N O W ,    L O O K    H E R E !


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia, Bulgaria,    2001 ...

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     There is no idea about the cover, because in this book are gathered great variety of different journalistic materials, it is not a work of fiction, and such books are usually not illustrated.


     [ Remark: As far as the book is enormously big it is published here, by old habit, in small booklets amounting to about 50 (to 100) KB, containing normally from three to five papers. Here are all "Other" things (with the exception of quite scientific papers). ]

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     I. For Journals
     II. For Newspapers
     III. Feuilletons
     IV. Others

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          Contents Of Section "Others"

     Actual political dictionary
     An open question
     About the trees and the people (forest allegory)
     Dozen questions for deliberation
     Could one cope with it?!
     Idea about new calendar
      already the end

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     Politician — insulting nickname for a person who states that he knows all, but the only thing that he does is to "beat his breasts" always when there are people around him.

     Good Politician — there is no objective criteria for determining of this, and for that reason is used the rule that who is the most spat-upon is the best.

     Bad Politician — a politician who no one condemns.

     Independent Politician — a politician who does not want to tell on whom he is dependent.

     Political party — Partial group of people with equal views about manipulation of the masses, equal inability for logical thinking, equal short-sightedness on given matters, as well also equal goals for personal benefits.

     Political tolerance — admitting the hypothesis that the political adversary is also human being.

     Political reorientation — political games, aiming at total confusing of the voters, so that the latter voted for new parties but for the same persons.

     Adherence to political principles — mental illness which is expressed in defending of ideas which no normal person will defend to the end.

     President — chosen for fixed term "father" of the nation, what is necessary because the people are like naughty children and there must exist somebody to punish them and whom they must obey.

     Good President — President who outlives on the political arena the party which has proposed him.

     Monarch — lifelong "father" of the nation, and due to the lifetime every monarch is good.

     Democracy — the sacred right of the people to express the opinions of those politicians who have manipulated them best of all.

     Balkan syndrome — Balkan variant of the statement that power corrupts the man, namely: power acts as purgative.

     National Assembly /Parliament / "Talking Shop" (translation from Bulgarian) —tribune designed for entertainment of the people, as well also for avoiding of street collisions between differently thinking.

     Representative of the Peoples— chosen by the people politic, who has high opinion of himself, mediocre intellect, and primitive emotions.

     Oppositionist — person who is convinced that the other is wrong even before he has heard what the other will say.

     National concordutopian unanimity which is expressed in lack of opinion on questions for which everybody has his definite opinion.

     Caretaker Government — Government that serves to the State, in contrast with the other Governments that serve to the people and parties in it.

     Constitution — main law in countries where the common sense is missing, or is questioned.

     Freedom of speech — the right of everybody to read about the others things, which he will not agree that they have written about him.

     Journalist — specialist in spreading of mass rumors.

     Good journalist — journalist whose rumors turn to be true.

     Police — institution for armed protection of property and social inequality between the people.

     Legal Courts — institutions where against payment are proved allegations, which later are taken for true.

     Legality — legalization of the innate wish of everybody to deceive or cheat his neighbour.

     Religion — allowed (and recommended) opium for mass consumption.

     Communism — popular religion of 20th century, gained spreading mainly in Eastern Europe and Asia.

     Social justice — advocating the idea that everybody has the right to live below the social minimum.

     Shocking therapy — popular method for loosing weight between some more savage nations.

     Educational qualification — the reason for which the "learned" can't receive as much money as the "unlearned".

     Highlife — chosen part of the society, which does nothing useful for it, and because of this is taken by it for a sample.

     Market economy — changing of the economy with the market.

     Merchant — person who takes goods from people who don't need them, and money from people who have not enough of it, gaining by this from both parties.

     Capitalist — person having substituted the concerns for ensuring money for his personal needs, with the concerns for multiplying of money in which he has no need.

     Wage-earner — contemporary slave of capital.

     Unemployed — the sole free person in the contemporary society, who has paid dearly for his freedom.

     Millionaire — polite addressing by us in the near future*.

     [ * This, unfortunately, is not so now, and because of this we try the word "democrat", but this does not sound so "milo"-dear (this is what "mil" in Bulgarian means, and here is meant that the million is something nice from the root mild, or milk, etc.). ]

     Good payment — the surest way for compensation of human stupidity.

     Private property — everything what one, on the contrary to his intellect, can buy or sell.

     1993 ?

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          to the representatives of all political powers: parliamentary, extra-parliamentary,
          dependent and independent, individuals, unions, parties, blocs, platforms,
          coalitions, and confederations

     Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

     This is standard test, intended to enable Bulgarian people, based on your answers to non-traditional question, to orient themselves better about your political views in the complicated political situation in our country.

     Question: in one hot sunny day, around 17 hours, an adult citizen begins, I beg your pardon, to masturbate on the square before our National Assembly, where always stay police guards and are many passersby. If you were in place of the police officer and had freedom to take decisions what you would have undertaken (mark one of the possible answers, which you would have preferred)?

     a) You pretend not to notice anything, because in free and democratic country everything that is not forbidden is allowed, and up to your knowledge there is no special law that deals with such casus (liberal variant).

     b) You use your radiophone to call urgently 5-6 of your colleagues with intention to border, hand in hand, some semicircular space in front of the citizen, to avoid that he, inadvertently, spattered some Mrs. or Miss, who has not noticed him. Your conclusion is based on the judgement that in a democratic country the police should not restrict the freedom, but, still, must protect the citizens from one another, avoiding in this way conflict situations (democratic variant).

     c) You call by radiophone the First Aid in order that qualified medical personal could provide first aid to the citizen and, if needed, make him injection with bromide. You ground you judgement on the fact that we all are human beings and must help one another when necessary (Christian variant).

     d) You use the radiophone to call police car, for to transport him to the police station, where must be filed a report and initiated a case against the violator of public order. In the court, though, turns out that the person in question presented no danger for the citizens, because he has taken all necessary measures in order to avoid splattering somebody accidentally, having providently in his left, unoccupied, hand perfumed handkerchief, a think which you, as principled guardian of order, acknowledge before the court (lawful variant).

     e) You make a phone call by your radiophone calling police car and personally push him rudely into it, "educate" him on the way to the police station, and work for his sending to correctional labour for two weeks. Your judgement is based on the fact that his amorality is evident and he must be punished, regardless of the letter of the law (totalitarian variant).

     f) Special meaning — write what exactly:

     Thank you for your responsiveness, dear democrats.

     1994 ?

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          (forest allegory)

     There are various trees in the forest. Some of them, when you bend them to one side, say, to the left, and hold them so for about 40-50 years and then leave them, they don't at all try to straighten themselves, or do this so slow, that they die without being able to straighten themselves. These are the hopeless trees.
     Some others, when you leave them free, begin to straighten little by little their wooden body, but because have suffered long enough they don't hurry to straighten at once. Such trees, if you leave them for some 10-15 years, will rise directly up without almost no deviation, neither to the left, nor to the right. They know that it is best of all to look up, towards the light, and for this reason are called clever trees. But there are not much of them in the forest so that they as if almost don't exist.
     Another kind of trees are such, that, when you leave them, and begin at once to straighten themselves, but because they very much wanted to straighten up it turns out that, before they mark this, they have already bent to the right, and then, even if they have marked this, they continue by inertia to bend farther to the right. They stop only when bend to the right roughly as much as have been bent earlier to the left. Then they realize that, if the point was to stay bent, then they could have as well remained bent to the left, and then throw themselves with the same impetus to the contrary side and again surpass the middle point upwards. And so on — once to the left, and once to the right —so that, until they remain straightened, many trees die and many new are born. They are called common trees, or also vulgar, and they are the most widespread in the forest.
     And some young and green trees simply don't know what is better, and they bend so fast to the right, then to the left, then again to the right, so that looking at them one remains with the impression that they don't care at all in which direction to bend, only not to stand straight up. But there's nothing to be done, the damned youth can't wait, and who knows whether it is really so good to stand straight up? They, the elder trees, say so, but maybe this is because they have already lost their youthful flexibility. So that these trees are simply green. There are also many of them in the forest, and will always be many, because no tree was born knowing.
     So that, when one looks at some forest, he never knows in advance what kind of trees he will find there and in what extent of bending they will be. For this purpose, in order to establish what kind of trees are prevailing in the forest, usually are held elections.

     1994 ?

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     [ * I have put it as leaflet in a hundred of mailboxes, but without effect, I suppose. ]

     1. If the democracy was such a good a thing then why was there necessary to wait whole 25 centuries for it to come to Bulgaria, when we are their immediate neighbours?

     2. If the dictatorship was such a bad thing then why in the times of our "Bai Tosho" we have lived significantly better than now?

     3. If the capitalism was such a good social order then why was it necessary to invent the communism and the fascism? And if they were not realized wouldn't have the capitalism still remained in social regard on the level of before World War One?

     4. If the communist block have not turned to be more effective than the capitalist one then why the wealthy capitalist countries have changed the policy of the "stick" with that of the "carrot" (according to your proverb), i.e. instead of to continue to turn their backs to us they have decided to give us a hand (or why they have not given it earlier)?

     5. If it was necessary to renounce the utopian communism then why was it necessary to return back in time to the period of "green" capitalism, instead of to converge gradually to the existing on the West for a long time socialism (although not called so there)?

     6. If it was so necessary to sell us to the wealthy Western countries then why we sold us on the possibly lowest price (when our minimal salary has reached 10 times lower level than by the totalitarianism, and our levs have become smaller than stotinki-cents)?

     7. If in order to build ourselves new "home" was necessary to destroy the old one, then must we all this time until we build it live "in tents"? And was it at all necessary to destroy everything to the foundations without securing us at least the "bricks" for the new one?

     8. If the purpose of democratic elections is to find the best party /coalition and if only it must carry the responsibility for the successes /failures during its time, then why in the Parliament are present roughly as many representatives of the "bad" parties and in addition to this all MPs receive equal salaries? Or: does it exist any other competition where the winners and the losers receive equal prizes?

     9. If by the democratic elections each (if only he is of high opinion about himself) can set his candidacy, and by this showing no document for his proved "ability" to rule, nor even sufficient age (as reason for accumulated living experience), does this mean that to rule is an easy thing? And if it is so then why we make so many errors, when having long ago reached the "bottom" continue, still, to "dig" further deeper?

     10. If the paid education is such a good thing then why in many Western countries it is free of charge, and there, where is isn't, those who alone pay for it are really a few? Similarly for the healthcare?

     11. If by the capitalism the money goes to the more capable people, not to the wealthier ones, then wouldn't it have happened so, that the latter would have hired those more capable to multiply their (of the wealthy) money, and wouldn't this have been more profitable also for the capable ones? But if so then wouldn't the big money go to the wealthier, not to the more capable ones.

     12. If the democracy was not the newest weapon, or "Trojan horse" of developed capitalist countries, in their fight with the poorer but strong and free countries, then why have they so easily succeeded to conquer us now, while earlier them have helped neither cold, nor "hot" wars?

     And in general, if it is true that our Bulgarian nation is genetically gifted, then would it not be better if we sometimes try also to think a little? For otherwise it turns out that what we alone make to ourselves nobody can make to us, because the democracy has this basic drawback, that: According with the demos, goes the "-cracy"!

     1996 ?

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     [ * I have sent this to a pair of newspapers, but with no response. ]

     According to the recent decisions on the front of social insurance everybody who pays alone his insurance (and he almost always pays alone his due payments there for the simple reason that can not find employer who will pay him salary and insurance payments), must pay at least 32% if he wants only to receive after the necessary time pension. Payments to insurance that cover also sick days and maternity leave come to about 35%, which, plus another 6% for medical care make 41% of one minimal monthly salary (MMS), but as far as the relevant authorities don't allow the people to insure themselves on lesser basis than 2 MMS, then it turns out that each self-insuring person (was he individual entrepreneur, artisan, artist, commercial agent, etc.) must pay every month at least 82% of MMS.
     Till here everything is good, where we will not discuss now is this much or not (or for whom is it much and for whom is a little) but will only mention that since we come under the aegis of the Board our living standard stopped to fall down, but it also does not rise up, i.e. occurred the normal for every stable society stagnation). This means that if the inflation stays about 5% in an year, then so much will be also the basic interest rate (BIR), and if one puts today on a deposit, for example, 100 lv then after 15 years he will have approximately 200 lv, but in their purchasing power they will be equal to the former 100 levs. In the same time, if one receives today income of 100 lv in a month then after the same 15 years for the same work he will receive already 200 lv per month, and together with his incomes will grow synchronously also MMS. In other words, if we express everything in MMS (how it is done in the world, as also in Bulgaria under the totalitarianism) there will be no changing.
     On the other hand, in all normal countries the average amount of pensions and student scholarships moves somewhere around 70% of MMS (in wider limits between 65 and 75%, yet never outside 60-80% of MMS; well, for the pensions it can happen that some receive more than one MMS, when their salary is bigger, but then the percentage of pension also falls down, so that this is not significantly higher and this is not a frequent thing, neither it is correct, and there must be taken also taxes, and the sums are rarely actualized, and after all — the pensions are not for wealthy people, they are for the poor and average citizens). There are only few those who think that we are normal country now, one decent percent thinks that earlier we were such one, but hardly somebody doubts that in the future we must become such country. This future is very relative and some say after about a decade, where some others come even to half a century, but one acceptable variant is, say, 20 years.
     So then it turns out that those, who now pay alone their insurance payments, giving each month 82% of MMS, will after 15-20, or 25, years receive pensions of 70% MMS (because then 1 MMS will not be equal to 2 MMS)! Possibly our rulers think that our people are to such extent "mere water", that can't do even such elementary calculations. It can be so for the most of people, but at least the author of this correspondence has done them. And mark, please, that the today's amount of payments in the insurance exceeds this, what people will receive after a time (speaking on the average), even on the basis of one to one, i.e. one year work for one year pension! Only that, in accordance with the new pension law, one must have approximately 40 years length of service in order to be able to retire on due time (i.e. at about 60 years), and by our statistical average life span lower than 70 years (for the men is even 67.6, according to the latest data), he has average chances to receive this pension about 5 (five) years (if he retires in age of 63)! Even if we accept that our future will be again bright (as the communist have convinced us before), then the average pensioner has no chances, after the corresponding 20 years, when his time comes, to receive his pension more then 10 years, at the maximum. In other words, the overpaying of payments in the social insurance in the moment is, in numbers and words, at least 5 (five) times.
     In this case quite naturally arises the question ... (see the title).

     March 2000

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     I think it is clear that our calendar has so many flaws, that it is high time to be changed, and for that reason I have heard that there were a big number of ideas (maybe hundreds, I don't know) for a new one. Well, I make my own idea, which I have given in one or two places, but here will evolve it in more details.
     This new calendar is solar, i.e. it is tied to the Sun not to the Moon, what I think is long ago recognized to be the right approach. In addition to the year (the time for circling of the Earth around the Sun) it sets also on the day (the time for rotating of the Earth around its axis), and everything else (months, weeks, as well as hours, minutes and seconds) is different. Moreover, it is decimal, i.e. wherever possible is used base 10 (not 12 or 60), what also is obvious for me, so that it is not excluded that I "reinvent the wheel", with some minimal modifications, but let me, still, explain the idea, because it might be that my additions are not so obvious for everyone, and however many propositions there are there is not yet a new calendar, so that, I suppose, the forum is open, so to say.

     1. Long intervals (longer than a day)

     These, surely, are the months and the weeks. But firstly, where should we start, because our current calendar has somehow confused the things, for it sticks to some allegedly God, not to the Sun, and begins the year not from the right place, but somewhere around the point of the winter solstice. Well, in principle, when we have a cyclical process (how I have mentioned also in other places) there is not especially significant where we shall begin, but if we have suitable good reason for this, because the cycles of the seasons, i.e. the duration of shining of the Sun, and from there also of the temperature (for a given place and in the North hemisphere) is something like sinusoid, and it begins from the moment of transition through the zero (i.e., in our case, from the equality of the day with the night, on 22 of March); while our old calendar begins at nearly lower dead point (because till then was deadness, but now, after the new old God has been born, i.e. the Son, everything will blossom and flourish, yet it turns that only for half an year, for after this the things again worsen; in the South hemisphere, though, it happens that exactly in the beginning of the year the things start to worsen, it begins to cool). But if we begin from the point of spring or autumn equinox, then everywhere around the Earth this will be beginning, where the difference will be only in this whether it begins bettering or worsening of the weather (but, anyway, one can't please everybody, and in the northern hemisphere live more people, there is the biggest Eurasian continent).
     In any case, there is no need for many discussions on the question, it is quite clear that we must begin from 22 of March, if only because such is the tradition, so begin all Zodiacs, and they come from ancient times. But if you ponder a bit about the months (which are Latin), and if we jump over the major part of them, where are put other ideas (I discuss this somewhere but let us not diverge here from the main topic), we will come to four consecutive months where in the beginning is one digit in Latin, and after this there is some trembling (because of the cold) "brr", i.e. I mean from September to December, where the September, quite obviously, must be seventh month (then the eighth is October, etc.), but it is with the number nine according to the present-day calendar. How you think, why the ancient people have made this mistake? Yeah, but they have made no mistakes, because if March is the first month, then you just count and will see that on seven you will come exactly to September, so that everything is clear (only that our Christ has messed the things).
     Now we come to the months, which, when we must have decimal calendar, have to be ten, there is no other way! Then 360 : 10 = 36, so that the number of days in every month must be such, with small exceptions (because the days in the year are not exactly 360, they are even not 365 or 366, but come to so many) These 5 (or, resp., 6) days, because I don't think that we must change the additions for the leap years, they are good enough and we could hardly contrive something better (the number, anyway, isn't integer), we can disperse by one day to each even, or then odd, month, but I personally propose they to stay in one week (but what we shall see after a while) in the end of the year! And now, before to criticize the non-symmetry of both halves, remind yourself that in the old calendar they are not as possible symmetric, for it is not at all necessary for the February to have only 28 days — and why in February, ah? Because there (as if) the year ended, for this is the last month before March, so that this is one more reason for the actual beginning of the year.
     When all these additional days are put in one place they can be somehow ... not counted! Id est, they are something additional, what that, really, are, and can simply be taken for official holidays, for something given to us (by God, if you like it better so). It even becomes very good this, that they will never exceed the number six. This will turn to be important because now we come to the weeks, which will not have by 7 days. Why? There is very simple reason for this, because 36 is not divisible by seven, and it would have been nice if it were divisible. But it is divisible (and even twice) by 6, so that the new weeks (which in Bulgarian, by the way, are called "sevens", only the stressing is on another syllable), will be "sextets"! In this situation the additional days in the end of the year (Christmas holidays, if there will be Christmas, or just yearly holidays) will give one nearly full week, and in leap years — i.e. in such that are jumped higher than the others (and in Slavonic languages their name is translated as with higher bones) — this week will be exactly full. This is very good, because in this way each day of each month will correspond in the same way with one number of the "sextet" (the remainder of division of the number of days in month by modulus 6, said in mathematical language)! For example, 17.4 (in European standard, first the day and then the month) could have been written also as 5.3.4 (or v.v.), i.e. the 5th day, of the 3rd "sextet" of the 4th month.
     And now let us say something about their names. Well, if in some country people don't intend to rename them in their own way, I propose some universal English-French-Latin names, namely: onmon, dumon, tremon, fourmon, fifmon, sixmon, sevmon, achmon, ninemon, and tenmon, where they can be signified with digits, and even instead of from 1 to 10 we can mark them with 1 to 9 and then 0 (for the 10th month), in order to use one decimal position. Each month will have six groups or sextets, which will be called: ongroup, dugroup, tregroup, fourgroup, fifgroup, and sixgroup, with the exception of the last, tenmon, where will be also an exgroup, which prolongs it; in each group will be respectively six days, called: onday, duday, treday, fourday, fifday, and sixday.
     But in addition to the non-symmetry because of the exgroup, which concerns the half-year, is imposed one more asymmetry for the quarter-year, which can not consist now of three new months. Some may again hurry to object, but I think that it is not significant that there are not four equal seasons, for the simple reason that they, in fact, are not equal! Id est, the major and longer seasons are the summer and the winter, which can freely be counted by 3 new months, and the demi-seasons spring and autumn will be by 2 new months. Let us look what we have got, having in mind that 1 new month is 1 old month + 6 days. The year begins with the spring, which continues from 22.3 (onday, ongroup, onmonth) till (22.4 no, 22.5 no, but 12 days more, or, if we count all old months for 30 days, then to) 4.6. "old style" (what is onday, ongroup, tremon), I want to say that the latter is now the first day of the summer (and for the last day of the spring subtract one day); then follows the summer (till 36th fifmon, or the next season begins from the first sixmon, what means) till 22.9 "old style" (how it should have been expected); then is the autumn (in the northern hemi-sphere, of course) till 4.12; and then is the winter till 22.3 again "old "style".
     As you see, this is even better dividing in seasons, because the spring, really, ends to the end of May, June is already full summer, and even from the very beginning, and so until 22 of September, and the autumn continues, again really, till the beginning of December (or the end of November). If there are some alterations of the beginning, depending on the geographical latitude of the place, then they are symmetrical also in the end of the season, which either prolongs itself or shortens. Because, see, the Sun begins to shine longer on 22 of March in the current calendar, but this does not yet reflect on the temperature and affects it with a month and something delay, due to the inertness of heat transfer (which is quite a slow process), so that happens one proportional shifting of all seasons, and if they are taken for equal but are not such, then this will give distortions in all seasons (like, for example, on 22 of June the sun is the most stronger but this is wide away from the hottest time, which falls in the august month August), and if we make the seasons unequal, according to what I have said about the major and transitional seasons, then by an equal shifting we may find quite a good correspondence in the temperature, as it also happens, because the middle of the sinusoid for shining of the sun (the spring equinox) turns to be still quite near to the low dead point in regard of the temperature. In short, there will not be the obligatory dividing in four equal seasons (in view of statistics and reports, i.e. formally), but one natural dividing will exist on the base: 2, 3, 2, 3.
     Well, the lunar phases will not be marked, but they are missing also from the current calendar. And for those interesting in Zodiacs (because they, surely, will not disappear) will be provided small tables with the beginning days of each of them. ( By the way, let me remind you that the months as lunar ones, surely are not 12 in the year, they are with exactness of only one day 13, i.e. 28 * 13 = 364, so that here the things are also adjusted, in order to be possible to divide the year, and if it is 360 days, by as many numbers as possible, i.e. by 2, 3, and 4, or by 12 )

     2. Short intervals (shorter than a day)

     Here we will be more concise, where it is clear, that in order to have decimal subdivisions of the day, we must make the whole day to have 10 hours by 100 minutes, each one by 100 seconds. This makes 100,000 seconds instead of 24*60*60 = 86,400, so that the new second will be a bit shorter than the old, but in recompense of this the new minute will be about 1.5 times longer than the old (it will be 1/1000 of the day, while the old is 1/(24*60) = 1/1440 ), and the new hour will be 2.4 times longer. This, of course, is of no importance and is only a matter of habit, but it is simpler and more suitable to use everywhere the decimal system. Let us add also that here the counting begins again in the old manner, i.e. from 0 to 9 for the hours, or from 0 to 99 for the minutes and seconds. There will be possible to have one more division of 100 units (or then of 1000), as subdivision of the seconds, which parts ("tretunds", maybe?) will be given as fractional part of the seconds, because are so small that one will not be able to feel them and for that reason there is no need of special name for them, i.e. here is nothing new.

     3. Other advantages of the idea

     Look, here we will speak mainly about this how much time we are to work, because 6 is better to be divided, i.e. by 2 and by 3, while 7, in fact, is not divisible by whatever, it is prime number. A group of seven days was convenient only because this is part of the lunar month, but if you imagine that there were no Moon (and nowadays we don't pay much attention to it), or you live on another planet, or something of the kind, then there are no reasons for such divisions, where from a standpoint of dividing of our time 6 is in many aspects better — even before 5 (although we have not 6 fingers on our hands), because 5 is also prime number. So that, if we fly to another planet, then even there we may use sextet groups for dividing of the months, where the latter can be again 10, only that the sextets will not happen to fit integer times in the month, but even in this case we could again begin to count each month from onday-Monday, because so is quite suitable (and there will remain some part of the week as holidays, probably, but for the month).
     Yet let us consider now the working days. How much time we work, but as part of the day, because only it has remained on its place from the smaller divisions (as part of the year it is very twisted)? If the working week is 42 hours, but by so much time nowadays work almost nowhere (the people have no jobs, so that they wonder how less to work), then this gives 6 hours per day (42:7), or 6/24 of the day, i.e. 0.25, but if they work 35 hours (what is nearer to the normal situation, or at least to the desirable quite soon), then this gives 5 hours per day, or 5/24 of the day, i.e. 0.208333, what is about 21%. Well, if in the new six-days group we work 4 days by 3 hours (new), or the same but reversed, i.e. 3 days by 4 new hours, i.e. 12 new hours, then this taken from 6*10 = 60 hours "sextetic" or "sixtetic", i.e. in the group, makes exactly 1/5 or 20%, what equals 34 hours today's working week. I personally think that this is just ideal perspective for quite near future (after 20 - 30 years).
     So, and if 1 new hour is 2.4 old hours (2 h and 24 min), then 3 new hours will be 7.2 old hours (7 h and 12 min), where 4 new hours will be now 9.6 old hours (9 h and 36 min). Well, 9 hours and a half is quite a long working day, but this if we have worked like now, 5 days out of 7, but if we work 3 days and rest 3 days this won't be so bad as it seems, where 4 days by nearly 7 hours daily, and after this 2 weekends (not 5 and then 2) is very good, isn't it? I want to say that it will be considered according to the nature of the work and/or the wish of people, but nowadays more and more activities turn to a kind of watches without much special pressure, and under the condition that thereafter one will rest exactly so many days as one has worked, this will be pretty good in increasing number of cases, because now, too, exist places where are given rosters even by 12 hours (and in my proposition they are less than 10), and then is rested for as much, and then again these duties, until come some days of rest. Some similar fifty-fifty dividing of the working week has existed earlier in Germany (and/or Russia, I have read it in some books), where the peasants (during the serfdom) have worked 3 days for their master and then 3 days for themselves, and on the seventh day have rested; only that now thew will work only 3 days and rest again so many days.
     What regards the schools then there, as also by more strenuous activities (in the healthcare, transportation, police, etc.), will be reduced working time of, say, 2.5 new (exactly 6 old) hours in 4 days out of 6. But there is another significant moment on which I would like to turn your attention: by one dividing in halves will be made possible for the people to ... sleep where they work! This is so elementary, that I don't know why nobody till now has pondered about these things, but there are no special problems, even just now, to make so that to every bigger enterprise (factory, big shop, or service) to be available some rooms for overnight stay, as well also a decent parking lot, where one can come with one's caravan and sleep in it. There are necessary also some service rooms, which, anyway, must be present in the big enterprises, and then it will turn out that if the people will work by 4 new hours, then they will have whole 6 hours more for rest, more than the half of the day. Everyone who has tried to work something at home, and now more and more activities become such that to be possible to perform them from the home by Internet, is convinced that there are no problems to work even by 12 current hours, the half of the time, a day, without much tiredness (because, for example, if he gets up at 7 he can begin to work at 8, rest a bit twice by half an hour, and 1 hour for lunch, or 2 hours altogether, to work pure 12 hours, and to finish at 10 in the evening, after what in 23 to lie down and sleep whole 8 hours; and here I speak only about 10 old hours, what is, as we say, "to work and to sing".
     By this situation the school students can quite easily be mainly on board, for 3 days out of 6, as also their parents (or at least one of their parents, because two parents in one place are now hardly to be met), or else to go to school or college or university only one day in the group of six days, for classroom courses, and the other time to study before their computers. As you see, the dividing in half is quite fitting thing. And this not only for the work, no, this will economize also time for transport, and it is not at all little nowadays — by averagely 1 hour there and 1 back (and in many cases, in the big megapolises, it is at least with 50% more), four unnecessary times in the current week, this gives 2*4=8 hours, or 1/3 of a day (and even to 1/2 and more in some cases) just thrown to the wind. Add to this also the economy of fuel, which in not only money, it is also ... clean air, less need of energy, so that the effect, in my view, will be enormous (and in spite of this, as far as I know, only in some police departments exist rest rooms for the staff, and this with 5 to 10 times less beds than the people working in one shift).

     4. When to begin?

     Well, we have missed the beginning of millennium, and it was the best moment. We can wait till the next century, but it is quite away from now, where my idea can be applied literally starting from tomorrow — surely, after some years of considering and preparation. But, having pondered a bit about the things, I came to the conclusion that this moment of transition, ... hmm, it isn't important at all, we can do it starting at what only year we want, from 22 of March (best of all, but even this is not obligatory), only ... backdated, of course! In other words, when will be decided that we will go to this calendar, are just to be recalculated all important dates after 22.Mar.2000 (of birth, marriages, etc.) by one pretty simple procedure (calculating first the consecutive number of the day from the beginning of the old year, subtracting from it the days before 22 Mar, if this is possible, and then the received number is divided by modulus 36, where the fractional part gives the new day of the month, and the integer part + 1 gives the new month; if there goes about days before 22 Mar then is added the exact number of days from 22 Mar last year till its end, and is proceeded in the same way as above, only that the year will be with 1 less). In this situation I would propose, say, the year 2020 as the nearest and suitable for this purpose, but dated back from the year 2000, as I said.
     And the last moment: where, i.e. in what country, or continent? Well, most properly would be to do this transition all over the world at once, but it can freely be done also in one bigger country or union, commonwealth (only in a small country like Bulgaria this will look funny). After all, different calendars exist, they are used in parallel (like the degrees of Celsius and Fahrenheit for the temperature), so that this should not make any difficulty. Besides, there are no problems for 5 or 10 years to use in parallel both, the new and the old dates. There are no problems, except the desire of people, what, as the social practice shows, is reduced to exceedingly high inertness of the big groups of people, where the problem is not in the inventing of a new and better solution, but in the rejecting of the old (and worse) one. I, personally, remember that the introduction of the unified system of weights and measures, SI, on its time, was not a small problem for many countries (like, say, England, where people and vehicles still move on the wrong side of the street), but under a good organization of the things and conviction in the appropriateness of the change, this proposition is wholly realizable, as I said, from tomorrow.

     October 2012

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