind of activity ...

     But our strength, after all, can′t be limited only with this, what is outside us, so that we will strive to better our own organisms and the society, too. The genetic engineering already has remarkable achievement, so that soon will be created various new vegetable plants and animals. But our role of creators of the world around us will not be on a sufficient height until we begin to change also ourselves — were it our bodies, were it to create posterity on demand. Each exiting out of our natural makings, surely, is very dangerous, but this will hardly restrain us from trying to continue the divine experiment and to increase the diversity in nature (more so because till now he have chiefly diminished it). Diversifying our life, though, is proper to take care also for the ... death, because it, still, is our most serious trial in life.
     Interfering in the natural mechanisms for propagation of life we, sooner or later, will reach to the cardinal problems about the organization and the chaos in the Universe, because they are bound in some cycle and the local organization supposes the existence of global chaos (and vice versa)! Since the moment of its appearance the living matter has tried to impose some order in the accidental and chaotic world, but if we ever succeed to reach very strong order in a given time-space coordinate then we must find also some way for moving to disorder, which is more humane than the used by the nature, because otherwise it will force its own, based on unlimited biological and other resources, method of trial and errors, taking the organic life for error and leading only to preservation of the matter but not of its form. But what will be this method, so that both, the life to exist and the chaos not to disappear, we, alas, can not tell you, but if someone tells you this you just don′t believe him! Because the organized matter decreases the entropy, but it can neither only grow, nor only decrease, but can incessantly (in sense of millions of years time and light years space) change itself.
     Well, we may be failure of the nature, but let us not do such errors that can erase it, for we have our interests where the nature has not! It is of no importance for the nature what will happen with the life, because it is meaningless for it, but for us it isn′t (i.e., we think that such meaning exists). The limit of our future is the reaching of possibility for substantial intervention in the chaos or in the meaninglessness of nature, because then we will be left with no other alternative except, either to include ourselves in it creating new meaningless worlds, or to decline taking part in this meaningless, confirming it. In this case it turns out that this, that the people are not really reasonable, is very nice thing, so that for us this moment is infinitely remote.

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     Taking into account the positive elements of existing till now civilizations and having in mind the legalization of used among us moral norms, structure of our state, and happy life of out citizens, as well also in view of further developing and improving of human individual and social community, we made this Constitution of Cynicland.

           I. Rights And Obligations Of The Individual

      Article 1. (1) Every human has the right of life or death, which is unconditional and independent of other individuals.
     (2) Every human has also the obligation not to apply this right to the detriment of the same right of other individuals, if this can be avoided.
      Article 2. (1) Every human has the right of happiness according to his views. The Public Reason (or other instances) can preach certain kind of happiness, but it is not obligatory for the individual.
     (2) The happiness of the individual, though, should not be built on the unhappiness of the others, nor to the others be imposed the personal understandings about it.
      Article 3. (1) All people are born unequal and have the legitimate right to prove their inequality and uniqueness amidst the others.
     (2) By proving of this uniqueness all people use equal rights and have equal obligations for compliance with lawfully established norms, regardless of the: sex, racial and ethnical origins, appearance, age, education, material welfare, health condition, intellectual and other faculties, preferred kind of delusions and beliefs, membership of social and professional or some other groups, ways for reaching of sexual pleasure, tastes, and habits.
     (3) The ways for expressing of individual inequality should not impede the other individuals from expressing of their inequality, as well not contradict to the Public Reason. In the cases when the inequality is restricted by the law, all subjected to such restriction are considered equal in this respect, regardless of the differences listed in the previous paragraph.
      Article 4. (1) All people have the right to show their animal nature, when this does not contradict to the Public Reason.
     (2) All people have the right and obligation to behave reasonable, when they can manage to do this.
      Article 5. (1) In the society all people are dependent one from the other, where in this respect free people do not exist. Each one, though, has the right ...

           II. Public Reason

      Article 11. (1) The Public Reason is the set of laws in the country, created by the official authorities obliged to ensure their observance and punishments in case of non-compliance with them, as well as the very authoritative bodies (according to Art.12). The decisions of these bodies are taken for truth, regardless the possibilities for proving of the contrary, until changes in them are forced, characterizing the old arrangements as lie and the new as truth. By virtue of Art.6, though, everybody can express his opinion about these settlements and criticize them in any ways, because these voices are taken for lies, if they contradict to the official truth.
      Article 12. All official power in the country is divided into:
     1. Supreme and affirmative — of the Parliament;
     2. Lawmaking — of the Lawmaking Office;
     3. Executive — of the Government;
     4. Representative and uniting — of the President;
     5. Regional — of the Municipals;
     6. Judicial — of the Courts and Prosecution;
     7. Punishing and forces for quick reaction — the Police and the Army;
     8. For propaganda — of the official Media.
      Article 13. None
      Article 14. Structure and functioning of the Parliament.
     (1) The Parliament is chosen as arbitrary and politically uninvolved sample of the people for period of 5 years by the procedure described in Art.22 and consists of 100 Representatives of People (RP) aged over 30 and below 60 years to the date of inauguration. It is permanently working body and ...

           III. Elections Of The Parliament And The President

      Article 22. Election of the Parliament.
     (1) The Parliament is elected openly and democratically, what says that everybody can watch this procedure, as well also that everyone can be elected in it. The restrictions for age are entirely natural, in order to find the middle of the grown individual, when he has already relatively well settled live views on many questions of public interest, and has still not lost his adaptive abilities for wholesome life. The choice is arbitrary and with equal probability, what means that in the Parliament will be represented ...

           IV. Conclusive Directions

      Article 25. The Lawmaking Office is obligated to make the necessary laws and pass them to the Parliament for adoption if possible to the running out of the mandate of the first Parliament with this Constitution, such as: Law for the Rights and Obligations of the Person, Law for the Media and the Means for Mass Delusion, Law for the Organizations for Expression of Partial Meanings, Law for the Exploitation of the Human, Law for the Organizations for Gaining of Personal Benefits, Law for the creative and Routine Labour, Law for the Bodies for Compulsion, Law for the Army and the Powers for Rapid Response, Law for the Courts and Prosecution, Law for the Working of the Government, Law for the Prolongation of the Gender, Law for the Elections in the State, Law for the Health and the Moderate Wearing of the Human Body, Law for the Environment, Law for the Personal and the Used for Exploitation Property, Law for the Education and the Localization of the Knowledge, and others. Till elaborating of these laws are to be applied the old regulations, when this does not contradict to the Constitution, or else to be postponed the decision of disputes until the adoption of the new laws.
      Article 26. This Constitution comes into power from the first of January of the year following its publication. Every citizen of the country must strive to be pervaded by its spirit in the interest of public harmony. It must be taught in educational establishments and brought to the attention of each individual. All crises in human society are result of deficiencies in the ruling and under better organization could have been avoided. This Constitution is an example for good organization.

     Approved by the Constitutive Parliament of New Cynicland.

     dd.mm.yyyy, Cynictown

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          END OF THE BOOK


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