The Inhospitable cottage.
This story seems to be ordinary and openly trivial if not subsequent unpleasant ending comes personally for a specific man.
So, one bright day the lover paid his regular visit to his mistress while her husband was absent on his own business for the rest of that day. The happy lovers were amusing each other on their own taste but suddenly the woman remembered that her husband a tall, fat and a very robust man who was very much jealous because he did not trust his light-minded wife, had promised to return home early that day. The woman stopped the outspoken passion of her lover when she realized that they had overplayed the time given to them.
She was about to mention her lover that his time was over, when there was a sound of arriving car at the cottage. She quickly ran up to the large window in the bedroom, and saw with horror her husband driving his car into their yard.
“ Get dressed fast – she shouted at the lover – My husband has unexpectedly come home before time appointed”.
The lover was afraid very much because he knew the husband of her mistress for his cruelty and indignation to any other man dealing with his unfaithful wife.
Being panicaly stricken, the lover began furiously running around the bedroom trying to get dressed quickly. He was very much exited and put on his trousers having forgotten to put on his underwear pants and jumped out of the window on the back side of the bedroom in the ground floor.
He ran away as a poor brother rabbit escaping from a fierce and hungry fox while the angry and jealous husband was engaged with his car at the garage.
The poor lover skipped along the small road passage sighing with a deep relief, he was able to slip away the thrashing from the husband of his mistress, who would really crush and smash him as a big road truck.
When the lover had already reached a safe distance off the inhospitable cottage, he whistled a taxi. The big yellow Mercedes stopped next to him, and the poor lover, still trembling with fear, furiously jumped in it and, in his clumsy rush, he, unluckily, had pinched strongly his balls between his trembling legs. The taxi driver rushed with a jerk and directed the car on the road with lightning speed.
The poor lover was crying out from a splitting pain turning to a wild wailing as a lone wolf in the deep forest seeing the moon above the trees.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that the taxi driver turned out to be a cheerful and merry black man smiling with his healthy white teeth and who loved life and merriness very much, and therefore, he was absolutely indifferent to his passenger’s tragedy who was sobbing like a widow at the grave of her deceased husband who had died leaving her only in debts and poverty. The joyful taxi driver paid no attention to the physical and moral discomfort of his client and every time talked without stopping, turning back to his passenger inquiring him about his business and life and exclaiming” The weather today is fine? Sir! Isn’t it!
Gregory Trigger 10.08/11/ Moscow.
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