T E N   C Y N I C A L   E S S A Y S


          Chris MYRSKI,    Sofia, Bulgaria,   2000

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     About the Creation and the created

     About the woman and the man
     About the mankind

     About the intellect
     About the religion

     About the democracy
     About the violence

     About the justice
     About the population

     About the future
     Addendum: Constitution of Cynicland

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          PART SIX


           I. Past And Present

     We can′t speak about the future not going out of the past and of its constant trends and unchangeable principles of functioning of the society and the nature, because we must have a good basis in order to extrapolate our judgements. Only this, of course, is not enough, and for that reason as farther we go in the future the more imprecise will become our forecasts, but inasmuch as here we don′t go out of some private and biased interests, or, to put it more precisely, the only interest that we have is to continue the life on our old planet, it is worth to make an attempt. So that, let us first take in focus

      1. The constant trends in the development of society, starting somewhere in the times of Babylon and up to current days. We will mark four things, namely:

      a) Moving above in the scale of human desires and wishes and massification of this movement for wider groups of population. We have in mind the scale of desires with five levels, where on first place stays the providing of daily food, then comes the necessity of shelter, then the continuation of gender (so how God has decreed and people, too, like it — if not the result then at least the very process), then the wish for self-expression and establishing of superiority over the others, and at the end comes the developing and improvement of the individual. This movement, naturally, is ensured firstly for the ruling and later, and partially, for the ruled, where the integral evaluation consists in summing of the levels for each individual (with some weight for every level, maybe), so that higher value can be received, either via enhancing of the levels for some single individuals, or via massification of some not very high level. This total value for a given country, or for the whole planet, incessantly increases, and there are all reasons to believe that it will continue to increase also in the future. The purpose of life for everybody is to climb higher up on this scale, and the same applies also to the society as a whole through the summary evaluation.
     The first three levels are these of vital necessity for everybody and they have been satisfied up to certain extent already when the monkey has got down from the tree, as is said, bur self-expression, or possibility for making of career, even today, is not guarantied massively around the world, to say nothing about some specific, individual, developing of the person. Here, however, we face one phenomenon, one normally set by the nature restriction (for, what should have we all done having reached the maximum, if could have reached it?), and it turns out that these aspirations apply far not at all to the major part of people (meaning that the aspirations remain, but they can′t be realized through the fault of the very individuals) and in such case they, most often, just replace the new quality with greater quantity of the old one (i.e.: food, homes, cars, lovers, etc.)! In such cases these individuals simply don′t know what else to want, this makes them unhappy, and, if they are from the ruling class (as they most often are), the society begins to degenerate and disintegrate from the top, and the masses from below enthusiastically help, because their interests are always satisfied worse than of those above them. In this way the civilizations grow and die, because the purpose in life for the rulers becomes lost, when their basic needs are satisfied and is come to the level of personal improvement and development. There is nothing shocking in this, because the civilizations are living systems, and in such case they must die!
     Inasmuch as, however, the contemporary civilization is strongly democratized, then we have to observe the interests of the whole nations, as well as to take into account the entire world (because of the mass communications), where the mentioned tendencies of greater and greater satisfying of the daily needs of all become gradually a reality. It may sound paradoxically, but the meaninglessness of life (for the individual) does not contradict to his wish to search for this meaning, and when its finding becomes more and more difficult (due to the general prosperity) the people get confused and the civilization passes away. Our country, Bulgaria, is more "fortunate" in this regard than the highly developed ones, because we still have problems with the feeding, and with the finding of decent home, and with various small things, so that is this way we even help to the world civilization detaining it and moving away the moment of its demise!

      b) The gradual liberation of the exploited masses, or the distancing of their "chains", is the next constant tendency in the human society since millenniums. It can safely be stated that the emergence of society begins with the division of labour and creation of conditions for using of one group of people by other such groups, or in the mutual exploitation, taking out of the "ploit"-everything or our souls (see "About the mankind" and "About the justice"), because this is the most effective form of using of human labour. Each society can exist only on the basis of mutual exploitation and is naive to think something else, but those of you who are shocked by this word can change it to "using". In this sense, for example, the marriage is an institution for mutual exploitation of the reproductive organs, and for this reason nowadays, having so many freedoms (caused by the prevision of the end of civilization and the losing of meaning in life), the necessity of continuous and unchanging exploitation of one and the same persons is eliminated and the marriage institution loses its importance.
     But the mutual exploitation in the society has been incessantly bettered, and the chains of slaves were gradually changed with invisible binding to the earth as source of benefits, and later, when it turned that they can be pulled out not only from the soil, the tying become economical. In the contemporary capitalistic society the economical chains can′t be seen, but they exist, and if they have not existed then the society would have collapsed (as it, up to some extend, also happened under the communist socialism, where the role of capital was very ineffective, and only with speeches and slogans a society can′t be welded). The exploitation, out of itself, is neither something good, nor it is bad, and in order to be good it has to correspond to the interests of the society, which for their part must take into account the interests of each individual, so that the whole point is in finding of the most suitable for all form of exploitation! The slavery system was entirely justified in its time (even for the slaves), but it is not good today, when, on the basis of better satisfying of daily needs of the population, is achieved better effectiveness of work under conditions of wider freedoms for the workers, and because of this the "leash", on which they are tied, can be loosened a bit. Generally looking, the denying of something, were it a form of exploitation, habits, or something else, should not mean denying of its expedience in past time (i.e. denying of the past), but only under the new conditions. So that some form of mutual exploitation must exist also in the future, when the capital will cease to play special role, due to the enhancing of living conditions of the masses and the unavoidable socialization of the society (to what we shell come after a while).

      c) The next tendency is the constant strengthening of human capabilities and increasing of the domination of the human over the nature. This is obvious tendency, which nobody denies, but let us stress that this domination must always be restricted in better, or more advantageous for the human, fitting in the nature, not necessarily in its changing, which in most cases, judging by the human practice, is performed not so much out of necessity, as just to show our strength (i.e. out of unreasonable human pride), but also because the change of the environment is easier than our adjusting to the environment or changing of ourselves! So to say: when we can′t do what we have to do, we at least do what we can.
     The increasing of our capabilities is result of our striving to easier way of live (and the natural makings, of course), so that it is often spoken about the bettering of living conditions during the centuries human history, but this improving is consequence of our enhanced abilities. Already when the primitive man has seized the stone in his hand he has begun to increase his abilities, because this was a new weapon for him (and to remind you that in English an arm means both, weapon and forearm) and this tendency continues also today via the machines and appliances, various technological processes, computers, scientific achievements, et cetera. It is clear that our abilities will continue to increase, like for example, to learn to fly, or to transmit thoughts, or to teleport matter in some new way, not via the classical transportation means, or to engender such individuals as we wish, and other similar things. But let it be clear that this increasing of our abilities, at least till now, has changed nothing in our genetic apparatus, where the things remain on the same place for tens of thousands of years, what is necessary, because the evolution of the humans has to be commensurate with the geological evolution of our planet. Possible changes in the hereditary code have all chances to turn more dangerous than the nuclear weapons and cause new mass horrors.

      d) The socialization of society, or the movement to wider social justice, is the last tendency on which we shall dwell. Since the dawn of civilization the human being has understood that our world is unjust (at least for each individual) and because of this he has never ceased to try to make it more just (see also "About the justice"). Only in the last pair of centuries, though, we have succeeded to achieve some relatively significant success in this regard, based chiefly on the higher possibilities of the society, but this is wide away from the limit of our desires (and there isn′t, in fact, such limit), so that this tendency will continue always. The social justice means, most widely said, some way for reaching of uniting with the interests of the others, understanding that our well-being depends on that of the others, some form not of collectivism, but of properly understood, i.e. reasonable, individualism.
     Not only on the stage of crash of present-day capitalism from the last pair of centuries, which we may call also industrial society, if like it more in this way, but at least since Ancient Greece onwards, exists the struggle of the people for building of more just and impartial society, and this struggle becomes especially actual nowadays, due to the enhanced possibilities for its achieving. The good companies on the West long ago take care in different ways for their workers, simply because in this way they can attract the better ones, what is beneficial for them. Similarly, the society as a whole benefits from better social security for this makes the life quieter, and the main thing that one capitalist needs is quietness in the country and possibility for the people to spend their money to buy produced by his company goods, out of what he only wins. So that the shift to the left in the society is unavoidable in the near future, but will we call the next stage in its developing socialism, or postindustrial society, or in some other way — this is not important.

      2. The unchangeable principles in functioning of the society are reduced mainly to the following:

      a) Fight with the difficulties in life. This principle is put deeply in the very "biological matrix" and the human being, regardless of his permanent striving for easy life, at the same time strives for interesting, what will say difficult, life. If we want to master somehow this verbal contradiction we should have said that one strives for easy life, which will allow him alone to create difficulties, that will make it interesting for him! It is widely known, for example, that the young generation in the recent time has been "spoiled", as the older people use to say, what is unavoidable consequence of the better and easier conditions of life for the young ones, because they, ensured with the daily food and place to live, now just wonder what premature feelings to search, for the wish for self-expression from the early age does not attract everybody, and also their understanding of this expression consists mainly in the wish to possess something given to them ready or easily acquired, but not their personal quality (since this is harder). This explains the drug addiction, the higher criminality (to a great extent), and the high percentage of suicides between the young people (exactly when they have no objective reasons to be dissatisfied with life, because the best part of each life is the youth). These, let us call them temporary, problems, because they have arisen mainly during the 20th century, show that one of the main concerns in the future will be exactly in the creating of difficulties, primarily for the young.
     When one takes everything easy and ready he can′t be happy, and maybe for that reason in the sexual relations (which are the core of life) feminine individuals incessantly strive (most often unconsciously) to create problems for the men, in order to make their life more interesting and the sexual pleasure — more full (after some efforts for its reaching have been applied), what has found its reflection in the classical phrase cherchez la femme, or "search for the woman", as the root of all miseries. In any case the easy life doesn′t lure the people and the hardships toughened the individual, providing possibility for exercising of this undeveloped instinct named "intellect", so that the problem is in the right choice of such hardships which can be overcome.

      b) The animal nature of the human is the next unchangeable moment by each civilizations and it shouldn′t be thought that we will succeed sometime to get free of it. Twenty centuries after Christ we still find pleasure to kill our brethren (if not in reality, then virtually, looking at it on the video), or at least to do them evils, where the basic element of our happiness is in the unhappiness of the others. More than this, at least during the last two centuries, chiefly due to the unrealized overpopulation of the globe (see "About the population"), the human victims are immeasurably more that those from the previous epochs, when in many cases the people could have easily divide themselves in such who wanted more strong sensations (take this as: blood and lechery), and such who preferred quieter life; earlier there was made difference between front and rear, now it does not exist, neither in war, nor in peace, thanks to the higher criminality and terrorism. We shudder before the death penalty, because everybody′s life was (supposedly) very important and inimitable, but we kill ourselves with millions. Whether in the future have to be legalized again the gladiatorial fights (especially having in mind the possibility for transplantation of organs), or has to be fixed some planet for wars (why not Mars?), or to be strengthen even more the escapism (about which we shall speak after a while) with the usage of more total medicaments and virtual audio-visual horrors, or will be found some other method, but the people, it seems, for many centuries ahead will have the need of bloodshed, in order to feel themselves humans?!

      c) The next important moment this is the disunity of human society. The people as individuals are much more reliable and functional, than the society on the whole, which still can not come to agreement who by whom has to be commanded and up to what extent have to be subjected one to the other. Even if is some countries exists some primitive level of organization, on the whole planet it is absent, and a pack of wolves, for instance, are more united than all contemporary countries taken together. Our ultimate dreams till the moment are reduced not to harmony and cooperation between the individuals and countries, but to chivalrous conditions for duels, most often on life and death (and with the chivalry only in words). It seems in all probability that at least in the next several centuries (or millenniums?) the situation will remain the same, because the human being also for the very nature is an experiment and nobody knows what is better, so that let us accept for better this, what can take overhand. But then not to fool ourselves thinking that in the society rules some organization, or at least not bigger than among the other herd animals.

      d) The last unchangeable thing on which we shell focus is the incessant search by the human of some delusion, the constant escaping of the reality to some imaginary situation, something what has made already the ancient Romans to pronounce the sentence: "Mundus vult decipi!" ("The world wants to be deceived!"). Each good thing has its bad sides (and vice versa), so that our ability for higher nervous activity unavoidably is accompanied by our wish to invent own world in which to live. The delusion can be unconscious, as in most of the cases it is, but with the increasing of our knowledge about the surrounding world the necessity of delusion does not disappear, it only changes its forms. The right of delusion is basic human right and it must not be violated in the future, no matter whether we speak about religion, arts, love, some inebriation, ideology, sports, at cetera.

           II. Near Future

     After the said in the previous section it is relatively easy to predict (with some degree of reliability) the development of the society in the near pair of centuries, extrapolating the constant trends and retaining the unchangeable principles. It must have been obvious that the world moves to socialism (although in many countries people are afraid of this word), if not for other reasons, then at least because now we can afford it. Whether in the future socialism every in need will receive free the basic food products, medicaments and other services (for example, in special shops, or is special departments for free goods, or via collecting and further distribution of durable products for use as second hand goods, etc.), or he will receive only the needed means to obtain this, what he thinks is most important for him, or via some combination of these methods, is not important. The important thing is that the basic needs (the first three levels of the scale of wishes) will be satisfied for everybody who is not in position, or has no desire, to make career in the moment. Pension, health, legal, etc. insurance will be available for everybody, as well also education according to his personal abilities and/or financial capabilities. Freedom of movement around the entire world and quite accessible communications with every other one will also be ensured, where the linguistic barriers will be overcome using five or six major languages, one of which will be official in the country.
     The main form of exploitation and compulsion in the near future will be the capitalistic, or the power of capital. No matter how well one is provided there will always be things that he personally will not be able to own, so that there will be at what to aim and for what to earn money. More than this, after the basic needs will be decently satisfied then one will have nothing else to do except to try to do something for the others, too, where he can agree, say, to work also without payment or for symbolic one, what is now reality for many people from the affluent strata of population in the developed countries. Even amongst the scientific workers, who are not of the most affluent, but also not of the poorest, already today exists wishing to do their work not because of the money but because of the interest in it; this is applied also to many other professions like: medics, teachers, and so on, and up to a certain extent also for other routine activities, due to the fact that one always feels some pleasure of the work done, and when he learns to work he just can′t loiter inactive. It is quite real to expect that the working week (if it will remain of seven days and will not turn to, say, sextet of days) to the middle of 21st century will reach four days by six hours, where that one, who could succeed to secure a job at least for three days weekly, will be counted as happy. Pressured by the growing unemployment, for which there are no reasons to expect to sink, on the background of ever increasing capabilities of the technologies, one will begin to crave for to have the possibility to do some useful work, just for the pleasure of it (or for the fun of it, as you say), so that the exploitation will continue also because of the wish of people for self-expression, not only for the payment.
      The money, or some form of cashless payment, will continue to rule the economics, because of the easy way for accounting of the demand (if there is a gain, there is a demand), as also to be purpose in life for many people, due to the hidden power and possibility for dominance, which it allows. The money offers an one-dimensional scale for measuring of human values and, no matter that it isn′t pretty accurate in many cases, the very idea about this is brilliant. The hindrances for everyone to work — natural or artificial, when needed (because it might happen that one will be forced to pay in order to be allowed to work a pair of days in some robotized factory, or to go to the army, where he will be giver real weapons, etc.) — will be some of the hardships in the future. Besides, the people will always want to live for half a century more with new artificial organs, and this, after some age (say, hundred years), will have to be paid for; or will like to have their own rocket, or some asteroid, at cetera, so that they will have where to spend their money.
     But whose ownership will be the capitals is of no big importance, because the large-scale owners, so or otherwise, will be only 2-3% of the population and their goal in life will be dictated by their property, i.e. they will live: either to multiply their money, or to spend them interestingly (and reasonably, if they could succeed to do this), or the both things. It is normal to expect that this will be the states (i.e. their administrations) and primarily the multinational companies (i.e. the persons who own the capital, not those who manage the companies), but in any case the big money will not go to the more able ones, because the wealthy ones will be ever in position to force the capable persons to work for them! In other words, the power of capital will continue to be determined by arbitrary, not by reasonable, factors, but, so long as for the society the important thing is the existence of exploitation, this will not be significant. And in addition to this the economics will begin everywhere to rule over the politics, not vice versa, how it is in the moment in many countries, what will be a step forward.
     Still, there is a hope that the mankind will succeed somehow to separate the bad from the good about the question of ownership over the means for production and will come to the conclusion that the worst and unjust moment in this case is that the wealth does not correspond to the personal abilities of the elite, but are mainly inherited! When this will be realized there will be elementary to avoid the evils, modifying so the inheritance law, that the large-scale (i.e. exploitative) ownership could practically not be inherited, but to come in the hands of large communities of people (the state, the municipals, or some other professional associations), from where it could be given later for temporary or lifetime managing to some proved their personal abilities individuals, or to be distributed equally and/or arbitrary between the members of the society (say, upon reaching of complete anniversaries, or via lotteries).
     And really, if one comes to think of it, then the inheritance of property is a human invention (i.e. it does not exist in the world of animals) and it brings more harm than good, because strengthens even further the injustice in life. Anyway, the inheritance tax (which for large sums may come, in heap with the due to the lawyers, up to 1/3 of the total amount) is entirely unjustified, from the point of view of the individual (because — has the state with something helped that the deceased has died?), and it can be explained only with the natural desire of the state also to lay hands on an easy prey. But there are some social elements in it, and there is nothing difficult to set some, let us call it, exploitative minimum of capitals (EM), by exceeding of which the inheritance tax jumps up by exponent, so that for 10 EM inheritance the person becomes only 2 EM, and for 100 EM — only 3 EM, for example, where the other part goes to the state (and/or the community). The very EM may quietly be of the order of 1000 MMS (minimal monthly salaries), but it can be corrected in accordance with the living standard in the moment.
     This will lead to some state monopolism by the very big companies, but they, anyway, are always under the prism (and scepter) of the state, for they affect the interests of the main part of working hand. This will not be socialism in the classical view, but some people′s capitalism, i.e. such, from which the people gain, where the competition, at least between the smaller companies will exist, but between the big it will also not perish, if will be watched for the state′s ownership not to exceed, say, 1/3 of the assets of the companies, and the other part, when such remains, to be given to the municipals and other associations, or distributed via some kind of lot. And the point is that the very large-scale owners will lose nothing personally, only their posterity will lose, but it will not fall beneath the limit of one EM, which allows one really decent existence. As it is said, the wolf is sated and the lamb is intact, and, besides, the world, in any case, has started on that road.
     It can safely be stated, though, that for many more centuries the society will not be in position to establish one decent from of organization, which has to define the future place of every one already from his birth, but which place could not be passed by heredity! And this will be not because it is so difficult (if not anything else then at least a lot can be thrown for to fix who by whom has to be ordered and who what can own for a given period of time), but because the people will not accept such restriction of their capabilities, which, anyway, are limited by their genetic makings. It may become even possible to change these very genetic makings, but then will arise the question who will have such rights, because surely all people can′t be Caesars or Napoleons, for to give an example. There are hopes that the computers will already in 21st century enter widely in the social government and justice, at least as primary instances, and then maybe will be made a good step forward, but the people will long resist before convince themselves that this will be in their own interest, because an artificial intelligence, obviously, will be in position to take, if not the most just (according to the human, and therefore controversial) decisions, then at least the most impartial ones.
     Otherwise, we can be sure that the future will be time of substitutes, as in relation to the eating and the goods which we use, as well of the emotions. The mass media will ever more replace (and stupefy) the independent thinking, and the virtual reality will play the role of the actual world, but this is not so bad, because there are not much people with original thinking, which is worth to be preserved. It is quite normal to expect also some cheap and relatively harmless, i.e. not leading to dangerous addiction, narcotic and psychotropic products. Even in the sphere of reproduction the artificial birth is a question of near future, so that after, say, a century it may be possible for each family to be equipped with an "artificial mother", that will be with the dimensions and the price of present-day dishwashing machine, and to perform there the necessary "planting" when decides that this is necessary, or rather when receives the needed permission (because until the human population on Earth is not reduced below one milliard people this will be simply necessary), where in this case the sex will remain, so to say, for "sports and relaxation". We can hope that the wars will disappear at least from our planet, but in the presence even of two states, or of differently favorable living conditions in different areas, this is much dubious, because the human being is first of all an animal and only then endowed with reason. All in all, though, probably the life in 22nd century will be more interesting than in this one, but if we do not blow up our planet till that time.

           III. Distant Future

     The distant future is this, where we can′t extrapolate the existing tendencies, but have to see in which way they will change so that to close the cycle, and here we can mainly guess. So, for example, it is clear that eventually will come time when the power of capital has to be changed, and then the role of compulsion will play, maybe, the heredity, or the connections in the gender, but this isn′t sure, because the families and clans even today are disintegrating, and the genetic engineering also offers many possibilities for interference in this direction. It can be allowed the existence of some specialized human individuals for specific kind of activity, what will make them different also in appearance, the people may become product of some symbiosis of the natural and the artificial, i.e. cyborgs, and then each one will have his, let′s call them, guildy interests, which he is to defend and for which to work. It is possible that some control over the production and propagation of the gender will be exercised, which must constrain the people to do this, what is necessary for the society (even today there are not many those who can alone kill some hen, not to speak about planting a field with wheat, harvesting it, and baking bread by themselves, and in the future all will be dependent on the technologically produced foods). Or will be moved to total surveillance of all people using some implanted transceivers, with the possibility for local impact on the psyche of each one when needed, what will be offered under the form of care for the security and health of the people (in the way as today all people are catalogued, the transporting vehicles and the firearms too, and the next step is direct monitoring in order to prevent the offences already in the bud). Or compulsion will be exercised by the supplying of people with new organs and their periodical rejuvenation. In any case, some compulsion surely will exist, otherwise the society will "fly apart" in result of the centrifugal force of the egoism of its members.
     But it may, at the end, also happen that the humans will become really reasonable and will begin to work not because somebody forces them to, but because they alone force themselves, for the life in this way is more interesting and beneficial for all, what presupposes that the society then has reached the last level of wishes — the personal improvement and development, coupled with the understanding that the best self-manifestation is the positive meaning of the others. Though it may happen that the necessary compulsion will be exercised by the artificial intellect where the people will be subjugated to the robots, that will care for them (just to have what to do), where the people will simply live (only to pass interesting the time). Such degree of freedom will not be very mobilizing, but it is hardly possible that will be come to this, for the nature, surely, will propose us new hardships, so that the people will not be left to do just what comes into their heads.
     Sooner or later is normal to expect also some dispersing of the mankind in the space, colonizing of other planets, contacts with another intelligent beings (if we succeed to find such), and, in general, strengthening of the power of humans to improbable (and improbably dangerous) limits. When we will learn how to move really fast in the space we will be near to solving of the question how to cope with the time (because it is this, that determines what is fast and what not). Sometime, maybe, we will begin to make excursions also in the time, though by moving in the past we can be only observers, and the future, anyway, is not something more than a virtual reality, so that we can never be sure that it will be exactly our future, not some of the possible ones, but this, definitely, will be interesting.
     But our strength, after all, can′t be limited only with this, what is outside us, so that we will strive to better our own organisms and the society, too. The genetic engineering already has remarkable achievement, so that soon will be created various new vegetable plants and animals. But our role of creators of the world around us will not be on a sufficient height until we begin to change also ourselves — were it our bodies, were it to create posterity on demand. Each exiting out of our natural makings, surely, is very dangerous, but this will hardly restrain us from trying to continue the divine experiment and to increase the diversity in nature (more so because till now he have chiefly diminished it). Diversifying our life, though, is proper to take care also for the ... death, because it, still, is our most serious trial in life.
     Interfering in the natural mechanisms for propagation of life we, sooner or later, will reach to the cardinal problems about the organization and the chaos in the Universe, because they are bound in some cycle and the local organization supposes the existence of global chaos (and vice versa)! Since the moment of its appearance the living matter has tried to impose some order in the accidental and chaotic world, but if we ever succeed to reach very strong order in a given time-space coordinate then we must find also some way for moving to disorder, which is more humane than the used by the nature, because otherwise it will force its own, based on unlimited biological and other resources, method of trial and errors, taking the organic life for error and leading only to preservation of the matter but not of its form. But what will be this method, so that both, the life to exist and the chaos not to disappear, we, alas, can not tell you, but if someone tells you this you just don′t believe him! Because the organized matter decreases the entropy, but it can neither only grow, nor only decrease, but can incessantly (in sense of millions of years time and light years space) change itself.
     Well, we may be failure of the nature, but let us not do such errors that can erase it, for we have our interests where the nature has not! It is of no importance for the nature what will happen with the life, because it is meaningless for it, but for us it isn′t (i.e., we think that such meaning exists). The limit of our future is the reaching of possibility for substantial intervention in the chaos or in the meaninglessness of nature, because then we will be left with no other alternative except, either to include ourselves in it creating new meaningless worlds, or to decline taking part in this meaningless, confirming it. In this case it turns out that this, that the people are not really reasonable, is very nice thing, so that for us this moment is infinitely remote.

           — — — — —



     Taking into account the positive elements of existing till now civilizations and having in mind the legalization of used among us moral norms, structure of our state, and happy life of out citizens, as well also in view of further developing and improving of human individual and social community, we made this Constitution of Cynicland.

           I. Rights And Obligations Of The Individual

      Article 1. (1) Every human has the right of life or death, which is unconditional and independent of other individuals.
     (2) Every human has also the obligation not to apply this right to the detriment of the same right of other individuals, if this can be avoided.
      Article 2. (1) Every human has the right of happiness according to his views. The Public Reason (or other instances) can preach certain kind of happiness, but it is not obligatory for the individual.
     (2) The happiness of the individual, though, should not be built on the unhappiness of the others, nor to the others be imposed the personal understandings about it.
      Article 3. (1) All people are born unequal and have the legitimate right to prove their inequality and uniqueness amidst the others.
     (2) By proving of this uniqueness all people use equal rights and have equal obligations for compliance with lawfully established norms, regardless of the: sex, racial and ethnical origins, appearance, age, education, material welfare, health condition, intellectual and other faculties, preferred kind of delusions and beliefs, membership of social and professional or some other groups, ways for reaching of sexual pleasure, tastes, and habits.
     (3) The ways for expressing of individual inequality should not impede the other individuals from expressing of their inequality, as well not contradict to the Public Reason. In the cases when the inequality is restricted by the law, all subjected to such restriction are considered equal in this respect, regardless of the differences listed in the previous paragraph.
      Article 4. (1) All people have the right to show their animal nature, when this does not contradict to the Public Reason.
     (2) All people have the right and obligation to behave reasonable, when they can manage to do this.
      Article 5. (1) In the society all people are dependent one from the other, where in this respect free people do not exist. Each one, though, has the right to strive to reach the border line where the freedom begins, yet not to trespass this line.
     (2) Can be spoken about freedom in sense of conscious dependence, but all efforts for expressing of private freedom that violates other people′s dependence, and which can be avoided, are persecuted by the law.
     (3) Property, parental, social, and other dependencies, and the borders where they turn to freedoms, are defined in the corresponding laws.
      Article 6. (1) Every human has the right to deceive the others and/or himself, except the cases where the legal proceedings require something different according to Art.19.(3). The lie can take forms of: self-deception, fraud, deliberate deceit, suggestion, advertising, propaganda, solace, compliment, etc., and can be both, in interest of the individual, and in his detriment. In this respect everybody has the right also to say this what he thinks is truth, or to lie in interest of the truth, as well as to express assertions, which are, or can later be proved, truths.
     (2) The possibility for existence of the truth is not excluded, nor is limited with the said in the next paragraph, but as far as it most often is questionable and unprovable, as also unconvincing or unpleasant for the people, it is right in the general case to be called lie.
     (3) The laws of the country, as also the lie in interest of Public Reason, is taken to be called truth, regardless whether its truthfulness can be proved in some other way.
      Article 7. (1) Every human has the right to exploit the others, when they agree with this exploitation, as also to agree to be exploited alone by the others, but this consent must be voluntary and provable. The form of exploitation can be different, including mutual, and can change with the time.
     (2) The consent for exploitation of the individual is valid only for him and can not be passed to the offspring. In many cases is rightful to establish also periods when it expires and can be renewed by mutual desire, where if such terms are not made, then it can be ceased at any time by either of the parties.
     (3) Every human can exploit also various animals or artificial systems, as well also himself personally, where in these cases consent for exploitation is not required, due to the difficulty for its receiving, but some laws may stipulate exceptions.
      Article 8. (1) Every human has the right and obligation to strive to make life more just for all, using for this purpose the public instances and complying with the Public Reason.
     (2) In its turn the Public Reason is also bound to strive to make life more just for all citizens of the country, using given to it prerogatives, both, in the way of compulsion, as well as that of delusion.
      Article 9. (1) Every human has obligations to the society, which can be financial, related with the fulfilling of some public activity, with the propagation of gender, or of other kind, and they are defined in the corresponding laws.
     (2) There can′t be imposed obligations to the individuals that lead to permanent physical or psychical mutations, except with their written consent, in the established by the law order.
      Article 10. (1) These rights and obligations are applied to all adult citizens of the country, where for such are considered all over 18 years.
     (2) The rights under Art. 1, 2, 3 and 4 (of life, happiness, inequality, and animal nature) are valid for the people from the moment of their birth, where till reaching of the said in the previous paragraph age they are not related with the corresponding obligations, except if in the laws is not fixed something else.

           II. Public Reason

      Article 11. (1) The Public Reason is the set of laws in the country, created by the official authorities obliged to ensure their observance and punishments in case of non-compliance with them, as well as the very authoritative bodies (according to Art.12). The decisions of these bodies are taken for truth, regardless the possibilities for proving of the contrary, until changes in them are forced, characterizing the old arrangements as lie and the new as truth. By virtue of Art.6, though, everybody can express his opinion about these settlements and criticize them in any ways, because these voices are taken for lies, if they contradict to the official truth.
      Article 12. All official power in the country is divided into:
     1. Supreme and affirmative — of the Parliament;
     2. Lawmaking — of the Lawmaking Office;
     3. Executive — of the Government;
     4. Representative and uniting — of the President;
     5. Regional — of the Municipals;
     6. Judicial — of the Courts and Prosecution;
     7. Punishing and forces for quick reaction — the Police and the Army;
     8. For propaganda — of the official Media.
      Article 13. None
      Article 14. Structure and functioning of the Parliament.
     (1) The Parliament is chosen as arbitrary and politically uninvolved sample of the people for period of 5 years by the procedure described in Art.22 and consists of 100 Representatives of People (RP) aged over 30 and below 60 years to the date of inauguration. It is permanently working body and for the term of office all RP receive official leave from their old place of work. This body is bound to maintain always an established number of RP, having as reserve ten persons Candidate RP, and if necessary to perform also additional partial elections. The mandate of Parliament begins on the first of January of each year multiple of five and can not be prolonged, but can be shortened, if till its end remain not less than six months, by voting with qualified majority, and then by the same procedure are performed early elections for service Parliament with the term of office only up to the end of mandate of the current. All RP after inauguration have diplomatic immunity and can be prosecuted only by the Parliament, or by the judicial authorities after explicitly given by it permission.
     (2) The Parliament chooses every six months Presidium, which consists of seven persons, including: Chairman of the Presidium, three Vice Chairmen of the Presidium and three more members of the Presidium. In addition to this the Parliament is divided in working groups according to the performed tasks, but this dividing does not change the necessity of common voting in the whole Parliament.
     (3) All RP are on full board (food, housing, and other necessary expenses) till five days per week, and in addition to this they receive income in amount of three minimal monthly salaries (MMS) for the country for the period, but are not allowed to receive any other supplementary earnings and presents. All received by them sums and donations remain in favour of the Parliament. After ending of their service here they are placed under special financial supervision for a period of five years in order to reveal cases of bestowing of illicit benefits during the time of their mandate.
     (4) Each RP has the right to refuse performing of his (or her) duties at any time during the term, in which case he will receive each month by one MMS free of obligations till the end of mandate. Once refused to serve, though, he has no rights to become functioning RP.
     (5) The decisions of Parliament are taken with ordinary majority, which consists of more than 1/2 of the whole number of RP (according to par. 1), with the exception of cases when qualified majority is needed, which in turn consists of more than 3/4 of RP and is applied by changes in the Constitution, earlier change of the President, and others, as well also for whatever voting, if before this with ordinary majority such voting is approved.
     (6) After the choice of Parliament each RP defines his (or her) political sympathies to one of the proposed to him political parties, coalitions, or groups of independent candidates (from here on we will say only parties), which are subject to revisions once in six months. By this voting the goal is to establish the ordering of political powers, so that the result must not contain two parties with equal number of votes, and if this happens then the voting is repeated until arises difference of at least one vote between two adjacent parties. In this way is established the political structure of Parliament, which is used by forming of the Lawmaking Office, according to Art. 15.(1), the Government, according to Art. 16.(1), and the Municipals, according to Art. 18.(1), and in other cases when this proves necessary. In accordance with its procedure of choosing, though, the Parliament is apolitical body and its duty is to remain such. At the discretion of Parliament it may use in help of this voting, or instead of it, also some form of referendum or asking of the masses, according to Art. 24.(1), the decision for what must be taken via voting.
     (7) The Parliament approves all laws, made by the Lawmaking Office, performs election of President and Vice President, according to Art. 23, and has rights for initiative instructions for making of the laws and other normative documents of all other organs of the official power. The Parliament can appoint the senior civil servants, like: ambassadors, judges and prosecutors, heads of the official Media, and others, or to entrust the respective instances to nominate such persons which are to be approved by it. The Parliament issues Decisions, which are obligatory for the Lawmaking Office and recommendatory for the other instances, but can require preparation of laws, which are to make them obligatory also for these instances.
     (8) The Parliament can change the structure of the ruling bodies of the country, as well also to cease or invalidate some decisions of the Government or of the President, using voting with qualified majority. It can change the President or the Vice President after double voting with qualified majority in favour of this change, done in interval of not less than one, and no more than two weeks. The Parliament can execute also supreme appellative functions in especially important state matters after going through the other instances. It can withdraw or restrict the rights of each other body, but has no rights to restrict its own rights, even after voting with qualified majority.
     (9) The Parliament maintains the public relations through the official Media, which are under its authority, but by virtue of Art.6 can exist also other bodies for information to the political powers or to other organizations and persons. In addition to this it is obliged to maintain also direct contacts with the masses, where each RP must meet at least once in a month with different parts of population, districts, and working collectives, as also to have official reception hours at least four hours weekly. RP are people from the population and they must in all possible ways confirm this.
     (10) The Parliament has at its direct subordination various departments and groups, chosen by it during its mandate, and in particular: Constitutional Court, which functions include examining of the consistency of the laws with the Constitution; Appellative Court, which deals with appeals of serious criminal acts as highest instance; Security Department, and others, which consist of professionals and are chosen at the proposal of the corresponding instances, but are approved by it.
      Article 15. Structure and functioning of the Lawmaking Office.
     (1) The Lawmaking Office consists of one to three Lawmaking Cambers, in which enter by 11 persons of given political power. These are the first three political parties (if there are so many) according to the ordering of party sympathies in the Parliament. Their staff is chosen by the ruling bodies of the corresponding political powers by proposed by them procedure, but between qualified jurists with at least 10 years experience in the field of justice. Each Chamber chooses a Chairman, who governs and organizes its work. By necessity of additional manpower to each of them can be appointed the required number of external collaborators, or to be used the help of particular departments and agencies. The Chambers are arranged by seniority, which is actualized each 6 months according to the voting for political sympathies in the Parliament, as a result of what their order can be changed, as well also the staff of some of them, and if the latter happens then is allowed temporary existence up to three months of fourth Chamber, too, built out of the old and left parties, which purpose is to forward the draft laws, on which they have worked, in completed form, but which has no rights at all. By elaborating of the laws the Chambers either work together, or each draft law prepared by one of them has to be approved also by the left ones. When persistent disagreements happen is proposed alternative variant also by the Chamber, which does not agree with the initial law variant.
     (2) The Lawmaking Office is politicized body, but it consists of competent professionals. In its work there are no public debates and unnecessary populism, and must reign spirit of creative and conscientious activity. Criterion for its proper functioning must be not the big number of draft laws, but the negligible number returned by the Parliament ones, as also the small number of amendments and supplements to the existing laws.
     (3) Each draft law after discussions in all of the Chambers is given to the President for opinion, who has twice right of veto on it. He (she) must give an answer in two weeks time, where: either approves it explicitly and eventually makes the needed recommendations and directives, or rejects it explicitly, or gives no answer till the end of the term, what is taken as sign of acceptance. Thereafter the draft law is given to the Parliament for discussions and final approval, where it can be return unlimited number of times.
      Article 16. Structure and functioning of the Government.
     (1) The Government consists of the respective number of Ministries, in accordance with the decision of the Parliament, but not less than 6 and not more than 12 in number. Its structure is proposed by the first three political powers according to the quotas of the Parliament in establishing of its political sympathies, is accepted together by these parties, and is approved finally by the Parliament. Head of the Government is the Prime Minister, who is chosen as a rule from the leading party, though this is not obligatory requirement. The decisions of the Government take effect after their approval and remain so unless subsequently become ceased with decision of the Parliament. The Parliament has the right to require and impose changes in the administration of each Ministry, also of the Prime Minister, at any time, even to the detriment of political quotas.
     (2) If under special circumstances, according to Art. 17.(3), the President declares state of emergency the whole Government goes to direct subordination of the President, who can lose this his power by lifting of the martial law, or if he will be changed by the Parliament, according to the procedure in Art. 14.(8).
      Article 17. Structure and functioning of the Presidency.
     (1) The Presidency consists of the Presidential Office and that of the Vice President, as also of auxiliary departments. These persons are chosen by the Parliament, according to Art. 23, where the Vice President is deputy of the President in his absence, or how the President ordered, if he (or she) defines for him some specific functions. In addition to this exists also reserved Candidate President, who does not enter in office if this does not become necessary. In case of occurring of permanent incapacity only for the President to perform further his duties, or his term expires and is not renewed, or he is changed by the Parliament, according to Art. 14.(8), the Vice President becomes President, and the Candidate President enters in the post of the Vice President. If such situation happens only with the Vice President, then the Candidate President also takes his place, and if this happens with the both, then the Candidate President becomes President for up to six months, during which time the Parliament must held new elections for President. Their mandates begin normally to run 6 months after the beginning of the mandate of Parliament and continue for three years, after which time the Parliament has to take decision about their prolongation for period of 6 months after the running out of Parliamentary mandate (or two years more). The President and Vice President have diplomatic immunity.
     (2) The Presidency represents individual central power, but in peacetime it is not absolute, it is mainly consolidating and representative for the country. The rights of the President are established with the necessary law, but the Parliament has the right to cease each of his decisions after voting with qualified majority according to Art. 14.(8). The President performs also the functions of Commander in chief of the Armed Forces and takes the sole responsibility for fast and pressing questions related with the security and integrity of the country.
     (3) The President has the right at his discretion and in case of necessity to declare state of emergency, in which situation he becomes head of the executive power. If till two weeks after the declaring of emergency state the President does not revoke it, or the Parliament does not cease his decision, he turns into sole Dictator for a period of six months, where if his mandate flows out before this time, it is prolonged till the end of the emergency state. The Dictator exercises the supreme power in the country issuing Decrees, which have temporary superiority over the existing legislation if they contradict with it, with the single exception of the Constitution. The only superiority of the Parliament in long lasting state of emergency is its right to change the President after double voting with qualified majority, according to Art. 14.(8). The changing of the Dictator, if this becomes necessary, does not reject the emergency state and can′t be executed until the Parliament proposes this time three other persons chosen according to Art. 23.(2)., who are to govern the country till the running out of the 6 months term, taking joint decisions with majority. During this time they can use the Vice President (if he is not one of them) at their discretion. After the running out of emergency state the President, whoever he is, resumes his usual rights, and can prolong this state unlimited number of times (until the end of his mandate) under the same conditions.
      Article 18. Structure and functioning of the Municipals.
     (1) The Municipal Councils are built by settlements and are regional and district. The principle of their functioning is similar to that of the Lawmaking Office, where they consist of one to three party Sections, according to the voting for political sympathies in the Parliament, having by 5 persons on a level of region, and by 7 persons — for a districts (this being wider than the former), where the ruling bodies of each political power chooses its members in them. Each Section chooses its Chairman and Vice Chairman. The work of the Sections is guided by the Ruling Section, enlarged by the Chairmen of the other Sections, what is called Ruling Body. This Body usually (but not necessarily) chooses shortened Coordination Council, consisting of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Ruling Section plus the Chairmen of the other (up to two) Sections, which Council distributes the work between the Sections, where they can work also together on some, or on all, questions; by serious disagreements in the Coordination Council is called the Ruling Body. If the Sections work separately is required common decision of all Sections, otherwise it has no legal force.
     (2) By six months, in accordance with the changing of political orientation of the Parliament, can be changed the staff and the order of these Sections, if this becomes necessary. In such case is allowed temporary existence till three months of a fourth Section from the old and left the ruling Sections, which has no rights and is necessary in order to hand the themes, on which they have worked, in finished state.
      Article 19. Structure and functioning of the judicial power.
     (1) The Courts and Prosecution consist of professionals, proposed according to settled by them normative acts, where their ruling bodies are approved by the Parliament. The Courts defend the laws, and the Prosecution Offices — the interests of the people. We distinguish the following judicial levels in ascending hierarchy.
     1. Zero, or pre-trial, level — the corresponding offices to the Municipal Councils, where also work jurists, who must filter the lighter offences and conduct the necessary official acts, such as: marriages and divorces (without guilt), paying of fines, small financial violations, hooligan acts, and others. Each lawsuit can go first through this level, though this is not obligatory. The decisions here are taken individually by the corresponding officers and enter into force, if there are no objections by the parties, or are passed to the next instance by judgement of the officer, or decision is not achieved and each of the parties can alone appeal to the judicial instances.
     2. Primary or local judicial instance, what is a lawsuit. It, as also the other levels, must be held before a panel of judges, usually of one Judge, but there can be up to three in more serious cases, and jury of Court Assessors, which consists of three persons in this case. The judge asks questions, makes summaries and conclusions, and formulates the points of accusation; the jury has also rights to question each of the parties and to require proofs and expertises, and at the end decides, after meeting behind closed doors, about the guilt on every point with usual majority; after this the judge pronounces the sentence in accordance with the laws. Lawyers and other supporters of any of the parties are not allowed in the courtroom, except by physical defects impeding the normal conversation with the persons. When a given party is legal person in the court appears its employee who works for it and has the right to represent it; in this sense, when a party in the suit is the Prosecution, appears some of its officer, who usually has legal education. Each party can use legal and other consultants, as also have previously prepared speeches and other materials, but before the court presents its positions alone and in its own words. Every verdict can be appealed in higher court.
     3. Secondary, or district, law level, what is also a lawsuit, to which can be reached after appealing of decision of the lower court. The procedure is similar to this described in the previous point, where this time the jury consists of five Court Assessors. These decisions, too, can be appealed in the next higher court.
     4. Tertiary, or national, judicial instance, where everything is similar to the previous point, and the jury now consists of 7 persons. This is the last instance, as a rule, except by especially serious crimes and such affecting the interests of the state, which can be considered also in the Parliament, if it finds this necessary.
     5. The supreme instance also for lawsuits is the Parliament, where the decisions are taken by a jury of 11 RP, or even of the whole Parliament, if the question requires this.
     (2) The Court Assessors for all instances are chosen amidst the masses of population by procedure similar to the described in Art. 22 for choice of RP. They also must be aged at least 30 finished and less than 60 finished years to the date of assumption of office. These are persons, who must apply their human criteria for good or bad, and it is not necessary at all for them to be professionals. For each judicial level (points 2, 3, and 4 of the previous paragraph) are chosen the necessary number of Court Assessors according to the laws, and there can always be chosen more when needed. They are chosen for a term of 6 months, use official leave from the post where they work, and must be in disposition each court day not knowing to the last moment which one of them to which suit will be appointed (if is not overloaded with postpones suits). For this activity they receive the corresponding payment, but have no rights to receive whatever other sums or donations, and for a period of three to five years after this must be under financial surveillance in order to detect possible illicit ways for taking of personal benefits. They can at any time refuse with a notice from this choice, paying to the state fine in amount of 1/2 to one MMS.
     (3) The traditional for some countries lawyers have no place in the courtrooms in our society, because against payment may be proved whatever lie, and the goal of the suit is to be discovered the such one, which is maximally close to the truth. During the lawsuit the right of everybody by Art.6 is limited only to the right to self-deceive oneself, but not to deliberately lie in the courtroom. As long as the expenses for the suit are not related with the guilt of whatever party and lead to interest for the judicial authorities to have more unnecessary litigations, they must be covered by the state, and to be allowed paying only of small fines, if the suit will be recognized as unduly initiated.
     (4) The tendency in legal proceedings is to gradual shifting of the human, especially of the joined in some professional groups persons, out of the taking of decision, and their step by step substitution with computerized systems, where this is possible. The decision is partially taken already in the moment of making and adopting of the laws, and the functions of judicial authorities are essentially of interpreters and dispatchers. The Judges for centuries do not judge according to their views, but according to the Public Reason, fixed via the laws, and using the opinion of the common person in classification of the situation. The role of Court Assessors is honorable and everybody should be glad if will have the possibility to exercise it, because this makes him part of the Public Reason.
      Article 20. Organization and functions of the Police and the Army.
     (1) The Police is instance for maintaining of the internal order and for exercising of the necessary compulsion over the personality in the interest of the Public Reason. It is built out of professionals and without politicization in it, what is settled with the corresponding law.
     (2) The Army is structure for rapid response in the country by various natural disasters, as also for defending of its foreign interests. Its building is regulated with the corresponding law on professional basis.
      Article 21. Organization and functions of the official Media.
     (1) The official Media serve for propaganda of the public truths and are governed by the Parliament. Other media can also exist and defend their interests. In state of emergency and in presence of Dictator, though, the other media are placed under his control and censorship.

           III. Elections Of The Parliament And The President

      Article 22. Election of the Parliament.
     (1) The Parliament is elected openly and democratically, what says that everybody can watch this procedure, as well also that everyone can be elected in it. The restrictions for age are entirely natural, in order to find the middle of the grown individual, when he has already relatively well settled live views on many questions of public interest, and has still not lost his adaptive abilities for wholesome life. The choice is arbitrary and with equal probability, what means that in the Parliament will be represented proportionally to the whole population all social groups, regardless whether by material, or sexual, or educational, or professional, and other criteria, although this can not be established with ideal precision. This Parliament is one representative sample of the population, and the wider the group is the more exactly it will be represented, where only for very narrow groups can occur some errors, but as far as every RP belongs to several groups this is not important. It is not politicized and this is essential, because each party is unavoidably partial. The participating in the Parliament is a great happiness for every chosen person.
     (2) In order to maintain some continuity in the Parliament, needed in every activity, by the below explained procedure are chosen only 3/4 of the RP, where 1/4 remain in the new Parliament, for to pass their experience to the new RP. The persons are chosen according to some unique code, where we use the so called unique citizens number (UCN), and are drawn in succession the separate parts of the whole number, namely: the year of birth; the month of birth; the day of birth; and the number establishing the uniqueness of the person born on this day, which by UCN consists of four digits. As long as for each drawing is convenient in the sphere to have from 20 to about 40 numbers, then for the years (which according to the Art. 14.(1) are 30) and the days of the month is used by one ball for each number, by the drawing of the months are stored by three balls for each of the numbers from 1 to 12, where by the drawing of the last group of numbers is drawn each their digit using tripled number of balls from 0 to 9; in addition to this is preferable these numbers to be loaded in different spheres and to be performed simultaneous drawing, with a view to exclude the possibility for whatever faking of the elections. When is drawn such combination to which does not correspond real person (for example, born on 30th February) it is annulled and the choice is repeated (possibly only for the ineligible part of the UCN). In this way are chosen also 10 additional persons, where by lessening later of their number below three, because of refusing of some RP to execute their duties or for other natural reasons, is performed additional partial election when needed. In this way each possibility for faking of the elections is excluded and is guaranteed one really representative sample from the population. The exact procedure is established by a law.
     (3) These elections take place in the very Parliament on the penultimate month of its mandate, where first is drawn a lot for this who of the RPs will remain in the new Parliament. This is performed via initial ordering of all RPs, say, by the UCN, for binding of the person to some number, and simultaneous drawing without returning in two spheres of two groups of numbers from one to their total number, where the first number is that of the person, and the second is taken for sequential number in the new ordering of the persons, the first 25 of whom remain in the new Parliament. Similar procedure can be applied in all cases when the Parliament wants to choose some subgroup of itself for forming of working groups or commissions.
      Article 23. Election of the President.
     (1) The election of the President, Vice President, and Candidate President is performed in the Parliament during the first six months of its mandate, in which time the old President continues to exercise his duties because of shifting in their mandates, but this is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of power. The Parliament collects all propositions of the political powers for President and becomes acquainted with their platforms. Then it conducts a series of votes with ordinary majority only "for", where each RP can vote for how many candidates he wants. This is done in order to sieve out those persons for whom there are fewest votes, where in each next voting their number is diminished with about 1/5 but at least with one person, until the number of five persons is reached. After this is performed second stage of voting, also only "for", but this time each RP must vote only for one of them, where is written their ordering and the number of votes for each one. This is done continuously until is reached such ordering where: either the first has more than 1/2 of the votes, ore the next after him has at least with 10% less votes than the votes of the first. Then from the left four candidates is chosen Vice President by the same procedure; after what from the left three is chosen Candidate President by the same procedure. The choice on the first stage may be done before the eyes of pubic, but this second stage is preferably to be performed by closed doors.
     (2) In case of declared long lasting state of emergency (of 6 months) and intervention on the part of the Parliament for changing of the President the Parliament must perform fast election of three persons (called Triumvirs), ruling together via common decisions taken with voting with ordinary majority. The procedure of election in this case is similar to the described in the previous paragraph with this difference that after reaching of the number five is voted until the fourth candidate collects at least with 10% less votes than the third and then the first three persons at once become Triumvirs and their votes are equal, unless they decide to give some rights only to the first of them according to this choice. The triumvirate exists only to the end of the emergency state after what the Presidential power continues as by normal situation, which allows continuation of the state of emergency (and, possibly, new intervention of the Parliament and new triumvirate).
      Article 24. Referendums and consultations with the masses.
     (1) The Parliament, as also the President, has the right to conduct different consultation with the masses, or with some excerpt of them, where for this purpose they organize and conduct elections with voting with bulletins, though easier, more effectively, and faster such elections can be performed also via some phone cards or via appearance in person on the appropriate places in interval of two to four weeks, and not necessarily in one day. The results of these referendums are not obligatory in taking of the decisions, but is supposed that if the corresponding instances will not apply them in practice they will not conduct them, so that is right if they are confirmed with corresponding decisions. For example, The Parliament, instead of carrying of its voting for political sympathies in the beginning of its mandate, could have performed also elections for ruling party, the results of which to be taken for its political attachment, what will have its impact over the choice of the Lawmaking Office, the Government, as also of the Municipals. This is a good way of action in the beginning, but to be applied each six months is inappropriate, and the current actualization of political affinity of the Parliament is necessary, in view of the peacefulness in the country and the good functioning of the official authorities. In particular, the Parliament has the right to effectuate also referendum about its changing or ceasing of its mandate, according to Art. 14.(1), though this should not be needed due to its apolitical choice.

           IV. Conclusive Directions

      Article 25. The Lawmaking Office is obligated to make the necessary laws and pass them to the Parliament for adoption if possible to the running out of the mandate of the first Parliament with this Constitution, such as: Law for the Rights and Obligations of the Person, Law for the Media and the Means for Mass Delusion, Law for the Organizations for Expression of Partial Meanings, Law for the Exploitation of the Human, Law for the Organizations for Gaining of Personal Benefits, Law for the creative and Routine Labour, Law for the Bodies for Compulsion, Law for the Army and the Powers for Rapid Response, Law for the Courts and Prosecution, Law for the Working of the Government, Law for the Prolongation of the Gender, Law for the Elections in the State, Law for the Health and the Moderate Wearing of the Human Body, Law for the Environment, Law for the Personal and the Used for Exploitation Property, Law for the Education and the Localization of the Knowledge, and others. Till elaborating of these laws are to be applied the old regulations, when this does not contradict to the Constitution, or else to be postponed the decision of disputes until the adoption of the new laws.
      Article 26. This Constitution comes into power from the first of January of the year following its publication. Every citizen of the country must strive to be pervaded by its spirit in the interest of public harmony. It must be taught in educational establishments and brought to the attention of each individual. All crises in human society are result of deficiencies in the ruling and under better organization could have been avoided. This Constitution is an example for good organization.

     Approved by the Constitutive Parliament of New Cynicland.

     dd.mm.yyyy, Cynictown

           — — — — —

          END OF THE BOOK


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