N O W ,    L O O K    H E R E !


          Chris MYRSKI,     Sofia, Bulgaria,    2001 ...

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     There is no idea about the cover, because in this book are gathered great variety of different journalistic materials, it is not a work of fiction, and such books are usually not illustrated.


     [ Remark: As far as the book is enormously big it is published here, by old habit, in small booklets amounting to about 50 (to 100) KB, containing normally from three to five papers. Here we continue the Section "For Newspapers" with the next three materials. ]

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     I. For Journals
     II. For Newspapers
     III. Feuilletons
     IV. Others

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           Contents Of Section "For Newspapers"

     The truth about Bulgaria
     About the market and the Bulgarian
     Five years of devastation
     Do you want to lose your 13th pension?
     Time to draw conclusions
     About the elections and the demos

     Requiem for one coalition
     Something more about democracy
     What we have messed with the Currency Board
     Convergence, what is this?
     Why the communism has fallen down?

     And where are we?
     Predictions for the year 1999
     Can the Bulgarian pay 50% taxes?
     Reflections on the eve of the "holiday"

     About democracy and melioration
     About democratic phenomenon
     A step forward and two back
     Again sharp turn

     Oh God, what we eat!
     Why the cocks crow early morning?
     Does global warming exist?

     The fatal 2013 year in Bulgaria
     Why we vote, when we ... don't vote?
     About the fascism from common sense positions

     About the Social Ministry in Bulgaria
     How to improve democratic protests?

     Read Chris Myrski (in the sense of political reviews)
     Thoughts about Ukraine

     ... new for newspapers

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     Ah, there is not a single year, since the time when the democracy came to us, in which we have lived decently, but that exactly in the fatal year we have lived how it has to be is simply impossible. And it really so happened, just the year has begun and we — let us demonstrate our discontent. And if you ask, with what are we so dissatisfied — well, with everything, in the sense that all prices are not commensurable with our pockets. But it is not possible for them to be for our pockets when we do not want socialism, and don't know also what is it and has it ground in Bulgaria (for foreign readers: this is allusion on the booklet "What is socialism and has it ground in Bulgaria", issued somewhere in 1891, when was built our Socialist party by Dimitar Blagoev). In other words, we are returning with — how much have they become already? — with 23 years back, or more or less with one generation (which is usually taken for 25 years, though in statistical sense it must be more precisely 27). And we are returning back because there has occurred nothing new in the good 2012 year, but we have begun to demonstrate hungry and discontented at the moment when have received the first bills for heating and electricity for this year. Well, it, surely, always can be said that we have little brains and because of this are in the current situation, what, obviously, is true, but let us not call us simpletons, for the reason that, at least up to my judgement, however big profanes we not were, we, still, have never reached such levels as the ... Americans have reached, yet not they life poor but we! So that, as far as it, the silliness, is met between people, let us try to look a bit more seriously (but not too much in order to become bored, right?) at the situation in the winter of 2012 /2013, and why we have gone out to the streets.
     Well, for one thing

     in order to warm up

gathering together in heaps and crying against the rulers, because this, really, helps, and physiologically one warms up walking for some time through the streets, instead of to sit and be cold in the "cool", for economies, home (I know this from personal experience, only that I am warming up not on the streets but either in the park, or in some supermarket, to look at the tasty things in warmth), but also psychologically, "crying out" his pain one feels better.
     Besides, I am

     even glad that we have begun at last to "growl",

because otherwise it is just not normal — the whole Europe, and the world, grumbles, the crisis is like this from before the World War II, and we are mute like lambs to the slaughter. At last our voice has been heard, we have begun to moan (only that we don't like to cry "moo" but "uhh").
     But, basically, nothing new, the prices on most expensive utility costs (or communal expenses for us), on heating and electricity have grown with some 10 percents, what is more than normal, because earlier, at the dawn of democracy, the prices have risen with about 50% for one year, and we, still, did not strike. So that the "point" is not in the higher prices (which after this have come down a little, with 5-6%, as a result of the strikes). The point isn't even in this, that the communal expenses grown up, because a preschool child, when you say to him (or her)

     "communism" and "communal expenses",

can't miss to remark that these are related words, from one root!
     And in order to prevent that some of my readers will begin to spit at me that I "communize" the readers, let me tell you something, that surely know not more than one percent of people, this that the city busses were introduced somewhere in Roman time, and the etymologists derive the word "bus" exactly from one case form of omnia, what means "all" (from the phrase "Omnia omnibus!" — everything for everybody!). Well, there surely were horse coaches then, but don't stick to the exact word, because you speak nowadays about "vehicle" as means of transport but — ha, ha, — do you not hear how "bellows" this bull or bovine in French or other Latin languages (well, at least in German "Vieh" is cattle animal with horns, and in Bulgarian, what surely in imitation, "viya" is to howl). Id est, the towns not only impose ... the police (polis - police), of course, but the city transport, too, which — I need to remind you this, because people forget — was, I mean a ticket, was about half ... an egg (in order that nobody could say that then the prices were different), while now (and this after the raising in price of eggs roughly with 30% in 2012) is 4 eggs, what makes 8 times. Similarly also electricity, central heating, water, letters (from 2 stotinki to 65 st. in the moment), and so on. That is why I am saying that to all appearances we have little brains, when forget such more than obvious things, but when we are delighted thinking that may become rich (all the more by honest, or nearly such, labour), instead of to be all equal and that there were no poor — well, it serves us right, as is said.
     So that, really, it turns out that we are complaining chiefly because of the fatal year, or then, otherwise,

     because there nothing changes.

In the sense that we wait and wait for this damned crisis to finish, but it still does not end. And where only we have had some reserves they all have run out, but the crisis does not want to. Well, I'll tell you when it will finish, only that I will not make you happy, frankly speaking. So now,

     watch for the bank interest!

     Normally it is about 2-3% (because, I think, people want that each year they receive a bit more, for they, undeniably, also produce a little more, and in this way, under normal circumstances, everything rises with so much in an year). And the banks, for their part, are institutions which work only for the difference in the percent between gives (loans) and takes (such), they just have nothing else from which to live (except also from some mortgage, or because of unclaimed deposits, for the person has died, or because of some similar exceptional event). And in normal situation comes time when people begin to withdraw much money because they need it, or have remained without work (because is produced big quantity of things and there is not more demand for them), and also by those who invest money leaves not much to invest — in short, the influx of money in the banks decreases and for this reason they raise the interest on deposits, for to counteract this process. This means that the new crisis now begins. So has happened in Bulgaria, but also in the world, for the last time about 2007-8 years. But I must tell you that such process had begun in the West also about ... 1990, when the percents of interest have reached 10-12 (at least in England — if you don't believe then search old Western newspapers). But at that time the East has ripped at the seams and this, well, has delayed or shifted the crisis for the West (new markets have been found, also work for their people to teach us what they can, etc.).
     By the last crisis the percents reached approximately the number of 8, and now, in 2013, they have fallen till 5 (I mean for yearly deposits), but have not yet become massively 2-3%. When they reach this level only then we will be more or less in the state of equilibrium (on the zero), then they must fall even more (because people only invest and invest and almost nobody takes loans), and when they reach to 1.5 - 2% then we will be at the lowest dead point (these processes are, in broad lines, sinusoids, i.e. wavelike) and the crisis will end. So, but for six years we have not succeeded to reach the zero (roughly 3%) level, so that I can't see how till flowing of another six years we can exit it, what gives 2020, as minimum; taking into account some other problems we can stretch till 2025*. In short, my prognosis is that

     [ * Now, in the end of 2015, the percents of interest have fallen in Bulgaria almost by all banks up to about 2%, and we are still in the crisis, that is for sure, so that some readers may say that I have made an error. But as far as this is practically impossible — for Myrski to make an error — let me explain in short that this condition about the interest rate is necessary but not sufficient, there are other necessary conditions to be fulfilled. And there is also one psychological moment, on which I have not stressed here, namely that when the situation is very bad people don't want to take loans because are not sure that will succeed to repay the money, in what they surely are right. This means that people keep money in the banks, not much but almost everyone, and don't want to take loans so that the banks have money and the interest is forced to remain low.
      And as to other necessary conditions: well, there are many such things. For example I can give you some untraditional conditions for Bulgaria. Say, we can't be out of the crisis when still are sold the so called duck "lanterns". Also the proportion of bad quality goods to alternative decent goods is very important, say, a kilo of smallest river or sea fish, tsatsa in Bulgarian or sprat for you, to the common mackerel must be 1 to 4 or 5, and now by us it is about 1:2; or similar ratio of liver to meat, which was in totalitarian times also about 1:5 if not more, but now is about 1:2; or also a cup of coffee on the street now is about 1.5 eggs, but it must be at least 3, and even better 4-5 eggs; and other proportions, but allow me to keep some "know-hows" in secret. ]

     the crisis will end in the middle of 2022

(more precisely on the 06.06. or the 6th June, in 6 hours in the morning, but about the hours I can be mistaken a bit). So this is, ladies and gentlemen, the situation. And recall also how it was before the World War II, when the crisis begins in 1928, in 1933 the "hit" Hitler comes to power in Germany, in 1939 the war begins, and it ends in 1945; now add 80 years. So that in the moment we wait the coming of fascists here and there to power, what as if begins to happen, ah? And by this have also in mind that in war conditions the problems are solved faster, because many things are demolished, the population decreases, so that it already begins to be found work, for to restore the destroyed — I hope I an explaining quite popular. On the other hand, however, the world has now become a little wiser, we don't kill us so en masse, at least not in Europe and America — well, by the Arabs this can happen, they are not quite white people —, we take some global measures, so that it can be expected that this illness will pass again for the same time, but faster — I just don't believe it.
     Because, what are we to produce, when we throw out good and solid things at the garbage heap (while in that time, around World War II, people have kept even pieces of newspapers, for to roll themselves cigarettes in them)? Do you see what else can revive the production when now literally everything is synthetic (clothes, food, building materials, and even ... birth of children) and is produced robotized and costs very little, but the people are quite many? I personally can't see in what I may be wrong. But if perchance I turn to be wrong (what, otherwise, will make me very glad) and the crisis happens to reach its end, say, in 2017, then — just give up reading this "bad" author! I, for my part, will do exactly so.
     But let us return to the current year and look more profound (yet not much, I would say) at this what kind of people have demonstrated then. I have thrown a quick glance at the TV (a quick, I say, because the manipulations in all media are at such level, that if one begins to look and listen to them very soon he will think like the others, but your author is unique and distinctive, he for that reason has studied so long, for to be able to think alone). So, and having thrown the glance, I have seen that

     the middle age was missing at the meetings.

In other words, these were youths, roughly till 25, rarely up to 30 years, and then from 60 and higher. Now, it is true that in order that one goes to meetings one must have free time, and if one works then one has not much of it in one's disposition, but this is a question of priorities, this is not insurmountable obstacle, because the meetings were held chiefly in the evenings, outside of working hours.
     So, and this observation clarifies many things, because, for one thing, the pensioners are always dissatisfied with their pensions (where the truth is that they are unhappy with their age), and can always support any discontent by economic reasons (I don't say that there are no grounds for this, especially in the poorest country in European Community), and for another thing, you just give the young people to shout "Uhh" and "Down", because these are post-teenagers, they are always discontented, it has been so in all times, and it will be always so, for they make life dynamic. Besides, there are now not wars, and the young, as you know, want to fight, to show their strength, and now with what (else) to show themselves?
     But all these protests were absolutely ungrounded approximately half an year before new elections (i.e. our new Government came only with three months earlier than its normal time). If we so much wanted to show discontent then why also on this elections, and in spite of the heap of clearly unfounded fabrications about manipulations of the elections on part of "Duce Boiko", we have again elected him, for he has won the most votes, i.e. the population, as a whole, has supported him most of al? To say nothing about this, that in the last year we have chosen such impersonal President, who is good only for, well, not exactly metre d'hotel, but for headmaster of school or holiday home — for such one whom the Germans (to educate you a bit) call ... Kurdirektor, because they by Latin "habit" call the medication Kur (and the word is also feminine — but the "salt" of it is that in Bulgarian "kur" is quite indecent word which in English is, in a bit more decent form, prick). So that it is clear that this man was chosen only for this reason that he is a man of "Boicho" (as some girls call him lovingly), and otherwise nobody would have paid whatever attention to him.
     And there was something more that could have been seen on these rallies, this that

     the majority or people were ordinary unqualified workers,

a bit simple in appearance, not used to speak or go to meetings but to work hard, though if someone hires them, i.e. these were unemployed laborers, and chiefly, I thing, building workers. While till now, usually, and especially in the first years of transition, have striked the intellectuals, now these were the unskilled workers. This is an interesting moment and let me tell you something on that issue.
     Well, on the one hand this is inevitable consequence (of our insanity) to exterminate (not physically, surely) our intellectuals, as well as to stimulate uneducated with good money, because in Bulgaria, really, the educational qualification fell, the young simply don't want to study and don't see special meaning in this (and entirely justified, till now, when after graduating they receive significantly less). And why? Well, because it is built intensively. My opinion, in broad lines and not falling into details, is such that our housing stock has grown roughly with 30%, and in the same time our population has diminished approximately with 20% (we were nearly 9 mln, with precision somewhere to 50 thousands, and now we are 7.3 mln), what results in one more than with 50% real increasing of living space, what is absolutely unnecessary on the background of our misery. In sense that the homes are very expensive and people just can not afford to buy them, and who can afford it they buy them as capital investment, not to live in person there. ( Specifically in my entrance of the apartment building, from 18 flats, 3 of them are for several years empty, what is 1/6 of all, and in roughly 1/3 of the whole number the persons have significantly decreased, so that in 5 flats there is only by one person, and they are with two rooms — in fact, one bedroom only, but we count them for two rooms —, and in another 3-4 live by two persons, while earlier were on the average by 3-4 in each one. )
     I am explaining these things because the building workers in one state are, presumably, about 10 percents in normal conditions, but under active building, how it was till quite recently by us, this number can reach up to 15-20%, and the unemployed among them most probable make 10% of the population. Exactly these people were the not numerous striking ones in the middle age, that have taken part in the meetings.
     About the youths there are many things to be said, but about them probably will be another material, about the fascism, for they as if in that direction are moving (our "Duce", no matter that he looks like such, is not typical neo-fascist, he is rather ... "phallucist /phalocist", but I have evolved this in other place). The question, however, is not only in this, that they are young, but that they are

     from minority parties,

i.e. they are not from the first 2-3 parties in the Parliament, but of those to whom no one listens, so that they have decided now that exactly this is the suitable moment to raise their voice. And in what extent of minority are they? Well, below the threshold, which in Bulgaria is 4%, but in principle somewhere around 1-2%. But they are acting as if there are no other parties except them, they cry, wave flags, as if are taking part in some Olympiad, grumble, and are ready sometimes even to fight. But let us make more detailed calculations, let us take exactly one percent of the people and see how they can be heard. Well, in a medium-sized (for our scale) town, of hundred thousands, these are thousand people, and if they spread by 3-4 in line and approximately between one meter, especially if they carry our banner, but horizontally, because it is too big to be raised, then they will stretch on somewhere about 300 meters, don't they? And this is not a little. And in one Sofia (which is about 1 mln) they will reach up to 10,000 people. Add now to them also bored pensioners and as much, roughly, accidentally adhered spectators (because: where lives that nation where everybody is satisfied with the rulers, especially within a world-wide economic crisis?), and they have already reached several tens of thousands, which, when the elections come, will make only a bare noise and nothing else. You see now, how a handful of "scoundrels" can "muddy the water" to a whole nation (although in this way they ... justify the salaries of the police, for, otherwise, why we feed them? — one policeman, adding also the necessary for him equipment and the ideal part of machinery, probably gives as much as for three-four scientific workers, or teachers, or common officers).
     But there is here also one entirely different moment, which some people as if associate with our current misery, and this is the topic about several cases of self-burning! The things, though, here are quite on the contrary, these people try (and some of them succeeded) to commit suicide, not because the living conditions are so bad, but because they can use these conditions to give a meaning at least to their death (when the life is meaningless for them). These are sick people, they have not normal ideas, they should not be taken as examples. Let us leave them and continue further about the year.
     So well, the young and unoriented (or dumbfounded by the ads and the virtual reality) people don't understand the question with the relation of communal costs with socialist ideas simply because they are young and have no basis for comparison with the real socialist society, which has existed in Bulgaria. They have not forgotten but simply don't know, yet there is also nobody to explain this to them. And they also like the strong people, the right-wing ideas. So that these are moral problems, which nobody can solve, except we alone. And the political situation by us is practically hopeless (the democracy of Western type has brought us to a deadlock), yet the bad thing is not this, but the fact that our population does not understand this and searches other causes, for example persons and parties, or criminal groups. And the new elections, up to my mind, have brought no salvation to us, no matter that logically they are justified.
     Now, see, the problems are in this, that

     the democracy of right-wing type does not contain in itself, in the ruling part, neither moral, nor social body!

Such body or bodies, authorities, must raise (and raises) each nation in specific for it conditions, but not the (wild and barbarian, sorry) Bulgarian nation, due to what — I beg my squeamish readers (if such are still left somewhere) to be excused — ... "our bottoms have to be strong" now. The West tries somehow to help us (not because of some special love to such unique nations like ours, but in order to have reigned calmness in our country, this is the basic requirement for developing of normal business, and in addition to this the Western countries protect themselves from the inflow of immigrants), yet it can't create us also these structures.
     For example, having pondered about this question (and I have enough time for thinking, as well also abilities to do this, I suppose), I have come to the conclusion that the main thing that is lacking in our ruling, retaining the Western type of democracy (for nobody wants to change it, right?), and on the background of our basically atheist population (because on the West the church, in one or another extent, is bearer of morality, though it is not so by us), as well also more united, predominantly ... Northern (or at least on the North of us) nations, due to what we have returned in the rough and cruel capitalism of one century (or at least half of it) before, without practically no social benefits (you know quite well that now must be paid to the physician, and to the dentist, and for education, and similar things) is

     the lack of Social Ministry by us,

as part of the state apparatus, and present in each Government, as right-wing it happen to be. We have Ministry of Labour and Social Cares, but it develops various programs for social occupation, it does not help the poor (for whatever reason!); there are instances for all kinds of statistics, as also for calculation of consumer basket, but they are not governmental (they are from the trade unions and estimate that, say, the minimal income in Bulgaria, not in Europe or in the world, is 1.5 minimal working salaries, but on a head, what gives practically 2.5 to 3 in one family, or that nearly 90% of the working people live below the poverty threshold, because the average salary is about two and a bit of the minimal, what is true, in principle).
     If we have had such Ministry, then it would have studied the property situation in the country, by professions, by age, would have looked about the causes for this and provided assistance, but centralized, not if one goes there and makes application that is in a severe need. In the current day the society (even in Bulgaria) has all possibilities to ensure for everybody decent home, and some food, and education according to his or her abilities, and healthcare, and so on. We have not such instance, and because of this it turns out that in some cases minorities, for example Gypsies, are better benefited than ethnic Bulgarians, because there are programs for them, but for the Bulgarians there are not such! If such Ministry has existed, it could have studied the question about this in what way to help, either via paying of some subsidies, or using some preferential prices for socially necessary services (for example, we have taxes on medicaments and medical services, the same as on, say, furniture, and this is entirely non-social policy).
     But together with this, in my view, such Ministry must maintain data base of all citizens of the country with their incomes, for the purpose that the social status of each citizen could have been easily checked (unless, say, someone explicitly declares that does not want his or her income to be monitored — which, anyway, the tax administration must watch). When the monitoring begins we can come also to the helps. I have written recently something similar about the moderate communism in Bulgaria (or wherever it can be), but it is possible that I dedicate special material also to the Social Ministry. The reason why I mention it here is that people did not want, and don't want, such similar body, which can settle the things after 5-10 years, but want something that will better them at once, even, if possible, backdated. But these are all Utopias.
     So, and as far as I again become too talkative, it is time to wrap it up. Only let me add something more pleasing in the end. I have said that the crisis will not end until 2020, but by us, I hope,

     the situation will improve significantly, already from the beginning of the year 2014,

i.e. in the next year. And why? Well, by various reasons. For one thing the fatal year will end — and don't look so contemptuously at this, in psychological sense this factor is quite significant, it predisposes people. Then, must be raised the barriers for Bulgarians in many Western countries (till now we were taken only in the far North and far South), more specially in England, which country, who knows why, is very irritated by us; and when scatters again who can, then they will send us something from abroad, this is some help. Further, we have changed the Government, and however unsuitable the new one is (it will be necessary to write a paper about this, too), at least two years we will endure it, maybe. Further, the people will try to do something, not that they do this, what has to be done, but, still, they don't "sleep" now so much, they don't like so much the democracy like in the last decade of past century, have recovered from the UDF-ism (or crying "uhh" and "down", what the supporters of UDF, Union of the Democratic Forces, just "died" to do, and as a result have ruined Bulgaria with their incompetence and hastiness). Further more, ... will die more graduates of the old regime (like your author — on the average by one and a half percent per year, what since 1990 gives already 35%), and the youth, if they do not cause some disturbances (fascist, for example), are pleased by everything, for they don't know that it is possible to be better. It might be also that some workers will qualify, I suppose, what means finding of work for some persons at least for the time of education, and for the others later, i.e. it can happen that we will begin again to respect the educated people (when they have died en masse or run away). Or else we will find some other reserve, because I have shortly marked that on some fields outside of Sofia, where in totalitarian times were fields with crops, but for more than 20 years grows only grass, though even it was mown by nobody, now was planted again maize, and it is, as is said, as far as eye can see, i.e. we have already begun to "raise our (democratic) virgin lands".
     So that, as I have begun to think in the recent time, everything will be bettered, just ... we will not be alive to see it. But will get better. So that: cheers for the democracy!

     June 2013

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          WHY WE VOTE, WHEN WE ... DON'T VOTE?

     Really? Why was it necessary so to push to have early elections, even only with three months but, still, earlier (for it was really unbearable this Government, said some people), when on the elections half of the people again have not voted (voting activity 51%), and on top of everything people have chosen the same Boicho (as some young girls pronounce his name, seeing how highly "endowed" he is)? Quite reasonable question, but it, with common sense reasoning in time of democratic elections, is impossible to reach to anything, so that let us leave this question, but maybe we can, still, look for a while at the situation, and from different angles.
     Well, firstly,

     who hates whom, and how strongly,

for we do not vote for somebody because we like him (or her, surely) very much, but because we hate stronger the others, who can come (if we do not vote for his party), i.e. out of pure spite! I have mentioned this in other places, and it isn't a new thing, so that let us not find much faults in this as a model of reasoning of the Bulgarian, but take a look, all the same, at different sized parties. In the first instance at the strong parties, which are between the first 2-3 according to the number of votes — for them this rule is entirely valid, because we just have no reasons to approve the work of any of them, provided that we are the poorest state in European Community, and are still worse, in the whole, as a nation, than the totalitarian times (and we will be at the same level some 10 years more, I'll tell you). For this reason, chiefly, we have chosen at the previous elections the GERB party, in order to avoid coming to power again of the triple coalition (consisting of former communists, tsarist party, and Turkish minority party), and for this reason now BSP (the socialists) have increased their percents nearly with 9 (which GERB has lost), in order to prevent the staying of GERB again at the helm. Then further, for the middle parties, like MRF (DPS in Bulgarian, the Turks, having named themselves "Movement for Rights and Freedom", so that nobody could have guessed that this is an ethnic party) and Ataka (fascist-teenagers) — well, there this rule is not entirely true, people support these parties by other reasons: MRF has a constant contingent of Turkish ethnic minority and for them not to vote for their people is, maybe, like if a Muslim has not performed circumcision, i.e. this is compulsory requirement; and now the Ataka (meaning "attack", of course) is a party of post-teenagers and they like (for they can't still think good) their "hayduk" (Sider — I call him so, because in our history was once some hayduk Sider, and he is Siderov, and probably imagines that he is like him, or wants that the others think so) and they are always the same in number (i.e. he loses a pair of chairs in the Parliament, or, like now, gets them back). By the smaller parties there might be sympathizers, because if they were not liked by their supporters then the latter would not have voted for them, when, in any event, they can't put them in the Parliament, but, after all, they don't count, because these parties are not there. So that the majority of voters give their votes only to spoil the game for others.
     Good, but half of the people do not vote at all, and they, in addition to this that are not much "inspired" by hatred, they simply don't like whatever party. So that let us see now, tacking into account the electoral activity (51.33%), which parties are between most hated ones. This is shown in the table below, for which is necessary to explain some columns. Multiplying "% of votes 'pro'" by electoral activity (0.5133) we get "% of all" (eligible to vote, not exactly the whole population, but so is necessary) Now, when we reverse this percent, i.e. take its complement to 100%, we receive what percent hates the corresponding party (because if they have liked it a little bit, or out of hatred against the others, they would have voted for it). Dividing then those who hate to those who like it (relatively, how we have explained), we receive "hate in times", or, walking on the street and meeting only adults with rights to vote, then how many people will hate this party to one who likes it — this is very indicative parameter. The first four lines, by old "habit", enter the Parliament, the next five lines want to enter it but can not do this, and on the last line are gathered all left parties which can not receive even one percent, so that they do not deserve the right to be cited by names (except that they increase the number of mandates of those parties who have entered the Parliament, because, for example, GERB party has not 30% of 240 seats, what makes 72 places, but occupies 98 places).
     So, and now let us see what turns to be the situation with the hatred (the table follows a bit later). Well, even for the GERB (the name is some invented abbreviation, but as word it means "coat of arms"), which as if is liked by the people most of all, if you walk on the street and meet only people of age, then to one who likes it you will meet more than five persons who don't like it. A stunning democracy, ah? Later, for the former communists it happens that they are liked only by every sixth, the Turks — just by every 16th, and to the "Atakists" of Hayduk Sider smiles only one out of 25 (!) persons. Well, so stay the things with those who enter the "Talking Shop", ah, I am sorry, the Parliament, where all they make 75% (75.7 to be more precise), what means that one quarter of all voters do this simply "to the wind", as the people say. And this party, which is hated most of all, exactly it will play the most important role this time, because only on it depends will be something approved, i.e. on the fascists — how far we have come!

party % votes "pro" % of all % of hatred hate in times
GERB 30.50 15.66 84.34 5.4
BSP 26.61 13.66 86.34 6.3
MRF 11.29 5.80 94.20 16.2
Ataka 7.30 3.75 96.25 25.7
NFSB 3.7 1.90 98.1 51.6
DBG 3.2 1.64 98.36 60.0
DSB-BDF 2.9 1.49 98.51 66.1
RZS 1.7 0.87 99.13 114.
UDF 1.4 0.72 99.28 138.
others 11.4 5.85


     Then somewhere later comes DBG ("Bulgaria for the Citizens", maybe because there have left no more peasants, after they have taken back their land parcels and moved to live in towns, I think; and I will not translate the names of these parties, they do not deserve such honour), of the lady with good "kunki" (hands, if you ask the children in Bulgaria — her name is Kuncheva), the last "large" chunk from the "great" Tsar-Simeon's-party, which lady has used ... a lot of make-up, in order to look out as 25 year old, i.e. as twice younger, just to make the people like her and choose her, but, alas, it turned out that to one person who more or less likes her there are 60 (sixty) persons who directly curse her. Alas for the gunpowder, as we say, or what a pity for her. And some "great Bulgarian-Macedonians", from VMRO, who are bracing for war and reverse our flag with the red colour above, as also some "Ianski" (his name is Iane, what isn't quite Bulgarian name) fighters for justice and law, they are forced to leave to pass by them more than hundred persons until they met someone who will greet them. To say nothing about one party, which has come after all our pop singers and which has had all necessary time, the old SDS (or UDF, Union of the Democratic Forces, right-wing coalition that has disintegrated very fast, and that, really, on their fist placards has shown all our pop singers from that, i.e. totalitarian, time, and which slogan was "The time (now) is ours!"), which has gathered more than the half of the votes 20 years ago, and this by electoral activity higher than 90% — ah, to this poor party now only each 140th person can slightly nod with the head, but can as well pretend that does not recognize it at all.
     So that, more or less, it has become clear now why we vote,

     for to show that we are bubbleheads,

and to give the other nations the possibility to laugh at us, exactly as it was in the times of our Aleko Konstantinov (before more than a century). The minority parties have "stirred the beehive", but the "sun" has not at all "risen" for them. Well, maybe they will try again — and what else is left to them? But those who have won the election are also out of luck — a fatal year, it's nothing to be done — because it turned out that the two right-wing parties collect exactly 120 votes or the half of all (our National Assembly has 240 representatives or MPs), and the two center-left parties — again exactly the same amount!

     We have never till now had such conflict situation in Bulgaria.

     And besides, our "Hayduk Sider" was already fed up to listen to what "Duce Boiko" orders him to do, and when so is against him. And GERB, naturally, can not form a Cabinet, no matter that has won the elections. Well, the socialist succeeded to do this, but they have not, and will never have majority! Because, as you know, the little pebbles overturn the cart, and now Ataka really is against each party and hinders all. Both wings only seem to be equally represented, but there is significant difference between them, because the left-wing are united, they have no other choice, even MRF will never agree to be with the "Hayduk" (whose people cry — at least I have heard this once by TV — "The Gypsies to soap!), neither with agree with the "Duce" (for one mandate they have suffered enough from his arrogance). The right wing, however, consists of two separate parties, that have bared their teeth at each other, because there can be just one "Duce", while the "Hayduk" eagerly wants to become such — you see, he has turned himself in a ... revenue stamp, the young carry him on their T-shirts, only to make us "faschings"-carnivals, but some "chubby" general "muddies him the water". So that the "Hayduk" will not support the "Duce", but this is when it is about voting "pro", though in situations "against" something he will automatically join with him (for it is impossible to enter in coalition with the former communists, neither with the Turks, this is obvious).
     Yet otherwise Boiko directly, as the expression goes, keeps a finger on the pulse of his electors, plays exactly so as they would have liked him to do, as strong "fist", or as good "bully" who overstrains himself for all, but, you see, those communists don't understand him, and also many other people between the masses. He pretends to be angry, and rightly, and does not want to be counted as opposition, because he is the one who won the elections. If there were not so many people having voted for him then he, surely, would have "curled up in his kennel", but by these electoral results he just can't afford it, right? And for this reason he from the very beginning has voiced that he does not want new elections, while the clever "Having-Become-Boss" (the name Stanishev means, if one gives it a thought and splits it, "Become-Boss") is the one who wants the opposite, so that, if you ask me,

     this time the socialists alone have put their head in the bag!

How they will govern by this fierce, of the majority, opposition, I absolutely can not grasp, but we shall wait and see. Naturally that the most correct thing was that they alone wanted new elections, in order that Boiko could have become more unpopular, so that his supporters have fallen to some 7-8% after one mandate, and that he was befallen by the fate of tsarist party, or of the already plucked UDF, and the time of socialist will in any case come sometime (how it was before this elections), for the simple reason that the world plainly moves in this direction already more than a century. Yeah, but this has not happened!
     Now, to say that Mr. "Bossing" was to such extent troubled about the poor Bulgarian nation, that suffers under the yoke of our "Duce", well, I personally can't believe it. But apparently the power is a sweet thing and he wants to wield a bit the scepter, to strike the iron now, while it is hot, or else that his electors would have not forgiven him not to form a Government, but he has shouldered this unfeasible task. Well, for the moment this task turned to be affordable for him, and he even has chosen such Prime Minister that one just wonders where he has found such wise man — indisputable sage, his wisdom, so to say, is just springing out. This will be, or at least it looks so, one incredibly reasonable governing, not with boasts but with deeds. So it is true, but I will again say "no"! For two reasons, the second is that with reasonable governing by us is nothing to be achieved! This is the old idea of Platon, in which I don't believe, the common people can not understand the intelligent persons, and because of this they are not chosen as rulers, no matter that they almost always do something in the interest of the whole population (if they are really reasonable, because otherwise they would have simply not been such — i.e. here can't be otherwise, the intelligent governing requires that all, and especially the masses, live good). And the first reason is that

     when one party is in power it can not raise its rating,

the latter can slump only down, especially in Bulgaria, and especially in conditions of crisis. So that it can't be that later people will choose the socialists, they will gather about 15%, but will not be able to rule, will come some other right-wing party, maybe even fascist, in any case something new and unexpected (because the expected — I have said this in the previous year — is complete deadlock). And not only this, it is also impossible to expect that the "dear people" will lead their mandate to the end! Two years is possible that they will pull the state's "cart" — more precisely, if they will succeed to pull it approximately to the middle of September (in order that it has become a bit colder, and also that people have become acquainted with them), then it is probable that they will hold their two years, but in the end of June the protests have intensified greatly —, two and a half is also possible somehow, but three and more I personally can't see how, as much as I wished that it happened so, and as much as I was supporter of each (literally) left-wing idea (because in the right-wing there are no ideas, I have spoken about this). Well, I pray to God (where nobody has proved that He exists, but also nobody is able to prove this, or that He does not exist!) that I am wrong, but at least you, my dear readers (not that you are many, but this is exactly why I honour you so much, right? — according to the supply and demand), can advice the following: if this double coalition, BSP and MRF /DPS holds more than three years, and especially till the end of its mandate, then, in protest, simply ... give up reading this author. I, for my part, intend to do exactly this.
     But, speaking more moderately, I also don't believe that they will succeed to do something special, because neither our poverty can disappear easily (for, roughly said, some 20 - 30 years this can happen, but for a single mandate — this is absurd), nor are they left-wing (the last left-wing "Mohican" was Zhan, i.e. Videnov — do you see what a good rhyme I have found? —, they are the next opportunists, but at least are more reasonable, and I honour the reason), nor also will care about really poor (for example, will not hold back the tax on bank deposits, from which win only the poor ones, because the rich keep their money on current deposits for better liquidity and there is no tax there; no will lessen the prices of bread an milk, or of eggs, etc.; no will try that the communal expenses will not surpass at least 1/3 of minimal working salary in month for a two-rooms flat — what means one-bedroom —, which now are more than the half of such salary; no will make dental care free of charge, or local physicians, or education, and so on). It, as it turns out, was even so that exactly they were those who have proposed the utterly right-wing flat tax. But maybe by inertia they will be Russophiles, because the right-wing (for it is so) Russophobia only harms us, we are Slavs, and for some Americans, or Germans, or Frenchmen, etc., will always be a kind of "white slaves", I am convinced in this.
     And speaking even more moderate:

     all parties in the moment are right,

in their own way, GERB, and BSP, and MRF, and even Ataka (when there are people who vote for them), all are right and this is the democracy, yet our population suffers. People, surely, don't understand that they suffer because of democracy, but this changes nothing. In order that people did not suffer so much are necessary serious social measures, something similar to the totalitarian cares of the "Party and Government", only that in some new way (ways can be found, were there a wish and unity among the people, but exactly this is what we have not), which cares have to be the subject of one new Social Ministry, but about it a new paper will be required. When we are worse than all in the United Europe, then we should have also something more different than in the other countries, while by us different is only this, that we are even more unsocial than the others (Germans, English, Frenchmen, and so on). We for that reason so much hate our politicians, because we hate one another. It is true that now we have not such conflicts like of the communists with the fascists, but various neo-fascists begin to raise their heads, and

     in the moment we are exactly in ... pre-war situation,

if you compare the crisis of 1928 and the coming of Hitler to power in 1933 (because this crisis has begun approximately in 2008 and now we are in 2013). So that, maybe, something is necessary to be done? Maybe only democracy of the right-wing type is not enough? Otherwise people will continue to strike, and this with right! Because people can not exactly know what they want (and for that reason live so bad), but their politicians have to, in broad lines, not only to dance to their pipe. For it can happen that the people will begin to "dance" according to the pipe of minority parties, but of really minority ones, such that can not get even 5% (not like the socialists, which are such only pro forma). Because, in the end, the people are also right, they now don't vote for ten years (i.e. every second does not vote) and nothing changes, so that there is nothing more left to them except to go on the streets, slow and not in a hurry, and turn down each Government, even the good one. So that my advice is that everybody begins to think: the people about the democracy, and the politicians about the people. Otherwise it will become worse. If you wait until the crisis ends and then begins the "good" capitalism, you have to wait quite a long time.
     And you, politicians, make the people to vote, yet not forcing them to, but changing the situation so that you begin to be liked by them, and not as race horses, or as ... bulls for breeding, though like persons who can cogitate better than them. Because — and I will end on this —the common people are rather simple, and in this world there is nothing worse than the human stupidity (when we have long ago overcome, in broad lines, the nature). Only opposing one (of the people) simplicity with another one (of the democracy) will be quite difficult to improve the situation in Bulgaria, especially in fatal year and in conditions of worldwide economic crisis.

     June 2013

      — — —


     Only that, ladies and gentlemen, let me warn you already in the beginning that the common sense is quite treacherous notion, so that this, what I will tell you here, will dislike not only the adversaries of fascism, but also the supporters of it; in addition to this I will give in the end some pretty queer propositions. What is reduced to this, that if you have very little time and can't allow yourself to read empty philosophizing (which, as my experience shows, are necessary exactly for those, who don't want to listen to them), then directly skip this material (or, generally, the author).
     Well. Now,

     the common sense, as a rule, can not accept any extremity,

and that the fascism (as well also the communism, or Catholicism, or Islamic Jihad, or terrorism, and so on) is an extremity, I suppose, is clear to all. And the common sense does not accept extremities because the truth can not be at the ends, for if it could have been there, then, with the existence of a heap of dialectical relations between the things, it would have very soon happened that around this extremity was already built a vicinity, i.e. that it is no more at the end and there is something more aside of it! While in the middle, i.e. somewhere between the ends, the things can stay in dynamic equilibrium and be pulled by the both (for simplicity) ends, like a ball tied to two ... elastic bands (i.e. elastic fibers, lastik in Bulgarian) — and because of this if you call the dialectics dialastics or diaelastics you will not make a big error, for you will be nearer to the ancient idea. But this is a general consideration.
     Then the fascism

     is a bad thing because it is only a ... fishek, in Bulgarian

(in fact in Turkish), i.e. a firecracker (squib, spitdevil, etc.), raising of big noise, like when a bunch of twigs are burned, which even today in Italian are called fascio ("fashyo"), what is this time linguistic proof (if you give credit to such things, but I think that one must believe in the words and relations between them, because they reveal the model of thinking, the associations in the heads of people, at least in the antiquity, when the languages were made). No matter what the linguistics says I mention this because this idea about the bunch of twigs exists also by us (for the ancient Khan Kubrat, in 7th century), it is written on our National Assembly (our Parliament, there stays "In unity is the power"), but we don't pay attention to it. In other words, the idea, in principle, and in another context, is good, but by the fascists it degenerates in this, that we must unite ourselves and ally, in order to oppose actively some other elements (which are usually among us), and eliminate the others physically or morally or spiritually at cetera. What means that the fascism as a moderate idea together with the others is something good, but when it transforms into fixed idea, in obsession, and becomes too militant — and it is exactly such, look now at our "Atakists", they are chiefly against something, than for something else — then it becomes bad and extreme.
     So that, in a certain sense, the fascism is a good thing, but this sense is as part of a whole palette, as element of the unity, not by itself. If there could have been possible to unite the fascists with the communists, for example, in one common but tight, allied, party, then there would have been nothing better in the social area, but this can not be done. This can't happen because each part pulls the blanket to himself, and then, if the "blanket" is more or less firm, it can somehow work, but the bad comes when it tears, or also, in a milder case, only some persons, the weaker ones, remain uncovered. What means that the one extremity generates, or goes together, with the other one, here the communists with the fascists. Id est,

     when the extreme right-wing elements strengthen, strengthen also the left-wing, and vice versa,

what in this case is good, in my opinion, for I am defender of the left-wing idea, the more so because the today's left-wing are not at all extremely left-wing (even one can rightly doubt whether they are left-wing at all). And it, really, happens exactly so, because you remind yourself that "Hayduk Sider" has built his party for the elections in 2005, and then he not only has won nearly 9%, but BSP also has become leading party and has won 34%. Besides, there have emerged also other right-wing parties like various "Macedono-Bulgarians", and others. But the most important thing about our open fascists, the Atakists, is that they just can't ever take the power, they are so few, they are supported by less than 10% mainly post-teenagers, who, obviously, at least in my opinion, have little brains, but big desire for actions, desire to make something, no matter that this, what they are doing, is not god, and they even understand this. ( More precisely they are 8%, but from those who vote, and the latter are half of the voters, so that, in fact, their supporters are only 4% of the population, or one out of ... 25 persons! ) I don't want here, too, to elaborate on the question, for I have explained it shortly in other material, but our people are not so united like the Germans or the Japanese or the Italians (they are Catholics), so that they just don't believe that we are the good and the others the bad ones — you look only to this how many Bulgarians have run away in all directions, be it even in Greece of Finland, but not to remain in Bulgaria. So that our fascists are not dangerous, they are youths, and their party is in some extent necessary, in order that such people have vent hole, because otherwise becomes worse.
     You see, the "children" want to be commanded, they don't like this, surely, but at the same time they want also that somebody orders them to do something so that to be able to express themselves. And the young are not guilty that they are such (i.e. young), but guilty are the old (i.e. grown up) people, because have taken away from them all means for organizing themselves in some associations! We have long ago neither Tchavdarcheta (these were the youngest, before the pioneers), nor pioneers, nor Komsomol members, but we

     have also nothing new on their places.

As if there exist some scout groups somewhere, but this is nothing, this is not only for the very young, but also is quite sporadic, so to say. We have behaved here up to significant extent like with the cultivated land— we have returned it to the people, bur have not forced them to cultivate it (were there only taxes and fines when one does not process it, but there are not such things). And on top of all this we live now in peaceful times (well, maybe sometimes happen not pretty peaceful things, but this is not situation of wars and devastations), and the young ones have just nothing for what to live and to fight. And they search, don't they? And now has emerged this "Hayduk" who cries: follow me and you will not go wrong! We have also no demonstrations or protest rallies, like it was before, which, surely, have painfully bored us, but this was because they were compulsory, yet with nothing at all there is no go. Our people waited and waited, and decided to organize them in 2013, right? And don't think that this is unserious argument, because we have not at all, and really not at all, whatever folk meetings,

     not even carnivals or religious processions,

but the other nations have, without such things there is something missing to the people. Only with football matches the things are not going. So that the young want to carry our national banner, there is nothing bad in this, in principle, the bad thing is that they use the difficult economic situation, not only in Bulgaria but in the whole world, to give vent to their subconscious wishes, which we could have quite calmly offered them somehow (I will give in the end some ideas). Look here, so it can't go: without religion, without morality, and without families, with one only wish to get rich fast is not good to live! You should all grasp at the end that all these myths about the democratic panacea and the free market are only ...

     hooks on which the wealthy can catch us, in order to force us to work for them!

     Generally speaking, the youth, were they communists, or fascists, or also neutral, want some ideas, something for what is worth living; they, naturally, want easy life, want to have pleasure, to be sat, sexually satisfied, and so on, but without ideas is no go. And the capitalism, the overpraised democracy, it just has no ideas, it is another hook or bait — I have explained this in so many places that now I don't remember where —, or at least has not these ideas which it should have had, it is harmful to the people, and similar things. For these reasons the young people sway to this or that direction, especially in hard economic situations. And only with sex without inhibitions (how they put it in the ads of prostitutes) the youth is not sat, if I alone was on their place I also would have been dissatisfied. Because, for it is so, what other choice leaves to them:

     either narcotics, or homosexuality, or some form of craziness, and when they pass over 40 than become chronic alcoholics.

The young people want, only that they don't say this, some kind of delusion, invention, ideal, though unattainable (because otherwise this is not ideal but reality, and it is boring). They also the grown up want this (what else are all shows, literature, love, religion, etc., if not fables, virtual reality?), but they, in view of their age, life experience, their children, and so on, don't sway to such extremities like the young ones. So that, if we do not want that the fascism existed, is necessary to engage the young people somehow, find some occupation for them, that is the situation! And in addition is also necessary that the crisis ends, but for this we shall wait quite a long time, some 7-8 years (I have explained this in a previous material).
     So, good, but what are we to propose to the young, ah? And with the crisis what to do, ah? Well, I have ideas — one has just to ask about ideas by me! — but they are not fast, though, on the other hand, "the hasty bitch", as they say by us, "gives birth to blind puppies". Like our transition to democracy, which 23rd year now still can't finish (for we are still several times worse in our living standard than in the times of our "Bai Tosho", when the life was not at all bad — and it must be explained that in Bulgarian "Tosho" rhymes with "losho"-bad). Firstly about the easier thing, the crisis.

     the only radical way to exit quickly the crisis is to orient ourselves to activities which require much manual labour!

And this means to boycott as much as possible automated and already robotized production, were this industrial goods, were it food, were it entertainment (i.e. that we are to do them alone, not to wait for them to be offered to us). It is clear that in the poorest country of European Community we will hardly begin to look for something that is 3-4 times more expensive only because it is made manually, but this is the most reliable and correct way, because this not only will ensure new jobs, but will also offer to the people something more interesting, not so boring. I mention this only schematically, because on this, that the automation throws people out from the sphere of production are written already many books for more than a century, and this isn't new phenomenon. But we are always forgetting about this and are pleased when there is something ready, easily accessed, something shining, good, directly perfect, while in the same time the inclinations of out organisms are not to perfect things but to personally achieved (no matter that with defects).
     And with the youngsters what to do? Well, if you expect that I will do the work of at least hundred of persons, then you are positively wrong, because there must exist some official instance for the purpose. The Ministry of Youth and Sports could have been occupied with these functions (if we do not want to create a separate Ministry), but not as selection of the best (I have already said: less perfection, more vitality!), but as some programs for engaging of all boys and girls: it is possible that they were in different organizations, but that they existed, and that the young people were allowed to participate in them. Here are some ideas about interesting delusions (I especially stress on this word, in order that you become used to it, not to turn away from it, or to spit on the communists who have deluded us about the bright future, the friendship, etc.). One direction are

     the religions, yet not as true worshiping but as interesting rituals.

     You see, long ago was clear (at least for 25 centuries) that God or the gods are something entirely different from material world, they stay above it, they are neither material nor destroyable, ergo, we can't find them and prove or disprove their existence in whatever way (I have explained this in several places, I can't everywhere speak about everything). What means that everybody has his (or her) right to delude himself with whatever image or ideas about the gods, as long as he likes them, and they also preach to him some morality (for there is no religion without morality; we may not like it, and it can be directly perverse in some cases, but it exists, that is why the religions have been created). So that — the more exotic one religion is, the more it is interesting, such is the truth, and for this reason people for ages like to visit temples, especially as tourists. Id est, this is not some unpleasant obligation for the young, and they will from the very beginning like it (say, to study Zen Buddhism, or Islam, or some religion of the Incas, or the ancient Greek mysteries, etc.); the only thing that is needed it to find sufficiently intelligent and unprejudiced teachers, who would not deny the other religions and would search for meaning in the ritual, not just repeat some proved with nothing fables.
     Another idea is the well known for centuries slogan

     Retour a la nature,

or "Return to the nature", which I give in French because it rhymes good there. In our century of surrogates for everything — for food, for clothes, for sex, for entertainments, for whatnot —it is more than actual. I can't see what child of adolescent will refuse, say, to breed rabbits or chickens or other domestic livestock, or to learn all sorts of plants, healing herbs, exotic countries, and similar things (in the sense that not everyone will want all this together, but he will find something interesting for him). And this interest can be shown in some training and production units amidst nature.
     Then something what is in some extent related with the previous,

     returning to boarding form of education

everywhere, where it is possible, i.e. the children are separated from their parents somewhere exactly around teenager age in weekly (or even year-round, in some cases, but not daily) boarding establishments, where they all eat, sleep, and learn their lessons, play games, and learn something interesting for them. Say: folk dances, culinary, producing of vine, breeding of different animals, all kinds of sports, occult sciences, if you want, everything what is not harmful and can bring satisfaction to the children. This is a well tested form of education, which is advantageous for the parents (because lifts a heavy burden from them), but also for the children (because they become independent, not like greenhouse plants); as well also for the whole personnel of these institutions (i.e. there is work for them), so that I can't understand at all why we have abandoned it. Now, there are some legal points in regard of the existence of such organizations, so that they were able also to produce something, to support themselves alone, that are not quite clear to me, but for them, surely, exists easy decision. So that it leaves only to wait that some such lyceums (let us call them so, for this word sounds quite elevated) will begin to sprout on the left and the right, on empty land, in the mountains, in small towns, and in other places.
     Then it is worth also to mention

     the possibility for exchange of young people with other (exotic) countries,

i.e. our children, in groups somewhere from 10 to 50 persons, travel for at least half an year (and even better for entire one, for to have gone through all climatic particularities of the place) in some interesting corner of the world, and the same amount of children from that place come to us! It is supposed that some similar colleges or lyceums exist in other countries (but if they do not exist that we will pass them the idea). This surely will be related with learning of the language of the place where to they will go, yet this is part of the goal, to learn something more in addition. For example, 30 boys and girls from the lyceum of Bulgarian cuisine travel for an year to Australia in similar lyceum, where for this purpose they learn one year intensively Australian, right? On their part to us travel the same number of Australians (some of them with their domesticated baby kangaroos for company, I suppose).
     Well, I switched to a bit frivolous tone, but this is for freshening of the atmosphere, otherwise the ideas are serious. Arises the question: will the Australians want to learn Bulgarian? Actually, I think they will, because for them this will be interesting, this will be Europe, after all, besides, in the last time I defend persistently the thesis that Bulgarian is one extraordinary good and light for learning language, and suitable even as ... world standard! Because, really, it has no cases, grammatical genders are easily established by the endings, we have no complex tenses (for example, the Italians, what is valid in some extent for all Latin languages, have 14 tenses, and in this number only the past ones are whole 5, and this without passive voice or ways for expressing of continuous tenses), we have perfect reflection of our phonetics via our alphabet, and contain all basic phonemes of other languages (due to what, for example, we speak much better English than one Chinese, or Negro, or even Italian). So that if we explain these things (and show them with examples) the Australians (or whoever they were, for they can be Eskimos from Alaska, or also from Peru, Tajikistan, Birobidzhan, if you like, and so on), then the children (as well also their parents) surely will agree with such temporary change. I don't know whether you appraise the significance of this idea, because it can give the tune to various countries, this unites the nations, and so on. But first of all this will be interesting for the children, they will "break their legs" in order to run to come into such lyceum.
     At the same time do not think that this will not work because there will be necessary much money for this establishments. As I said, the children have to be in position to earn something themselves, but even if there has to be searched help from aside then I don't think this will turn to be very hard, because if many of us can hardly find money for bread and milk (and instead of the latter buy, for example, soya sausages), then for many countries on the West the problem is in this, on what to spend their money, for nowadays one pizza in United States costs about 50 US$ (for the reason that before 30 years it was approximately 18 dollars). Well, you see very good that for 50 US$ in Bulgaria one can eat hundred pizzas (and even more, if people alone make them and bake). I want to say that if there is a concrete goal, for which the money are given, the West will give them us (as has given, so far as I know, sums for building of various playgrounds for children by us — for the reason that by better social climate in our country less Bulgarians want to immigrate abroad, right?). But even if initially for this lyceums will be necessary that the parents pay, even then a heap of children will succeed to enter them, and all will see the benefit from them, and will be taken measures for building of new such institutions.
     So that let me summarize in the end: the fascism is bad when it turns into fix-idea for some people, but as element of life it has its advantages. Especially the neofascism, which emerges in current days, is useful also as warning that, see: give us what we want, or else it will be worse. Id est the precedent of fascism (and up to some extent also of communism) plays significant role for avoiding of it. ( For example, our "hayduk" have begun often to voice: well, you only say that you want this, that we have taken up arms, or something of the kind. In short: people, think, for not to happen that the fascists will cease only to wave flags and organize "happenings" for themselves. ) And if we want that our children will not sway to such crazy ideas, as well also to make their life more interesting, it will be necessary to burden some Ministry with cares about the youth, because if we rely only on the democracy to better the situation as with some magic wand, it will happen as it became with the ideas of our notorious UDF, which only ruined our country. My propositions, as also the approaching to the theme, are not traditional, but I personally can see nothing bad in them. Well, judge for yourself.

     June 2013

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