Рабочий Верстак

          C U R I O U S    M A N I F E S T O S   — excerpts!


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia,   2000

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     [ * All names of the parties /movements /etc. in Bulgarian original have abbreviations with three equal letters, which peculiarity isn't easy to maintain in the translation, so the letters are more often different. ]

     Manifesto of the DDD (Deliberate Democratic Dictatorship) Movement
     Addendum to DDD
     Manifesto of the EEE (Enigma of the Exploitative Elite)

     Manifesto of the ZSG (Zodiacal Significance Group)
     Addendum to ZSG
     Manifesto of the IIE (Initiative for Iterative Elections)
     Manifesto of the CCW (Corrupted Cadres Wing)

     Manifesto of the NNO (New Nomenclature's Offensive)
     Manifesto of the FCP (Forever Changing Party)
     Addendum to FCP

     Manifesto of the BRD (Believers in the Reasonable Difference)
     Addendum to BRD
     Manifesto of the USC (Union for Strength and Competition)

     Manifesto of the TTT (Tandem for Total Totalization)
     Manifesto of the FFF (Feminism Forcing Formation)
     Manifesto of the CCC (Civilized Centralization and Circuses)
     Addendum to CCC

     Supplement: Hurray, Is It Possible (Government of the Reasonable Alternative)?

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           PART FIVE


          (Tandem for Total Totalization)

     The history of all societies is a history of victories and defeats, of gains and losses! The desire of everyone to win in whatever of his activities, either directly he, or through the victory of humans (or animals) who he supports or on whom he bets, is indestructible (i.e. it can be destroyed only with the human alone). This is the strongest emotion because on this world, as the saying goes, "man proposes but God disposes", so that it can never happen that one only wins (or, God forbid, only loses) and this game will become boring for him. On account of this before 25 centuries in Ancient Greece was introduced the democracy as one political game, in each everyone (with small exception and many luck) can win — either he alone, or at least his people, who wining through him give him the hope (well, often illusory, but supporting the human) that later he, in his turn, may win with their help. This is the greatest intellectual achievement of civilization of those times in the social sphere which carries many emotions and shows for the population and satisfies the imperishable human desire for gains!
     But is this achievement thought through, i.e. whether the contemporary democracy is the best and most spectacular, is there not omitted in it the most important element of our world — its uncertainty and arbitrariness —, does is not rely insufficiently little on the luck of everybody, and if there exists something better then is it attainable? In short, does it exist some way to better this show and if it exists then what is it? We answer affirmative to all this questions because we approach them scientifically and motivated! But in order to explain the things let us first have a better look at the democratic choice, for to find one main feature of it, after what to look how we can make it better, proposing one, not only more adequate, but ideal choice — the Total Totalization (TT).


     If the reasonable in the democratic elections is in their unreasonableness then the Tandem for Total Totalization is the most reasonable choice of the unreasonable, choice which (at last) returns the contemporary democracy to the source of Ancient Athens, where the uniformity of the selection was guarantied on generic principle (the co called "dems"), and in the genders often was drawn a lot, where we don't restrict at all the principle on which the Tandems will be formed. We require only, when the choice is difficult or impossible, to entrust it entirely to the Event, and to leave for us the emotions of the play, because what is our life if not one game? But this game must be wholly democratic and accessible for everybody, not only for some privileged aristocratic, financial, ethnic, mafiotic, or some other hierarchy! TTT not only brings us near to the ideal solution — TTT is this solution!

     If the democracy is chance for everybody, then TTT is chance for the democracy!

     If the humanity can't do without democracy, then the democracy can't do without totalization!

     To total democracy through the Tandem for Total Totalization!

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          (Feminism Forcing Formation)

     The history of all societies is a history of fight between the exceptional and the mediocre! And in this fight very often wins the mediocre, because it is exactly in the middle, it is this, what wide population masses want, and what they can understand and accept. The exceptional, on the other hand, is supported and understood only by a minority, and it isn't at all clear whether it is good or bad, until this question is not answered by the future (very often again not unanimous), because there are not objective criteria for this. In other words, there are no guarantees for disregarding of the mediocre majority in the name of some not known where leading minority! In the area of politics this means that the ruling positions must be taken exactly by moderate personalities, expressing most completely the aspirations of averaged folk layers, and "must" here means that if this is not so then these personalities simply will not stay for long on the political stage! This thesis surely is known, but till now it has not been explained convincingly. Only we from the Feminism Forcing Formation (FFF) have logically motivated meaning on this question which we express below.


Only we from the FFF for the first time propose logical motivation for this situation and find the exact place of the woman in the governing.
     But by doing this, however, we are not for emancipation of woman — neither in the commonly proliferated in Bulgaria meaning of this movement as "equality", because there can't be spoken about equality where exists the biggest difference between individuals (between the sexes), nor in the right meaning of "freeing" (what is the exact meaning of the word) of the woman from the ruling of the man, because this ruling, very often, is in the interest of the very woman! Nor are we pleading for approving of the other extremity — the matriarchy, as ruling of the woman over the man, because men are already the less enduring sex and it remains only to take away their right to command, for them to loose at all the interest to live fulfilled life.
     That is why we speak about feminization, understanding by this dividing of the activities between sexes, namely: the militant, creative, risky, exceptional — to the man, and the routine, mediocre, everyday needed, fateful for the posterity and the people — to the woman. Man proposes, woman disposes; man rules, but woman chooses (by whom to be ruled); or, otherwise said: the Feminism Forcing Formation stresses on the extraordinary importance of the mediocrity of the woman, what exactly, makes her the ideal politician!

     The strength of the woman is in her weakness, the weakness of the man is in his strength, the might of the FFF is in the reasonable compromise between the two extremities!

     Without FFF there is no feminization, without feminization there is no sexual equilibrium and stability in politics, without stability in politics the society has no future, ergo: without FFF there is no future!

     Force the feminization with our Formation!

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          (Civilized Centralization and Circuses)

     [ * Here are three "z"-s in the original and this letter is also to the end of the alphabet (though not last). ]

     The history of all societies is a history of compromise between the bread and the circuses for the people! This is formulated most precisely in the proverbial phrase "panem et circenses", which we in Bulgaria translate not quite exactly as "bread and shows". For the securing of the bread is needed centralized, very often dictatorial or at least one-party, government, where for providing of the circuses for the people in the area of social governing is invented the democracy, or the choice from below, which gives possibilities for outspeaking of various parties and for changing of those who have sat for a long time on the throne. The truth in this case, as also in many other situations, is in the suitable level of compromise between these both extremities, because the good centralization requires full subjection of the population to the ruling persons, in order to achieve peaceful life in the country, as much as the goal of each ruling in to maintain the status quo, but nobody can obey sufficiently good if he has rights to criticize and change those who command him. On the other hand, only the possibility for participation of wide population masses in the governmental processes, the discussions and confrontations of different views, realized in the democratic forms of government, can provide the so needed for the public political circuses, which together with this ensure also quick and easy changing of the line of governing when needed.
     As it's seen, these are contradictory requirements, and the contemporary democracy succeeds to remain for a long time in many countries because it is not that classical democracy from Ancient Greece (which, because it was pure democracy, or has provided mainly the circuses, has not stayed for more than a decade in succession in Ancient Athens and was changed with the next tyranny). Despite of everything, however, the present-day compromising democratic forms of ruling, though they contain sprouts of strong centralized power, set primarily on the democracy, and for that reason the providing of bread continues to limp, where the more poor the country is, the more tangible people feel the need of really stable power, and not only of circuses. But in order to appreciate properly our proposition let us first have a look at the

          1. Main shortcomings of the democracy.


     If we want adaptive and dynamic governing we must choose some form of democracy; if we want stable and dynamic democracy we must choose some way for centralization; if we want circuses and emotions for the people we must give them possibility for free manifestation and circuses. The Civilized Centralization and Circuses satisfies all these requirements.

     CCC preserves everything precious from the democracy, centralizing and strengthening it, but in one civilized, not totalitarian, way. The civilized society requires civilized democracy, but the civilized democracy is the CCC.

     The democracy incessantly develops and betters itself, or mutates and evolves. The newest mutation in the domain of democracy is the CCC.

     If you value the circuses, if you value the centralization, if you value the civilization, then you value the Civilized Centralization and Circuses!

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This Addendum contains one exemplary distribution of the quotas according to the votes of the electors. Let us have the following results of the voting of exactly 6 mln participants (given in thousands) and 27 parties, what is near to the real situation for our country.


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